Congressman Gerry Connolly says it’s obvious why the Trump Administration is seeking to weaken the Postal Service: “We know from President Trump’s own lips that he believes voting by mail will hurt him and Republicans. He was explicit about that.” Aired on 08/10/2020.
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Rep. Connolly: Trump 'Explicit' In Admission That Mail-In Voting Is Risk To His Re-Election | MSNBC
@Cliff Medina please go back to your bunker. I’d like to know why you bots have flags in your profile. You are the epitome UNAMERICAN
@Xela somar
I can’t, it is a Republican in the state I moved to and an a.. kissing one. Big time. So use the web.
@Michael Sadach It’s ok. Just pick a democrats name and write anyway. Also if you can volunteer at a polling place…. if not please just copy my posts and pass it around. We need people.
@Cliff Medina BREAKING NEWS: Polling shows that the only poll friendly to Trump is Putin’s pole.
exactly !!
Daily Reminder: Trump called Covid-19 a Democrat hoax that would “miraculously” disappear.

Maybe Trump will miraculously disappear in November? Or maybe he will be with us forever
@Wolfgang K

I call it covid-45. He’s let hundreds of thousands of ppl die bc he called it a hoax made up by rhe dems from the very begining & his followers believe him, no matter what the scientists say.
@M. Duquette The only way Trump supporters will learn that Covid is real is when it affects them personally and its sad
Trump will do anything and everything to win. Despicable!
Trump said the election could be tied up in litigation for years – a strategy he’s used all his life.
He hasn’t suggested any solutions to the “problems” with mail-in voting. It’s absurd to want school open now, but say it’s too unsafe to vote in November.
He asked Russia, China, and Ukraine to help him win, even by investigating Americans. He said taking foreign government help is okay. (It’s illegal). He says it’s “oppo research” (when HE does it. When opponents do legal oppo research on him, he calls it treason).
It’s likely Russia will attack the election. Obama prepared for a cyber attack on election day. I’m pretty sure Trump hasn’t, and Putin knows it.
In 2012, Trump said Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected. Apparently, Trump thinks that could work. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did that.
Turnout favors Democrats. Trump knows that. 50% of voters say they wouldn’t vote for him under ANY circumstances. He’s never reached across the aisle, and never had a day with over 50% approval. He considers everyone who didn’t vote for him an enemy. He HAS to cheat to win, and he’s given every reason to think he will.
CALL and/or Write your representatives to act. The Post Master General, chumps toadie, should be dragged in front of congress. We have less than 3 months to fix this!
@Ngawati marupohill
Last time I heard a lot of people saying ” how bad could it be , give him a chance. .”
@J Groovy
Thank goodness for our constitution.
Even if it is tied up in litigation for years, the constitution is clear.
Jan. 20, 2021 would be his last day in office. Same for pence.
Speaker of the House is next in line until the litigation is resolved.
@J Groovy He can litigate all he wants. It won’t keep him from being dragged out of the White House when it’s time to empty the garbage.
Because Trump knows that Putin cannot manipulate the post office,its mail in person ballots.
@Xela somar I wonder if people could even volunteer at USPS? May sound crazy, because it is a government job and has requirements and so forth, but nonetheless, I would not rule it out. There may be a way. The point is that for those of us who are determined to not be suppressed, to not be excluded, and who actually are willing to do our part to help make change, we will always find a way.
@Cheryl Pounds Would be interesting to find out. I’ll research and post my findings.
Trump has put his buddy in as postmaster general. He has already obstructed the election. Do not use the post office for your ballot. Mail it in via FedEx or UPS.
I wonder how many of these Trump lackeys realize they will only be employed for another couple months. They have to realize that they will never work again after helping the loser in the white house.
He’s certainly trying to rig the system
Cheating is still considered winning to the orange unconscionable conman. That’s how amoral he is.
History is written by the WINNERS – Bill Barr
Something smells rotten in Denmark.
Sadly, it’s also considered winning by his brain dead constituents. They don’t even realize or care that he gave HIMSELF a tax break today as we got a reduction in emergency funding.

Trump, who fantasies about being dictator, doesn’t believe you should have the right to vote, that is unless you’re voting for him. And that’s not an exaggeration, he actually believes that.
When Chinese President Xi Jinping changed the country’s constitution to allow him to stay in power indefinitely. Trump said it was a good idea, and dreams of doing the same thing.
In remarks at Mar-a-Lago, delivered inside the ballroom during a lunch and fundraiser, Trump praised the Chinese president’s power grab, and said he wouldn’t mind trying it himself.
Trump: “He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.”
@Rick Ray lol…and he owes China….Russia….well all of us….reimbursement for golf games….etc
You know how Homer Simpson dreams of donuts? Well that’s Trump dreaming about being President for life PLUS having his face on Mt Rushmore.
@Rick Ray investigations into wrongful acts would not effect the president’s role as a leader. The results of his leadership however tell a different story. In a time span of six months more death under his watch than any in history, sadly it’s not finished. He cannot claim he has done more for American jobs with the record unemployment and disparities under his watch, no one else’s, his.
@Howard Smith face on Mount Rushmore with a donut
That’s NOT what America is about!! Cheating and disrupting the mail service!!
@Rick Ray

Says the troll whose YouTube account is ONLY 17 HOURS OLD.
You’re overpaid and being watched.
@Cliff Medina
Hey, I may not agree with you but at least you’re an AMERICAN.
Unlike the Russian paid troll.
I love the bottom-feeding #TrumpTrolls spouting ignorant BS here. Endless entertainment!
It’s also a felony
You would have to be a member of a cult to think that this is okay.
@Chris Houston …or use a drop box..
The democrats all think like ants, they’ll believe anything the fake “news” media tells them to believe, it is their cult’s propaganda wing! they have such control over their followers jim jones would be jealous
Getting the absentee / mail-in ballot and dropping it off in person is the best bet for both safety and certainty.
@Rick Ray zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

It’s called the GOP.
He is past the risk…he is fired and is disgustingly demented. Absolutely intentional chaos because he is losing. Corrupt and rigged action by the dumb orange one.
This is bigger than that guy in the white house.
Trump behaves like a dictator 1st US voted Fuhror Trump.
Dictator yes, but not officially the first authoritarian president in US history. We had others like Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
@TheAvengersRising well at least Nixon confessed and had the biggest balls to step down
Trump regime and his allies trying desperate measures to stay on power. No matter what tricks they pull, they will be kicked out.
Who knows? You?
Losing hope
…tRump and his fellow convicts are walking all over every American and they are just watching him. I think the country is screwed. He does some EVERYDAY….no one, I mean NO ONE holds him accountable. I mean wtf???
@Ivy B Democrats want to abolish the 1st and 2nd amendments and install authortarian socialism….. they also want to increase OUR taxes to send tributary “gifts” to their benefactors in china and iran!
Too Big To Rig. Putin can’t win him the election this time. Not after the all the damage we’ve seen him do to this country.
Also Trump wants to delay the election thinking that he will remain the president until further notice. No can do. He has to leave the White House on January 21, 2021@ 1159 because he was not re-elected as the US president
The new president can have him dragged out kicking and screaming like a little girl ( no offense young ladies)lol that would be so funny, ” YOU CAN’T I AM THE PRESIDENT LOL NOT ANY MORE “
@Michael Sadach Any man who must say, I am the king, is no true king. ~Tywin Lannister
As individual seems that Trump in loosing the election will loose more than his position. Deutsch Banks knows.
That’s right by hook or by crook!
@Michel Di Sclafani lose* and losing fyi
I forgot, how many millions he owes to Deutsch bank? That bank loan is coming up due soon!
Voting in general is a risk to Trump’s re-election.
Anderson Ha you have no idea how silly you sound
@YouRuse is A leftist org TRAITOR TRUMP IS DONE.
To a point that is true. He is trying to take away a person’s choice, induce fear, etc… I personally am not falling for it. Anyone who needs or wants to, I say do your own research. Voting by mail actually has been proven to have much less chances of being fraudulent and rigged. And during this pandemic is much safer for everyone. And if someone is actually trying to discourage that, it is for their own benefit. Because if someone was concerned about alleged fraud with voting by mail then take legal and legit measures to make it better (even though it is already fine), rather than lie to us and cut service and funding to USPS. Those actions right there alone just prove even more how much of a lie this is.
@YouRuse is A leftist org Um, no. What he wrote made perfect sense. Sorry you aren’t sentient and can’t comprehend it.
@Cheryl Pounds It proves that even he knows he’s losing.
he’s trying to steal the election he’s not making America great he is destroying America wake up Americans this guy wants to be a dictator do you want a king in office and if you do you should move to China Russia North Korea Cuba
Didn’t he say from the beginning “Make America Great Again”?, well it was great when we had Obama. But trump can’t hold a candle to him, at least not without both hands.
America has been great all this time until the bunker boy fake president in the White House
Dejoy was appointed to that position by tRump specifically to shut down and attempt to close the postal service. Not to make it better. #DumbDonforPrison2020
Thats how hes going to cheat people . His like a really dumb bond villain .
Lol oh u forgot one thing, a cheeto bond villain..who’s wig u cn Snatch! ;D
Yes, he’s like the bad guy on the old daytime soap operas.
Or maybe it is just another distraction from a much more comprehensive plan. Beware America! He may be a moron, but I am sure there are others around him who have brains that they can twist in any manner. Don’t take this lightly. STAY ALERT AMERICA!
Everyone knows what Trump is trying to do here. Think about it.
@Rick Ray go back to Fox…they miss you
@Rick Ray
You poor delusional fool.
He’s frantically flailing away try to avoid the long prison term he has coming.
@Rich Greene Jerk..
@Rick Ray Give us an example of voter fraud which we can check up on-I will be eagerly awaiting your reply but I guarantee that you will not find anything other than tiny fractions of a single percentage point to show as “evidence”
Does repeating what big people say make you feel less insignificant-or are you simply just as dishonest as trump himself?
I want to see this evidence-don’t disappoint or we will all conclude that you are a self-appointed stooge for an increasingly desperate, criminally inept LIAR.
Evidence-dig it up, show us or, failing that just shut up and go away.
People asking questions like we don’t know the answers already. He’s corrupt, wants to suppress votes.