Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) comments on the Atlanta spa shooting. "It hits very personally…I think about what kind of world, what kind of America my two baby boys are going to grow up in, when we have this level of hatred in our society," Rep. Kim told Ayman. Aired on 03/17/2021.
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#AndyKim #SpaShooting #MSNBC
Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) On Atlanta Spa Shooting | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
My 71 year old Thai Wife just took our dog out for walk. Is a crazy person going to attack her before she gets home?
@Biden Sucks Well there’s the AmeriKKKa we’ve all come to despise.
It wasn’t a shooting spree, they were targeted.
@Not Here
@Redjam111 Redjam111 See ya INCEL
@Not Here
My comment wasn’t in response to you if you bothered to look. It was to the spineless troll that has since cowardly bailed. I agreed it was targeted so I think you are the one not understanding.
@Not Here targeted for sure… but we dont know yet what his target was… was it asian women or prostitutes… we dont know enough yet to make that call.
Hate has no power!!!
But it apparently has a 9mm semi automatic
We all know who/what motivated the shooter. We all know what his political affiliations are. We all know who is cheering him on and who he was trying to impress. The politicians, pundits, and media venues that encourage these heinous, violent, and EVIL behavior need to be called out and held accountable
we absolutely do not know this at this point. we dont. I am as anti trump as you can get…. there is not enough information to make those claims at this point. let the investigation have a chance.
Well said!!
Thank you for your message! We don’t have all the answers right now but, we do know who gave these people permission to let out out their ignorant biases and hate. Trump still calls it out perpetuating the lie. If anything, he has blood on his hand for his lack of competence in handling Covid19 crisis
I agree not to jump subjects it’s just like the kid in the Kenosha shooting smdh
These in.cels have to stop blaming the world for their own weaknesses and insecurities.
No proof he is an incel.
Trump has been encouraging Americans to commit violence against other Americans for years now.
Trump rally, St. Louis, March 2016.
Trump: “Part of the problem is, no one wants to hurt anyone anymore.”
Trump rally, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, February 2016.
Trump: “Knock the krap out of him. would you? I promise you, I will pay your legal fees.”
So it’s working
that’s why we love Trump
@Mike Willett
Ok viktor Pushkin
You can leave now
@Biden Sucks
Awe queen vladz trolling princess GOLUBOI skabeeva
Stay in your safe place Cumrade
@Redjam111 Redjam111. More happening behind the scenes than you even remotely know. Buh bye.
@Mike Willett
Awe timur Bogatishev
Keep hiding in your safe place GOLUBOI
The same trauma we have experienced for centuries… LoveLove
These stories keep coming back- You mix guns, mental illness an d religious cults and it will end a tragedy. Republicans offer only “crocodile tears” and prayers.
Horrible, so sad for our FELLOW HUMAN beings
Hate has no power really? Ask those 8 victims in Georgia if hate has no power. Hitler and his hatrid murdered millions of people in Germany.
Good point.
Good question! It’s heartbreaking to see this about crimes in Atlanta yesterday! Oh my goodness! It’s just difficult.
5ex addiction? Sounds more like a murder addiction to me. These establishments were providing him with something that he clearly wanted, and this is how he repays them?
Can’t understand insanity
for some strange strange individuals… the two coincide…..
He’s right. This is not easy. This is very stressful for Asian-Americans! It’s just not funny or right. What was this suspect thinking? I have no idea.
He was thinking with his “little head”
If you have a problem leave your gun at home and get help or talk to someone.
What about a machete…or a knife….or some large scissors……or a baseball bat….or a pitchfork…..or brass knuckles…..or a two by four…….
Blame the parents of these killers. So much hatred deep in them. Disgraceful disgusted and shameful.
Dont know if anyone cares but in less than 15 minutes I hacked my gfs Instagram password using Instapwn. You can find it by Googling for InstaPwn account hacker enjoy!
@Huxley Gus cool! It took roughly 10 mins but it reallyworked!
May these people R.I.P. .

When we heard massage parlors were targeted, we first thought *Andrew Cuomo* was short changed.
Wanna be safe?! You live in the US! Any crazy person can mow down a neighborhood.
according to the DOJ those committing the most hate crimes against Asian Americans are being committed by people of a specific skin color but it’s NOT Asian, Hispanic or Caucasian’s committing these acts of hate. Any guesses? We need to speak out and expose this hate. Oh but that doesn’t fit the narrative.
On the somewhat similar experience I had when I applied for graduate program of architecture at State University of Buffalo in 1977. The program selection committee asked after getting my degree, if I will return to the country of birth and practice architecture there. I am a US citizen and have no intention of going back to the country where I don’t even speak their native language well enough. It clearly showed racial and ethnic discrimination. But that kinda of blatant racism was prevalent back then more so than now. If it happened today, there could be a legal action against University of Buffalo.