Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.) says that in his conversations with his Republican colleagues last night "a couple of them broke down in tears … saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment." Aired on 1/13/2021.
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#JasonCrow #Impeachment #MSNBC
Rep. Crow: Majority Of Republicans 'Paralyzed With Fear' To Vote For Impeachment | MTP Daily | MSNBC
you want to be afraid or a complicit? Not so difficult choice
@Steven Fry
Yes, that’s true. We would t be in this mess if republicans had put country before party.
@MariaSonia Moreno
Patriots are defending the constitution. Trump attacked the constitution.
@Christine King
You’re right, republicans created that mess, and now they’re scared but it’s the result of their actions.
@Christine King
@BlueRidge Buddy
The patriots have been fighting against trump since day one. But what about the republicans who enabled and encouraged trump? That’s the question here.
Fear they will lose their funding, what a cowardly bunch they are.
What you gonna do about it, Yank?
@Rob_RP aAAAAA3qqq3q3q3qqw4q3q3qqeqq3cxqqqààSFFBNN,-‘BBBV CV NAA, ,,,, 9
C`mon man, you can`t blame them. I was once paralyzed with fear when my wife told me that no more pocket money for me!
They are fearing death from the constituents they jigged up
7 days until the trailer trash is removed from the white house.
Sure will have all the trash out of the capital soon, lot of corrupt politicians to get rid of. all democrats and some republicans.
taken out the damned trash…
@Ken Grassa
troll, 60 comments on 4 day old account
@Shelia Waymon Trailer Dumper Trash
@Billy Jackson ok, Red.
They helped create this mob of monsters and now they’re going to be destroyed by their own creation.
Yes, they turned a blind eye to trump’s misdeeds all along.
@EJ yup. In the 80’s I was the girlfriend of one of his credit managers. In 1994 for I hyphenated my last name with Brand on my California license knowing how disgusting Trump was and his. A narcissist who thought he was the Brand King. I took it off after 2 years. 8 was born March 11 in Bethlehem 5 decades ago. God made me prescient.
People on MSNBC seem to have forgotten the “Summer of Love” that took over Portland, burned the West Coast forest, along with many cities. Cable TV does that to you. Seems to me the PANIC lies fully with the corrupt Establishment. So panicked they are trying to impeach a president that has 7 days left in office. PanicInDC is real.
It’s called reaping what you sow. Your fault for putting partisanship ahead of Truth during the first impeachment trial.
Well put
Fear to vote??? How about charges of sedition and or involved in insurrection. Would they fear that???
Trump INVOKED that at the CAPITAL when congress was begging for help when Antifa broke in. surprise, surprise, suprise…
i don;t get why they donn’t just hire more body guards and get back to work
@Andra Book They cant get enough body GUARDS if the American people wanted them we would have them, do not got enough solders or time to get China here to help them. when they try the door to door like Catrina?… better watch your backs. we are not all little old lady’s in a corner you cowards.
Got that one right!!!
Than they need to resign immediately!
Nobodies going to resign. Thees traitors were payed to do a job (by the Russians) and they did it.
@Jholy Librera You sound delusional.
They are following the constitution, if the go along they get the firing squad too. insurrection and treason is a shoot able offence!.
Yet@Billy Jackson hasn’t turned himself in or used violence to stop his own conspiratorial comments
Not sure he understands his news network doesn’t hold legal authority to label treason.
@Random Internet User I know the constitution ex military, Biden’s going to Gitmo then firing squad.
There’s a thug who rules the WH. Republicans stand up and get him out.
Lock him up
The rest of the world can see this. Why can’t The States?
Sending you good thoughts from England and know that the rest of the world is watching. We all want him gone!
Yes, the republicans should do the right thing, but they will not. They will stand by Trump until the bitter end, even though they know what a lunatic he is.
The GOP needs to collectively grow spines. Jeez they are not kids! Stand up to the bully. Show some backbone and some integrity.
Imbecile Trump is NOT a thug – he is a pathetic LOSER, its impossible to be frightened of him.
those in the GOP that are holding this up are also insurrectionists and should be removed immediately or sooner.
Fear of speaking the truth and acknowledging reality!
Cowardice and lies over integrity and honor. There’s no human lower than these individuals.
@billycarson there are 630 billionaires in the US and they are definitely not the only people supporting Trump still, did the people that broke into the Capitol look like billionaires to you? There are two types of republicans, rich republicans and religious/racists/uneducated republicans, I put all 3 of them in the same group because it seems like most in the latter group check of at least 2 of those descriptions.
And we see the gop are mainly cowards. Afraid to tell the truth because they don’t want to lose their pretend high ground admitting mistakes.
@Mutinous Machines Agree – I got the 30 from Yahoo finance – but there are many more supporting Trump & the children who I still believe 2 of them still have now Top Level Security Clearance by Trump. What was at the Capitol building – I believe were many religious fanatics out of over 70 million people who voted for the pathological liar & con artist with their costumes, etc. who were taught just to use God & humans for their own end. I am glad Trump the con artist did not hold the bible up in his hand again like before when he was talking to them at the rally near the Capitol building because it would have been much worse like destroying the paintings on the walls & destroying the rooms, etc. You know – saying he will be there with you because you will never take back our country with weakness you have to show strength – but where was he at the Capitol building or in it- anyone here see him there? I was told he just went back to the car most likely watching the riot take place in the building on YouTube etc. I was hoping to see Trump with the children, Kevin McCarthy, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, VP Mike Pence, etc. lead the charge up the steps of the Capitol building for the religious fanatics, racists, uneducated, etc. Republican voters.
Cowardice is grounds for removal! They should be impeached for Cowardice!
All cowards
That’s what the Republican’s get for supporting Trump & his children – most of them including Ted Cruz, VP Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, etc. should have jumped ship a long time ago with the Mueller Report because there was NO COUNTERINTELLIGENCE REPORT on Trump in the White House by Mueller. “Billions Spent on U.S. Defenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack.” I believe everything was given to Russia (big financial friend of Trump, his Children, other Wealthy Republicans, etc.) by Trump & his Court from help also through connections with big Private USA Companies in order to do the Hacking. He is also a pathological liar & con artist even with COVID-19. The only people who still support Trump are the USA 30 billionaires & himself with the children who got the big Tax cuts, etc
tis that
oh wow
Fire them!!!
They are afraid to protect the Constitution? Afraid to uphold their oath?
@Louis Gunn please proceed now
@Drake Fire look a the supreme Court docket. it’s there if you know what you’re looking for.
@Louis Gunn No, reality is easily discernible. You’re a sucker.
@Louis Gunn Then show it.
Oh, right. I forget. Like Karen’s and their “proof”, it doesn’t exist.
@J C. oh, things are heating up.
The tail should not be wagging the dog here kids. You chose to lead, do your job!!!!
If they’re afraid they should resign. This is a joke.
@Trap Daddy Trump can’t run when he’s impeached.
@Jholy Libreralol keep taking the meth I’m sure its helping
@Trap Daddy he was impeached. You don’t know much do you?
Should be afraid, trying to burn our CONSTITUTION, we are tired of you threatening to disarm us you are NOT!. 170,000,000 armed citizens in this country, the military will not help you disarm the American people…we know what comes next with despots like you. narcissist’s
Strength in numbers — they should stop caving into the mafia boss Trump.
And they were all part of KKK
You forgot the useless sons tad and chad
They were also all crooks.
Fun fact: He never in a million years thought that Jeffie case was going to come back and bite him in the butt when that NPA was signed in 2007. But then, a couple of steadfast attorneys finally got that dreadful thing overturned.
Black leaders have lead valiantly in the face of fear now the simpering GOP are afraid? Disgusting. They need to quit.
Well said.
Simmering is the exact language for those cowards.

They will be the next to goooooooo
Sheri M: Two words: John Lewis. Absolutely. Imagine if he could be there today.
They had alot good white folks along side them too though dont forget
No leader in history has been paralyzed by fear. They were not leaders.
That’s what the Republican’s get for supporting Trump & his children – most of them including Ted Cruz, VP Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, etc. should have jumped ship a long time ago with the Mueller Report because there was NO COUNTERINTELLIGENCE REPORT on Trump in the White House by Mueller. “Billions Spent on U.S. Defenses Failed to Detect Giant Russian Hack.” I believe everything was given to Russia (big financial friend of Trump, his Children, other Wealthy Republicans, etc.) by Trump & his Court from help also through connections with big Private USA Companies in order to do the Hacking. He is also a pathological liar & con artist even with COVID-19. The only people who still support Trump are the USA 30 billionaires with himself & the children who got the big Tax cuts, etc.
Ytis that
oh wow
@Senica S
It really is!
Well said
Too bad they are scared. They should have stood up to him years ago. Instead they enabled him. Since they didn’t show courage against the snake before, you get snake bit.
If they can’t handle the job, they should resign.
Never voting for ANY unamerican republican as long as i live
@JOSE Morass you meant to say civil war against traitor Trump and the domestic terrorists led by Trump. Wait, you are Jose, it is soooo funny to see you support Trump who call Latinos criminals and rapists… Wow. You must be a moron.
Anyone who doesn’t like the results should leave, go to another country.
They’re too afraid to resign. Fear wins, we all lose.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke