While Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., publicly stated last week the GOP is still Donald Trump's party, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., says the GOP shouldn't be embracing Trump. Aired on 02/08/2021.
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#Cheney #DonaldTrump #MSNBC
Rep. Cheney Says GOP Should Not Be Embracing Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“if a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”
– President Dwight D. Eisenhower, March 6, 1956
@I.M. Greg – tell me about the Southern Strategy. I love watching racists squirm. Explain it or accept you are brainwashed
THAT! The impeachment managers need to cite that quote.
The fact that the GOP failed to create a platform and had as it’s “platform” pretty much everything one arrogant self serving bully wants is the very definition of a failed party.
@Sue Zbell – You’re brainwashed if you can’t see a platform from the Trump Campaign for both 2016 and 2020. How absurd to make such a statement.
@JFK Lincoln
Putin Blows Goats.
Like the dumbocrats.
We need to remove Qanon cult members out of our government.
@Randy Couch BLM is peaceful. Right wing is radical.
@Randy Couch Right wing extremists were behind over 75% of last summers protest violence and if you don’t like that complain to DHS and the FBI because that’s who told us those statistics. Now GTFOH you are a well known Trumputin troll.
@Eaglette who exactly is a communist? Name one.
@Randy Couch nope …you IDIOTIC brainless QANON clowns FIRST!

One thing that amazes me in these GOPs like Trump and her is how irritating their voices sound. Strange nasal mixture of whining and yelling. Why can’t they talk properly?
Very irritating!
Cannot….have one brain cell..no morals.no ethics.no scruples no consciences no respect no empathy..in other words they are a TRUMPTURD

Yes! I just texted how irritating and grating her voice is. But worse is her
No that’s the echo from the info bubble you live in
It’s called Autocracy, and that is what the GOP wants.
https://youtu.be/F3cV3BCJjWs 3
Those who demand absolute loyalty are those who deserve it the least.
that applies to both parties, filled with partisan hypocrites in a imperialist failed state
Biden is demanding absolute loyalty, more so than Trump ever did.
Republicans are the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.
@R G It does make sense, the political parties are Globalist/Populist, not Dem/Rep. The Dems/Reps that support Biden are Globalists and will vote the similar over the next 4 years. If Globalist/Populist titles are used then voting/support lines are pretty clear. Neocons are Globalists, they support Biden because they have the same interests in the War arena. It’s expected that Liz Cheney and the other Neocons will not support Trump.
More voted for President Biden so what is she really saying???
In her mind only Republican votes should count. They are always trying to discredit everyone that don’t hold their views.
Know your leaders and you will know what party you belong too. Let’s start with the Democrats.
Democrat leadership
Jaime Harrison, president Biden, vice president Harris, , Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer
Republican leadership
Senator Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Cheney
Q Anon leadership
Donald J Trump, Moscow Mitch McConnell, yellow streak Lindsey Graham, Big Mouth Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy, and one of the biggest crying babies that ever ran for the House of Representative
Rep. Jim Jordan and your wannabe leaderships Rush Limbaugh , Sean Hannity , Lou Dobbs , Michael Flynn , Rodger Stone , Marjorie Greene , and the most embarrassing and sloppy is hygiene Steve Bannon are your Q Anon leaders and many more.
(Know your leaders and you will know what party you belong to in the three-party system)
@william doviak LOVE THIS!!

@JACK REACHER WILL FIND YOU Sounds like I punched a HATE nerve. Probably the only nerve you have. Enjoy the neural stimuli.
She’s saying the earth is flat
Greene is a bar fly in the red light district in Florida.
We need more courageous men and women with fortitude in the GOP like Liz Cheney.
I wish the Republican Party would clean out these conspiracy ppl. And clean out any of them that went against American Democracy!
Sorry, ain’t happening.
@Eric Vanhaeren Exactly, Eric!
@Douglas Allen not really…on this occasion Cheney did RIGHT. She has voted over 90 times to HELP tRUMP throughout his presidency. She is your typical republican. No need to point out how…just RESEARCH about her….your EYES will be opened.
@cici you are right I do not know a lot about Cheney I do know she does not kiss Trumps a## and holds him accountable for his actions
Next his followers will be carving swastikas into their foreheads. Anybody remember “Charlie”.
Good. We will be able to identify them without the red hats!
The Family.
Exactly! Like Manson, Trump should right now be held in prison for trial! He can come to his impeachment in cuffs and orange jumpsuit…then return after they find him guilty of sedition, felony murder, cop murder and attempted mass murder of congress.
I always get a kick of conservatives waking up like “oh crap what did I do last night and how did I end up here?”
Then we’re like “well you see it started around 2008 when you got blind drunk because a black man became President, and you been off the rails ever since.”
spot on
And an even larger record number of voters voted for Biden/Harris. Funny how many who voted for trump were concerned about “communism,” as they try to install a losing candidate in a communist way.
You are kidding right?
Mr. McConnell you’re going to have to make a tough decision convict this clown or you’re going to lose your party!
@Mountain Scribbler your Assessment of the FACTS is inaccurate regarding the Democratic Party! IMPORTANT to RESEARCH before sharing DiSINformation…
@cici Your caps key is sticking. But you probably know that. Well … probably not.
Trump & republicans are Fraud, dangerous to our democracy, jail time, Impeach Impeach
@cici . . . Maybe you should read Mountain Scribbler’s post a little more carefully. Perhaps you missed an element of sarcasm there?
Coming from the guy who voted for a demented career politician be holding to China.
A political “cult” with ONE leader IS an authoritarian dictatorship.
@David Eby If your plan is to make your enemies laugh themselves to death you are the MVP. Have you ever thought for yourself?
@Debster Charron Good point,Karen.
@David Eby The only one here acting like a Karen is you,living in your little,delusional world
Coming from a person who voted to a demented career politician
@Timothy Green You know what they say” Creepy Joe put the Dem in Dementia”!
this is the result of our nation de-funding and dismantling mental health programs for 40 years.
we are now the asylum.
The constitution above all.
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness….for ALL Americans, born here or naturalized, and for decades America has been a safe haven for those seeking refuge from dictatorships, violent regimes, and murderous cabals.
46 countries including Cuba have a higher life expectancy than America. Failed on *LIFE*
It is 5% of the world’s population hosting 25% of it’s incarcerated. *LIBERTY* failed.
America is ranked 27th in social mobility. *PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS* failed.
Unfortunately, there are – and always will be – Americans whose happiness depends on their perceived superiority over others.
“The almighty” is an individual. “The almighty” is an idol. I wonder where where the retrumplicans’ idol worshipping, conspiracy theories believing, reality rejecting mentality came from? Hmm…
If the Republican party belongs to trump, then he can have it.
The deep seated mental health issues in autocrat-loving Americans needs to be treated.
It’s going to be like deprogramming cult members, or rehab for meth addicts.
“His party alone” IS the primary problem with the ReTrumpion Party, wallowing in a past degenerate like a dog returning to its vomit.
This coming from a member of the tear down the past and everything will be fine!!!!!!!You are smart,Goober!! Hahahahaha
The failed fascist coup is a
dress rehearsal if the GOP
doesn’t convict !!
Your mother is calling you for dinner. Probably can’t hear her in the basement.