House Majority Whip, Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-SC, weighs in on any progress in the Senate on passing a new relief bill. Rep. Clyburn also discusses the November elections and why he says Trump is trying to install himself as the country's first strong man. Aired on 08/03/2020.
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Rep. Clyburn: Trump Wants To Install Himself As First U.S. Strong Man | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Why are people so surprised?
Trump said he can shoot someone on 5th ave. and he wouldn’t lose any supporters.
Translation: I can commit crimes and get away with it because my supporters are mindless sheep!
samuel gainey exactly
Adorable Deplorable I hope there is no more ventilators left when you get Covid
Triggered lately?

@Adorable Deplorable Diagnosis: Troll fatigue.
@Adorable Deplorable he said it in a video clip – i saw it as did millions of others – google it and watch it – btw the media isnt marxist – i dont think that u even know what that word means – u just heard it on fox news and now ur repeating it – what is a marxist exactly and HOW is it that the media is marxist – explain that to me
This bill won’t get passed without Mitch approval. Mitch wants corporations free from employees suing them for contracting Covid on the job.
That should never happen.
Mitch has a stack of over 400 bills sitting on his desk that he’s thus far refused to process – just so he can stall the house from making any progress.
MOSCOW MITCH wants herd immunity but that will result in over 10 million dead Americans. Do the math.
Basically union busting.
Dion McGee yes but at the same time, it not anyone else’s fault if your overweight. All of the overweight ppl can’t just be exempt from working….. that’s just a really bad example. I don’t agree with the Republicans bill but I also don’t think being overweight is an excuse. Your born with asthma, your born with, or acquire, diseases…. I’m not the skinniest person but being obese shouldn’t be an excuse for anything.
Gym Jordan has no credibility. He’s a waste of oxygen. Fauci and Clyburn have more integrity and character in their little fingers than Jordan does in his whole body.
how many years did Mr. Clyburn serve? What has he done?
@James Moncrief Wrong.
Rep. Clyburn carries the flag forward for Senator John Lewis …. You go Rep. Clyburn!
With ANY LUCK Clyburn will soon join Lewis as Maggot food in the ground.
Lets pray.. Clyburn will soon be just like Lewis. Maggot food in the City Dump..
Brian Cameron you know that is a lie and you could be prosecuted for writing it
@katherine gullett > WHY ???
I think it is because they really believe in the “Lost Cause” fallacy. The last year has demonstrated that there are still too many southerners who believe that the Civil War was justified, and that somehow the yanks took evil advantage of them. That the War was due to “Northern Aggression”.
I can’t begin to understand why this New York realtor Yankee has become their figure head, but that seems to be the case. Certainly Trump is doing things to please this group: suppressing the BLM protests, keeping the names of traitors on federal property, trying to save their statues, etc.
It would also explain why these Trumpists have zero respect for fact, truth or logic: their whole world-view is based on a lie.
Question is: how do you deal with such people? I think education is the only solution, the patient (re)explaining that the civil war was because, and only because, the south wanted to continue to exploit the black people. Ad-infinitum if necessary. Or a second civil war, as these fools seem to want.
TheEvertw thank you , well said and worth thinking about
The republican Jim feel them up Jordan is a great threat to America.
Ohio District get Jordan out, vote ‘D’ Shannon Freshour.
The Motto should be ” Freshour District up Shannon.”
I still trying to figure out how this despicable evil Jordan got elected in the first place by the people of Ohio .
It’s very obvious , 45 will do everything possible that he gets reelected, CHEAT .
Really? And people are just realizing this now? It was obvious, that trump wanted to be a dictator, when he was a candidate!
News Flash>>> trump is losing in the polls to Biden massively
News Flash>>> trump is losing “safe” red states like Georgia, North Carolina and Texas.
News Flash>>> trump is losing massively in Florida, without which he has no path to win!
Democrats in full panic mode? Really? Given that trump fired his campaign manager, it trump that’s in panic mode!
The Hypocrisy outright lies from people like you is unbelievable!!
@FREEDOM FORCE Oh and News Flash>>> trump is a pathological LIAR, so you regurgitating something that trump said, almost certainly means it’s NOT true.
TrumpVirus death toll: 161,000 Americans and counting.

@Jan Davis Russia wants a krazy man better yet a trump who baits on everything …really man what
thom wessels That’s a lie, I believe America has spoken, Trump is FIRED in November even Trump knows that #Biden2020

Trump or America?
Amen, concentrate on Saving Lives, and Democracy.
And true freedom, for everybody — not just the rich.
Jim Jordan is rude and should be removed.
Brandon Comer you are going to need a big bath tub.
Jordan is a grandstanding POS. All he does is flap his face.
I agree!!!
Understatement of the year.
@FREEDOM FORCE Europe no 45 let them keep coming into the country and they were the ones bringing it in .The only one he stop in February was China do your research
Reminder: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American emergency medical technician, was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove on March 13, 2020.
Stay on it!
Reminder: We know. Lives are being lost daily – so one life is no more valuable than another regardless of why they died.
R V didn’t know that reminding people of an unjust use of violence by the police that led to the death of an innocent women as valuing her life above others
Sad times we are living in my friend
Look at Gym Jordan what a joke he is only if he was that passionate about the Ohio State wrestlers smh
Mainer Bates he’s a despicable little man. Yuck.
@Cara He must have done something dreadful at the gym. Dirty man. Poor boys.
@Priscilla Robb I hope so I know I wouldn’t want him representing my state
That’s bc he’s getting his palm greased. He wasn’t getting that before! Or if he was it wasn’t much as he’s getting now.
A loudmouth ex-jock.
Get him Mr clyburn
Clyburn: I chair this meeting
Jordan: but.. but.. but
@Kate Linares

Its happening my husband is a letter carrier in Brooklyn for 21 years on Saturday they told them leave all mail and only take packages. It has always been first class mail ALWAYS GETS OUT EVERYDAY. through rain sleet or snow. In 21 years he has NEVER seen this!! Trump is delaying mail as we speak. Messing with the mail is a federal crime yet he and his Goonies are exempt. We need to support the institution that has been part of America since before the constitution!
@someone new – Good point. If true it has to be looked into now that the cat is out of the bag. If not true, the person or persons reporting this are in trouble. Just because Trump has gotten away with lying, that doesn’t mean the average citizen can.
This fascist government is undermining important mail, i.e. medical letters, people sending urgent messages to isolated relatives, mailing ballots, and other important letters.
Don Hardcastle excuse me… you know nothing. And it’s being report all over the country.
someone new lmao okay
and yes there are plenty of people recording this. For your information.
Nanny B all my husband and his co workers are documenting everything. They have also told their customers to report delayed mail to their local congressmen and representatives. The unions all know what’s going on.
Trump has been living a life of cheats, lies, deceits, falsehood scheming, a pandora’s box..he has no other recourse but to rely on his vile evil ways because thats who he is.
@Live Life God helped America in 2016. She
will do it again in 2020. God Bless!
@thom wessels Time will tell.
@thom wessels Dream on! Another 4 years of this liar and America will be crawling on the floor.
@thom wessels God does not make a fool of Himself.
@Brandon Freeman Some sample of Facts: Democrat Party…for slavery!” –
Proof Shows Google Hacked 2016 Election for Hillary –
‘Socialist’ ABC Reporter Admits Bosses Spike News Important to Voters, ‘Don’t Give Trump Credit’ –
Obama/Biden Administration Block Investigations Into Missing $5.3 Billion Ukraine Foreign Aid –
One FOOLPROOF Way To Spot A CORRUPT Politician by Peter Schweizer:
The Biden 5 / N. Pelosi / E. Warren / B. Sanders –
Judicial Watch obtains new evidence of Clinton probe irregularities
Then ask the which hunters democrazy investigators prove Giuliani wrong:
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham provides info on on-going AG Barr investigation that is making the DNC in panic:
Biden reportedly held quid pro quo leverage over Guatemala in 2015
JOE BIDEN & UKRAINE: Leaked phone calls PROVE the forced FIRING of man investigating Burisma, Hunter
Corruption & Criminal Conduct: “The Biden Family Enterprise”
#1 | Since No Crimes Exist, It Must Be Dismissed –
#2 | The Trial: Opening Statement | Bombshell Documents –
#3 | The Trial: Witness One | EXCLUSIVE interview with Viktor Shokin –
#4 | The Trial: The Biden Family Crimes Conclusively Proved | SWORN AFFIDAVIT –
#5 | The Complete Witness: Proof of Bribery & Collusion –
#6 | Proving Extensive Corruption & Criminal Conduct by the Biden Family Enterprise
COMPLAINT TIMELINE: Whistleblower accuses Trump, Giuliani of Ukraine Collusion
BIDEN A SMOKESCREEN: Democrats covering Russia investigation origin in Ukraine
DEEP STATE INVOLVED: Democrats involved in Ukraine, Russia cover-up
DNC CORRUPTION: What’s on the hacked Democrat server in Ukraine?
Solomon: Biden and media narrative on Ukraine, Burisma doesn’t fit with DOCUMENT proof
Documents PROVE Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption and Money Laundering
Jim Jordan needs to get voted out to face charges, just like his glorious leader trump!
I agree he should get out, but Trump is not a leader.
@immobilien shhhhhhhh
@MP Thingy
When people complain about people being racist while promoting the idea to vote based on the color of the candidate’s skin??? It’s ain’t racism because it is the highest form of HYPOCRISY!
#BLM stands for Bloopers, Lunatics & Morons if not Burglars, Looters & Murderers
Since when Fauci write prescription to a patient. How many COVID-19 patients he made in contact with? HOW MANY HE COULD CLAIM HE CURED? Has fauci been in the front line or the emergency room with a COVID-19 patient? He is incompetent if the answer is less compared to any volunteer health worker, much more if compared to these doctors [×406.mp4 ] who dealt with the patients everyday.
@Misbah Al-Zayt Do you know why everybody should take Hydroxychloroquine when they call Covid-19 a hoax? I Couldn’t figure that one out… Anyway read this below… Found this on Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Source. Johns Hopkins Medicine
Look under Other candidate antiviral therapies and hydroxychloroquine.
“Chloroquine (CQ) or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ): based on the arm of the RECOVERY trial showing no clinical benefit, and other clinical data with cardiotoxicity concerns.”
And under antivirals
“Remdesivir (RDV) based on Adaptive Covid-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT), RDV appears most beneficial if given for severe COVID-19 before mechanical ventilation, reduces the length of hospital stay.”
Gym Jordan just mad because he didn’t get a go ahead to shower with crowd.
WE need to get a petition to remover the pervert
Janice Gullett why are you thinking about young men
Yeah,that probably makes sense to Democrackheads.
@Janice Gullett Shut up.Keep perverted fantasies to yourself weirdo.
@Truth Counts Says the pervert.
Jim Jordan is such a narcissist. He’s condescending and aggressive.
@Live Life Yeah, at least two members of the fed have been saying we need a LOT more stimulus… let’s hope someone listens to them.
@Bryan Machin I think they are spot on with that suggestion. The Fed Reserve in the US is the best the country has to fend off the economic impact of the pandemic.
@Live Life And also the most interested arm of the government when it terms to actually taking action.
@Bryan Machin They play a very important role in the economy and how comfortable we live. If they mess up we feel it. And the community of central bankers around the world are co-operative and in communication with eachother.
Chaos in Portland
Jim Jordan is the Bulldog of the House, he barks, growls, and howls for the spineless Right. Rep Clyburn put him in check- this is “my Yard!”
No…snowflakes are SJW’s on the far left. I’m a Chad…duh lol.
@Francyne Lane Then who are these??? Portland Protests: Witness Describes Moments Secoriea Turner Fatally Shot in Atlanta 7th Night Of Violence And Looting David Dorn murder girl fatally shot Federal officer killed in Oakland
Why is it that the trumpists are all cowards . Gym Jordan is one of the worst ,would not protect his students from a homosexual predator over a10 year period . Please do not believe me look it up , Google it .
I predict “
s” on 11/03/20 (Btw, trumpcophant, l’m NO party.)
trump CAN’T Gerrymander more Districts, prevent vote by mail, move and close polls, shorten early vote time, ban felons, CHANGE ELECTION DATE, or invoke China or Russian interfetence to get RE-SELECTED by the College!!!
I love this,Jorden has no respect for anyone,he bulldozes anyone he can.Thank you Clayburn
Just like his buddy Matt Gaetz
Any crowd….. Protesting, politicking, any crowd “Gym Jordan”
I’m European. Looking in from the outside. You pretend to be the leaders of the free world.We see a banana republic. How’s your potholes? How’s your wildfires? How’s your gunviolence? Healthcare? Education? rigged electional college? Sad sad sad
paul nijsten Ok incestuous European den , potholes and wildfires are local control, but I will give you your brownie points on the rest of the non petty assertions. I use to believe in American exceptionalism until we thought the likes of Trump was a good idea.
Aeg 247 I don’t no why people thought Drumph was gonna be a good president he never went to war which he says he knows more than the General’s do and can do a better job lol said he’d make America great again Reallly!!! He’s done nothing and always blames President Obama for his lack of knowledge…. if he caught Covid-19 then he would no what millions of people are going through not to mention people who have lost family to this virus… Aeg247 I hope you don’t take what I’ve said as an attack on you because it’s no
@Aeg 247 AKA I used to be a republican that this guy came along and show the world what they really arenow I’m ashamed to belong to that party you do have a choice dear Sir you can come up with the Dems
Brenda Bear No I didn’t take it as an attack on me , you practically said every word that periodically run through my mind , every time Trump gets in front of a camera or send a psycho tweet.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
wily wascal amen
Worth searching historical facts:
Rep. Gohmert: “Democrat Party must be outlawed for slavery!” –
Lets not forget drumpf’s favorite quote, learned from his mentor…
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it…”
This has been our master’s plan from the beginning! Watch what your 1% owners think…
@Richie Rich LOL! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia! Russia!
@Richie Rich ~Were Toxic Trump a fruit, he would be a lie, mon!