Rep. Chris Collins Resigns Ahead Of Expected Insider Trading Guilty Plea | Katy Tur | MSNBC

New York Republican Rep. Chris Collins has reportedly sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office stating that he is resigning his House seat. NBC News’ Tom Winter reports on the insider trading related charges against Collins. Aired on 09/30/19.
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Rep. Chris Collins Resigns Ahead Of Expected Insider Trading Guilty Plea | Katy Tur | MSNBC


    1. @Mark Benson ~ Obama was brilliant, he made sure no scandals stuck to him or led to him.

      Everyone of his scandals had a fall guy, or a paper trail that led to Hillary…where her fall guys, had a fatal fall.

    1. @Scobey scobe You do realize he was caught withholding monetary aid while asking for help from ANOTHER foreign government for political gain. That’s the basis for the impeachment inquiry, or have you just ignored this major snafu. I guess Fox (Faux) News must’ve omitted that part out of the details.

    1. @gio2vanni86 Scram, worthless traitorous maga slop. And complete waste of time. Go drink your Roundup and keep lurking, instead of getting out of your filthy trailer and getting a job. Ask Moscow mitch, he just moved his Russian bffs into Kentuckkky.

    2. Conservatives wanted this Insider Trading gone since we learned about it and how Pelosi has become a Hundred Millionaire by using this loophole!

    3. @SkyGemini I’m pretty sure that you are the jobless one. I think i’ve seen you at those ANTIFA rallys. Not that attend those but i’ve seen them on youtube. Pretty sure you’re the one with the mask who has more free time then a fat man in the movie seven eating away at that spaghetti like no tomorrow!

    4. @David Cisneros demonstrably more undereducated is a double negative, and would immediately be marked as incorrect. So you graduated recently?

    1. @Dom Numba9
      Ahhhhh yes, whataboutism the right-wings THIRD most popular political ploy, right behind “playing the victim” and “talking points and lunatic fringe conspiracy theories as fact.” You are not a winner but thanks for playing.

    1. No stupid pos he was doing the right thing you will see about all the left jumping ship in the coming months you dumb MF

    1. @McKittrick Hyatt Just substitute politicians. You really believe Dems and the rest of them aren’t inside trading? How do you think they get so rich? It ain’t their salary!

    2. Gary George I worked on the Senate Floor for years and I worked with both sides of the aisle. What I know is that if you take a hundred Senators, and a hundred bricklayers and a hundred bankers,,, doesn’t matter which profession you point to…. the break-down ratios of ‘decent and honest’ compared to ‘self-serving and dishonest’ will be the same. What I saw year after year, though… was that the Republican side of the Senate always had a much higher and much more obvious count of self-serving and dishonest individuals. It was always a well-known thing in the Capitol. You can say what you want and you can try to side-step what I’m saying… but you can’t change reality. Their IS a difference. And always has been.

  1. Fun Fact: Rep Collins was visiting the White House for a Congressional picnic when he alerted his son that the you know what was about to hit the fan for their stock.

  2. It’s only a matter of time before they start locking up most of the Republicans, starting with Moscow Mitch.

  3. He informed both his son and his daughter-in-law’s father to sell their shares as quickly as possible. They started out as in-laws and have become outlaws. Trump’s idea of THE America Family.

    1. So you like Bidens better I take it….ooooh you didn’t hear…Bidens son who received 1.5 Billion from the govt of China for investments in the U.S. He bought them a precise tool company that makes military items here along with some nuclear technology. Your trusted news source didn’t tell you OMG! Maybe it’s time for a more trusted source.
      Good thing Trump’s family has good morals.

    2. Wow man a little harsh, considering what Joe Biden and his son has done to the country don’t you think? It’s funny how they love to call out the republicans that had a hand in shady dealings but turn their heads and look the other way when it’s a democrat. But don’t you worry the citizens of this great country are going to fix that come election time. We will see Trump back in office for a 2nd term and we will see more republicans replace democrats for the next 4 years. I also want any of the swamp republicans out aswell but we will take care of them aswell.

    3. Gary Norton t’rump and kin can’t even spell “morals” let alone understand them. He is the most amoral and vile specimen of a human being in the news today.

    1. @xlr8r2010 whataboutism…yeah we NEVER seen/heard this tactic before from people whose hands got caught in the cookie jar…

    2. Imagine all the lives he helped DESTROY in the name of fighting corruption. Evil double faced politicians, destroying America a prison sentence at a time because Washington doesn’t like competition

    1. Gary Can I refer you to the video ‘How to make a sandwich’ by superwoman. You can surely find some helpful hints on your outdated thinking.

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