House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina discusses the Supreme Court’s ruling on curbside voting in Alabama and the potential for a conservative majority to usher in a second Jim Crow era.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Rep. Clyburn on Supreme Court’s Threat To Racial Wquality: ‘Arrest This Cancer Before It Spreads’
We need the Senate. Then we can impeach and remove Trump if he wins again. There are endless lists of High Crimes and Misdemeanors to impeach him for since the last one.
@Coco Crisp I find it hilarious how bad the hearing is with far left democrats. Trump says that not everyone there were bad people. MSM hears – Trump is a Nazi.
trump calls for the violence & riots to end. MSM hears – Trump is ensighting greater violence.
I bet you think that Black Lives Matter cares about Black on Black murders in Chicago.
Do all democrats have empty heads with no working brains inside them?
@Jo W. When did the VP receive greater power than the acting President?
How is it okay for Joe Biden to actually threaten Ukraine over a 1 Billion Dollar loan and be called acceptable politics yet the President is impeached on Abuse of Power simply asking a question about Burisma & Hunter Biden?
Explain that to me so it makes sense please.
The only things obscured and redacted are the diplomats names the full conversation is legible and fully understandable! Down load the phone call transcript & read it yourself.
It left Adam Schiff accusing the Ukraine President of Lying. rotflol.
Ukraine/Biden corruption is small fish compared to that of China/Biden corruption! Try fighting the facts all you want.
The most vulnerable Republican senator in 2020.
@Ashlynne Shain you think the country wont be divided if Biden wins given all the MSM censorship and Democrat witch hunts etc? Given the enthusiasm of the Trump supporters and the fact that most support the 2nd amendment I think you can guarantee a second civil war.
@HOME TEAM By we, she means the party that represents the people, not big business. Is your understanding of US politics so dim you do not know who controls the Senate?
Please fix the title of this
They lost a V and now the E.
DNC is unable to fix their mistakes at this point. Sponsored media upload titles are the least of their concern.
@J dummy
I think it is safe to say tRump and his administration partners in crime are all narcissistic and sociopath.Holding rallies pandemic is worse some not wearing masks.This is sick and twisted and trump doesn’t care if any of them live or die as long he gets their vote.Stay safe.

They should all be arrested.. if I did that, I would be fined and possible imprisoned..
They are not above the law.. this bs needs to end NOW..
“Holding rallies pandemic is worse” I see English is not your native language comrade. Software translator must be broken.
Pence claims to be a christ? FY.
Vice President is a Christian, yes. Be thankful for that. Hopefully, you are a woman of the Christian faith as well, Leonore.
@Jack J being a Christian and claiming to be are two very different things. How can a Christian support Trump with his language and claiming to be God’s chosen one. Christian bibles have a passage about worshipping false idols like the golden calf. Trump can’t even quote anything from bible,he doesn’t even know how to hold one let alone respect one!!!
@Jo W. … Christians hope that Trump has ask Jesus into his life, and that he’s asked forgiveness for his sins. But, as in all cases, it’s best we not attempt to judge each other. Trump is our president. He is not a religious leader or minister. What’s comforting is knowing that those of us who follow the Christian faith hath no better friend inside the White House than Donald Trump. Results matter; precisely why we love President Trump regardless of how he might behave, say, or tweet. He’s genuine. He’s the real thing — not some fake Christian who showed more love and support for people of other faiths.
* Works for me — very much so.
** But what’s most concerning … is knowing that Biden has sold out to China. The evidence is impossible to ignore (despite most in the media trying their best to ignore). Keep China out of our White House by voting for President Trump, Jo W.
He’s as far christian as the the one he brownnose s the BunkerBoy. If you christian and think this your smoking flakka and looking at a upside down Bible and see satan talking telling you what to do. Beware of deceivers. And the father of All Lies!!
It’s discrimination against ppl with disabilities as well. I can make it to my car but not into stores or other places. I go to drive-ups for prescriptions but must take Paratransit to go to medical appts. The bus won’t stop to allow a drop-off.
I took a break to say a prayer for you. Stay strong Alice! A change is coming, and you are inspirational. Peace, love, and kindness to you.
Alice Hardy
you do have State and Local Governments to complain to , don’t you know?
@Alex Hamilton yes. I could complain, but I feel blessed that I am given door-to-door service to medical appts & to grocery & other stores. I believe I would be presumptuous to ask all the others on the bus to wait for me while i disembark, go inside, complete my business, return to the bus & reload. Also, I would not be happy to wait for others while they complete their business either. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I truly believe that. The world would be much kinder if we all lived by that.
@Nancy Whitty Thank you so much, Nancy. I believe in the power of prayer & truly appreciate yours. Bless you.
Wquality.. come on, man!
Goo Senator Whitehouse. Hold their feet to the
yeah, sure. The only time you see this clown is election time. All the other times he is on vacation.
*Wquality* is important, but Equality just as much
I weally agree.
Wxcellent point.
The supreme court has turned into a cesspool of rapists and cult members and their decisions do not reflect reality and should not be obeyed by anyone
Adam Prall
I never read an opinion from a brain dead person before. Sad
Adam, did your parents have any children that lived?
You triggered some republitrolls Adam. Cheers!
Trump doesn’t respect the constitution or the law’s of this Democracy Why should anybody else? Has the TRUMP administration given this any thought This is 2020 Mr Trump
not 1920! Keep playing with people’s rights to VOTE, a right to live in peace and Justice under the Law.
behind Trumpism and a misguided GOP that is slipping further into corruption and I wish Trump would stop saying BLACK PEOPLE lies!, lies! and what he’s doing for BLACK PEOPLE the liar!, for the past 4 Year’s His Racist rhetoric has emboldened Racist cop’s that are killing BLACK people for any DAM reason at all and that’s what Trump has done for BLACK PEOPLE
vote Blue America.
Trumpsters Trump has put everybody’s lives in danger
What ever happened to “proofreading” articles/video’s before releasing them.
Shame on you MSNBC
@BubblewrapHighwayAttention to detail is Important when youre dealing with a Nuclear country and our greatest strategic adversary. Imagine if Slow Joe realized that before he called the current leader of China “Mao Zedong”.
Y’all gonna need new sets of pearls.
Vote big blue and big.
Thank you Rep. Clyburn. I pray that YOU & YOUR FAMILY are BLESSED beyond imagination… Peace, Love & Wellness to you & yours!!!
James Clyburn opposes Medicare for All and the 70% of Americans who want Medicare for All.
87% of Democrats Support ‘Medicare for Allm Though Jim Clyburn and Joe Biden Don’t.
This Doctor SHUTS DOWN Every Argument Fox News Has Against Medicare for All. Dr. Adam Gaffney
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman because it often results in physical death.” King said that injustice in health is “inhuman,” not inhumane. The distinction here is likely significant as a matter of degree. Inhumane suggests a lack of compassion for human suffering or pain whereas “inhuman” is more extreme, suggesting a denial of humanity so egregiously cruel that it is, or should be, beyond human action. The final difference in King’s actual words compared with the more popular version is perhaps the most important as it reveals King’s belief about why health injustice is inhuman. Injustice in health is “the most inhuman” form of inequality, says King, “because it often results in physical death.” King could not be plainer: human lives end because of this injustice. Death, as one of the most brutal consequences of radicalized injustice, is erased from King’s words by the exclusion of this phrase. — Martin Luther King, Jr.,March 25, 1966, Chicago, Illinois, Second convention of the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) quoted in, Charlene Galarneau, PhD, MAR, Associate Professor, Wellesley College, Johns Hopkins University Press, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, February 2018
70 percent of Americans support ‘Medicare for all’ proposal.
On health care, Joe Biden doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
“70 percent of Americans believe in improved and expanded Medicare for All.”
Support for Medicare for All Keeps Rising.
James Clyburn endorsed Joe Biden and Joe Biden Says He Will Veto Medicare-For-All. and
Bill Clinton Thanks Clyburn for Defeat of Sanders.
Coronavirus Makes It More Clear Than Ever: Health Care Is a Human Right. We shouldn’t be satisfied with single-payer coverage just during a massive pandemic. This crisis exposes dramatically the foolishness of pretending that health care is a private marketplace. We need Medicare for All now. — Jesse Jackson
Coronavirus shows Bernie Sanders was right.
Those of whom don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it..
Kaitlyn Livingston
wow the best ever reason to vote for Trump, No more Democrat’s in the White House
I think these idiots in the White House are pushing Herd Immunity! Trumps “Final Solution” plan.
@Dave :LOSER
@Dave he’s still better than trump
99,8% of young people survive, 99% of all people who get it survive. That’s a lower death rate than the seasonal flue, partially because we now have medicine and know the disease much better. Why even wait for a vaccine when the disease itself vaccinate people just as efficient if you give those who gets it medicine to shorten the illness symptoms and duration?
@Crext Valormind Thats why the hospital ICU beds are overflowing, that’s why there are longhaulers, that’s why 220000 and counting Americans have died, that’s why Europe’s second wave is making countries lock down again, Nobody knows what ailments may araise in the future if you have had covid-19. So before you come with cheap stats. Open your eyes and see what’s happening in the hole World!
@Larry Impollonia They are not because of Covid. Most of those deaths came early on before there were treatments which is why Trump shut down the country months before the democrats wanted to do the same. 20% of the deaths are from New York alone, mostly in their nursing homes (which is a story worthy to report on alone, where they failed to follow the shutdown order). Regardless most of those who would die have died of this disease, and now there’s medicine and treatment to those who need it. To put it in contrast there’s more death from heart disease or cancer or accidents or strokes, etc. right now than that of Covid-19, and that’s not even taking into account late deaths (people who got the disease months ago, before there were treatment, but die now). Sweden had no shut down, yet their numbers are the same as places that did in Europe, and they got no second wave either. Sweden’s strategy turned out to be the winning strategy, mostly because all the young people are getting immune, which in turn makes it hard for the disease to spread to the elderly which are at risk. The vaccine when it comes are meant for the elderly, and it’ll come from the same companies regardless of who’s president. Leaders of European nations also say that they have to learn to live with it, because they can’t shut down again. France, etc. are now promoting open societies because they too know that the cure becomes worse than the disease, as more people would die and get hurt over shutdowns right now than that would get saved if they do it. Listen, I was the first to hit the panic button during the early stages of this, but we’ve learned a lot and even though it was a great tragedy Trump acted fast and to the best of the ability of the country, and no other president would have done a better job (partially because he was skeptical towards the Chinese even before they unleashed it unto the world).
Harrison would make a great senator.
trump admin just endangers everyone’s life including themselves. smh
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says “All black people think the same with few exceptions”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says “If you vote for Trump then you ain’t black man”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe Says ” you can’t go into a 7-11 or Dunkin donuts without hearing a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking man”.
C’mon man!!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe said that Obama “is the first mainstream African-American who’s clean looking and articulate. That’s storybook man”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe still uses the word “Orient” to describe Asia.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe used the anti-semitic term “Shylock”.
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe was always for segregation because “he didn’t want his kids growing up in an urban jungle”.
C’mon man!!
Where’s Hunter who was given a $50,000 a month no show job with zero experience thanks to his sleepy creepy daddy!!
Talk about Privileged!!
C’mon man!!!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe says he’s tested daily on his “cognitive” abilities but refuses to take a cognitive test. Huh!???
C’mon man!!
Where is Quid-pro-quo basement Joe?
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe says “African American woman are only good for stocking shelves at the grocery store”. Wtf?
C’mon man!
Quid-Pro-Quo basement Joe explodes at anyone who dare ask a question he can’t answer.
C’mon man!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe lied and said he didn’t know anything about his son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma but Hunter’s own personal emails, which have been confirmed authentic, prove otherwise.
C’mon man!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe actually admitted and bragged on video about how he blackmailed Ukraine into firing the prosecutor that was investigating his son Hunter. Quid-pro-quo anyone?
C’mon man!!
Why was Hunter Biden paid over $3.5 million dollars from a Russian mayor and Ukrainian oligarchs? WTF
C’mon man!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe was against President Donald Trump’s travel ban that Dr Fauci says “Saved Millions of Lives”.
C’mon man!!
Quid-pro-quo basement Joe’s plan to battle the china virus is the do the same exact thing President Trump has already done. Wtf!!??
C’mon man!
Where is Quid-pro-quo basement joe???
C’mon man!!!!
TRUMP 2020
@Dave : LOSER
Matthew McConaughey for trump 2020
“arrest this cancer before it spreads” Speaking of dangers to everyone’s life, does left wing tyranny and authoritarianism sound un-American to anyone else? As Yuri Bezmenov warned there are those easily brainwashed by marxist indoctrination.
Excellent points. And very obvious if you’ve studied history. Thank you.
Laura Lafauve
well it depends on true history or refurbished,
@Alex Hamilton I’ve seen both.
Biden will win. The courts will be unpacked. Period. #ByeDonny
This guy tells us he doesnt care, shows us he doesnt care and people are standing in lineto take lottery chance at covid19. We paid his medical they pay theirs