Rep. Clyburn unveils key South Carolina endorsement

Rep. James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip and a key South Carolina voice, has endorsed Joe Biden as his pick for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. #CNN #News


    1. Dems haven’t committed their hearts to anyone yet. Only the young indoctrinated are screaming “Bernie” but that will never carry the election. Trump is winning. Start accepting and deal w/ it.

    2. @52 80 no Democrats who don’t care about who they have hasn’t picked yet. Centrist Democrats don’t care as long as it’s not Bernie. I am right on the bubble of boomers and I am still sick of voting for people that don’t give me what I want. Only taking what they allow me to have, no more. Your party hasn’t chose but a lot of us has and we are not settling for 2 ex Republicans or 2 billionaires who can care less about me. Also Bidens plan is to unite the parties which means him and Republicans hope to elect him so he can replace the Republican nightmare. Well that’s there problem. The rich Republicans are always getting what they want and those of us who make less than $60k-$70k stay broke paying 30% of our income in taxes or getting anything for our money but missiles and tax breaks for the rich. So yeah we have chosen it’s your fault if you haven’t!!!! Oh yeah I am not voting for anyone else so for me I am Bernie or bust!!!!

  1. This endorsement will help Biden in SC but nationwide this incredibly slow statement corroborates Biden’s image as an aging, if not senile man from the past.

    1. @max smart Trump is definitely not a racist however Bernie has admitted to being a Democratic SOCIALIST and STRONG supporter of LGBTQ 🌈

    2. @Kristi Marie yeah, also he is hiding his medical records. He just had a heart attack and I know he is on alot of meds

    3. max smart Bernie is for open borders, feminism, and LGBTQ. All of which is destructive to the black community. Steyer is for reparations. #NoBlackAgendaNoBlaxkVote

  2. IF the Bern wins by a long way , despite this. It would be a definitive moment in American history. Try to stay safe,or take a leap of faith. The PEOPLE will decide…

    1. @Cory Snyder our military is why most countries don’t have to spend a fortune on theirs because we will protect them if russia or china invade

    2. @Nick Bruce Oh bullshit. We police the globe because we’re imperialists. We have to make sure the petrodollar remains the reserve currency in the world.

    3. @Cory Snyder kinda STUPID aren’t you BOI??
      IF China closed shipping passages in the South China sea to other countries do think that would be a good thing?? IF Iran closed the strait of Hormuz??

    4. @Nick Bruce why does Venezuela and Cuba have to be the example that republicans always use. There are Nordic countries that use socialist policies with much less wealth than the u.s. and it works fine for them.

    5. @Nick Bruce yes because we ‘re bullies. We have attacked more than 23 countries in the last 70 years because the u.s. has always tried to control.everything. all the money wasted on unnecessary wars could have had a positive effect on our economy as well as health insurance and infrastruvture. And as far as going bankrupt when people estimate how much it would cost for universal healthcare do they also estimate how much we ‘re already spending on existing healthcare programs with out of control costs for inferior coverage high deductibles and copays and unaffordable medicine.

  3. Dramatic speech for just a simple endorsement, Biden’s going to need more than this to beat Bernie at this point#feelthebern

    1. I’ll tell you one thing I hope happens I hope Bernie loses so that you foreigners can know how important black people are in America

    1. @Thomas Brown So Bernie promotes the choice to go to college….the choice of getting healthcare without accumulated debt…the elimination of current school debt…the choice of using childcare…etc…is that what you mean by government controlled? 🤔 PLEASE KILL THE NOISE save your so called views for people that dont know better🖕

    2. @KILLAWATTS 804 first off Bernie’s only past 3 bills in 40 years of being a politician never owned a business never had an employee never really created anything of significance that’s number one so I don’t expect much production from Bernie in the first place as president. But the point I’m trying to get across to you is that you probably hate the government you probably think the government is corrupt and they don’t do anything good for the people in the first place why would you want to give government the power over College Healthcare child care or anything else if you were exposed to more information than the nonsense and false promises you listen to you would understand freedom is the only way you want less government and more freedom to allow you the opportunity to grow government kills the individual’s chances of growth they bring in regulation and rules and they make everything very hard and it’s going to be no different so-called free healthcare free college free student debt free childcare that comes with unbelievable amounts of rules and regulations that you’re going to hate but by the time you know about them it’s going to be too late.

    3. When all Blacks wake up and stop voting Democrat things will truly change the way they want them to, these are the same people who have been holding you down since the first slaves were brought here. To them you’re nothing more than a vote and they hold you down and tell you they’re the only ones trying to help you up.

    1. SteelersPenguinsPirates
      Cumrade you kinda have to not be a russian GOLUBOI to vote there little Chubakov 😂👋🏻😂

  4. So so soooo damned funny that CNN cut him off and he still hadn’t reached the clear point as to why he endorsed Biden! 😂👍

    1. Anthony Sanchez …. That’s because it’s to try to stop Bernie. They’re clutching their wallets in horror 😂🤣😂🤣😂.

    2. If Bernie Is The Nominee We Might As Well Tell Trump To Plan His 2nd Imagination Bernie Will Lose Just Like Hillary Joe Biden Is The Best Match-up. All The Polls Say It

    3. JIMMY DAVIS Joe Biden didn’t convince Iowa, NH, or Nevada to vote for him. So how can he encourage a whole country to do so? Let’s get real. You can’t say he can beat Trump if the public isn’t behind him. Look at his numbers in the polls.

    4. ​@OUR WAY TV Sanders is only winning with a small percentage of the Democratic Party, almost completely with young white liberals. It’s a completely different matter to win a general election.

  5. This 1960’s old dog became wealthy by presenting himself as a compassionate liberal. His endorsement means nothing for the black community other than the ol same ol same.

    1. I agree. This bootlicker hasn’t done anything for black people in who knows how long. He’s a rich man hanging out with white people all day long

    2. You Bernie supporters are despicable. Stop spreading lies about this good man. You can look up his net worth, estimated less than 500 grand. How is that wealthy at his age, especially when compared to your messiah Bernie who has a net worth of 2.5 million. You obviously don’t know squat about him or the black community. All you’re doing is causing people like me to work against Bernie even more than ever. I am against Trump, but Sanders may be just as dangerous if his supporters are any indication

    3. @TheTruthiest Thank you. that is exactly what I have been saying. The Bernie supporters are just as bad as Donald Trump supporters. It is my way or the highway and although I am a liberal democrat, I cannot bring myself to vote for somebody who is being supported by these kind of people. their behaviour is just despicable. These should now show all the reasonable democrats out there that we cannot allow these kind of people to represent the party. A vote for Bernie is for militancy and cultism.

    1. @Shay Robin not paying for everyone including illegals to have free health care, not paying for everyone to go to college, not paying for the murder of unborn babies, nope not yet and hopefully not ever.

    2. Jam Who so in other words you only want to pay for endless wars, billionaires yachts, mansions, unregulated income for them, have Israel dictate foreign policy and receive 3 billion in aid each year since the sixties ect ect, and in the meanwhile the average American is living paycheck to paycheck, hoping not to get stricken by a fatal illness that will drive them to the poor house, have military vets be homeless because there’s no money for them to return to a secure financing for them especially facing ptsd, have America import doctors, engineers, scientists, because America can’t afford to guarantee its citizens a quality education, ect ect, you in other words are anti America, you can’t see past your selfishness and don’t forget AI is on its way!

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