Rep. Adam Schiff, who was the lead impeachment manager for Donald Trump's first impeachment, emphasizes the determination of the Democratic caucus to protect the United States from further damage by removing Trump from office. Aired on 1/9/2021.
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#AdamSchiff #Impeachment #MSNBC
Rep. Adam Schiff: 'We Can Move Swiftly … To Impeach This Man' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Impeach Mitch as well, he has backed a lot of these toxic
Can’t impeach a member of congress or senate.
Link to the FBI site with photos of the rioters; rewards offered, please do your part America and bring these thugs to justice!
Rachel Madcow presents the true traitor in need of justice – Schifty Schiff.
Mitch is gone. The Dems have control. Mitch is taking blood thinners.

And just when you think McConnell and Pence grew spines again… these traitorous GOP has blood on their hands!
@Nancy Fahey yep
Adam is a complete hypocrite
Hey where is ail this PROOF Schiff had in Russian collusion? LIES all LIES ,proof of election fraud
Spines or not, it is time for accountability from McConnell, Ted Cruz, Graham, and “Hawley, who?”, as well as the Gym Jordans and Bovine Nunez-es in the other chamber. Hopefully, the Senate and House can hold these individuals’ feet to the fire, and publicly question and punish them for aiding and abetting Donald’s crimes. Thereafter, throw the book at those who are implicated for encroaching and vandalism on the Capitol. Fine them with such crushing penalties that they aren’t able to rise above the US poverty line in the rest of their life. That is when the US public would begin to get a measure of accountability for this disgrace, and an example can be made for future generations.
Mitch will do whatever hurts America the most
@Rick Bolten only if Bill, Hillary, Fartwell and all the Democrat criminals go first.
It certainly seems that way.
@Jack Mason bull. He is owned by big business.
@peachion2 – this is still one opportunity that the Republicans have to get the majority in the Senate if they won’t accept the rightful winner.
@Jack Mason That’s your opinion. Funny how you claim others make hate filled statements, and yet your wall of words is vibrating with not only hatred but pure lunacy.
My opinion is that you’re a repressed raging homersexual queen like your butt-buddy Ms. McConnell
The world is laughing how weak is US democrazy.
Wrong. We are not laughing.
Well I’m not. I just feel very sorry for the decent folks in the USA having to put up with the maniac in the WH. Hope things get better. Best wishes from Rotorua,New Zealand.
@Melody Macken Most of the western world is laughing at America as a state but we aren’t laughing at the good people from the States we stand by them in they’re hour of need love from Erie
laughing, nah, more like gripping the edge of their seats. Netlfix can’t make this sh#& up
@Melody Macken I completely agree with you. America’s enemies are laughing, but America’s allies can only look on in astonishment. Here in Canada where I live, we have a ringside seat to all the insanity coming from south of the border, and it’s sad to see. Democrazy indeed.
For Canadians, before we closed the border to keep virus-infected Americans out, the USA was a nice place to visit. When the exchange rate was in our favour, many of us would drive to the USA and shop for bargains. But we Canadians also hear all the astonishing things Americans tell each other on TV and radio, and can only wonder how such a nominally well-developed country can be so backward in its public policies and so simplistic in it’s public attitudes.
@Melody Macken Absolutely! Laughing comes out of a place of judgement.
Impeach him, convict him and then put him on trial for sedition, corruption, murder & treason. This should be a lesson to anyone who wants to destroy the American democracy.
I agree with you, great point of view, now only if they would do this. They have my vote.
@Evan Page
Yes, just let unaccountable silicon valley big tech billionaires determine what people can say and read and what opinions are allowed. I am sure this kind of thing could never backfire.
@Marvin Martian your boy is owned by the CCP, the same CCP that created the virus. You’re blind beyond belief.
frictionRx9 wake up before it’s too late for you! Stop watching Faux news and catch the eff up on life, it’s passing you by while you waste your life.
But do you want the first few months of the new presidency to be all about Trump when there are the issues of the pandemic vaccination, economic recovery from COVID, and the ever looming global warming which becomes more costly to address with each passing day… There’s an awful lot to do other than demonstrate sedition can not be tolerated. There’s a reason why so many outgoing presidents have had a free pass, it’s because there is always work to be done (not golf and rallies as we’ve seen from the past four years). Besides, it will be Trump’s state egregious acts that will get him in the end.
Republicans are so proud that they’re willing to burn their party’s soul to the very ground, instead of doing an American move; recognize the danger as a countrymen instead of a partisan representative.
End of the road anyway
The Republicans actually hate what America has built itself into; their rich donors are not happy with public welfare or anything that doesn’t personally benefit them. They have used part of their tax cuts to bribe and donate to the Republican party in exchange for control of our laws and tax codes.
That they would use mobs and violence to achieve their ends just means they have become increasingly greedy and desperate.
Mitch is the main Criminal from the Beginning, without his entire support Tr can’t do anything
@Scott Hupke Don’t forget the most important in the list: Trump. He said his words as he said. History will keep them for centuries.
He is a traitor to America
Hey look its another racist Trumper!
@Way2RealGaming if you’re talking to me, I am a Democrat, and I consider the Republican party and the Trumpists, traitors to America. Was I clear enough this time? lol
Mitch is one of the few intellegent republican leaders left in DC. Mitch obstructed Trump’s 1st impeachment and was more concerned with padding the supreme court than upholding precedent. He did however uphold election results and advised senators (whose egos prevented them from abiding) not to challenge election results. He is Pelosie’s mirror image
It’s hard to believe that at one time most of the nation, left and right, was in a frenzy to impeach a president for an affair.
And some of the same people now pretend that orchestrating an insurrection and attack on the Capitol is somehow beneath notice when it comes to an impeachment.
Yah, same goes for 2 years on Bengazi, when more people were killed a Capitol hill.
He should never be able to hold public office again, and any “campaign” money he has huxtered people out of be returned or repurposed to capitol repair costs. Impeachment can do this. Get it done, get it over with so we can move on.
Give the donated money back and then strip Trump of his assets to restore our nation’s capitol to it’s original state.
By enabling or silence, Republican leadership is 100% complicit in the red hats terroristic seditious behavior, propagated by the lieing grifter in chief, in the name of greed… dressed as patriotism. But it is Donald Trump, whose name will live in infamy, who must be impeached and convicted now!
“People are saying” does not meet the standard of truth or reality. “Recalculating” the vote or one’s oath of office for “people are saying” is subversion of reality, the United States and it’s Constitution. Repeating lies do not make them true. Without consequences, these attacks on our Nation’s self-determination will continue.
By the summer of 2021, 500,000 Americans will be dead because the grifter, Trump, in the name of profit, with the consent of the Republican party, lied to his red hats, who to this day, do not believe the Corona virus is a threat.
Trump and his enabler’s must be impeached and face the full consequences of the law.
Without consequences, these seditious attacks on our Nation, will continue.
Without consequences people will die.
Without consequences, attacks on the republic will be “recalculated” as patriotic.
Impeach and convict now!
@Mainely believe me some money to repair it come from taxpayers
1/8/2021 – General McInerney – Special Forces took Pelosi Laptop – Hi Treason! !
@Tom Shackleford Repeating one delusion over and over does not make it true, no matter how many videos you post.
lol the bigger they fall …. Donald kept calling everything “worst than watergate” ….
guess what bell end?
Really, responsibility, I haven’t seen any from America
. If that was a fact Trump would be in jail right now
The GOP needs to stay out of power for decades for all of this. They created a monster of history
Totally agree! The GOP should never be in control of a branch of government again. We can make this happen.
Agree! Every time we get out of crap they put right back in it. We can’t make more gains for having to repair mess ups
…ppl with sense knew this mess was coming in 2016
Mitch McConnel is already responsible. He failed to do his job a year ago during the first impeachment
What he did a year ago was a conspiracy for every republican but one to violate their oath and ignore the over whelming evidence. And many romed the halls during the trial in violation of the rules and justice Robert’s never made an issue of it. I watched every minute of the trial. Mitch is a treasonous criminal.
Mitch McConnell is already to blame for not impeaching him the first time.
you just described a bunch of Democrats too.. you do know thay.
@Astrobrant2 there wS nothing there for impeachment at the Senate! Democrats hid testimony from anyone that was damming to their narrative. It was one pile of Democrat Dung.
@Dennis Hightower scary think is you believe that garbage you spout! The Russian narrative was debunked, you don’t get the whole story from these people. SORRY FOR YOU..
@JOSE Morass if you believe in Trump you are, are stupid
Susan Collins also
Hold this man accountable!!! Doesn’t matter how much time is left. We must demonstrate that this destructive behavior will not be tolerated by the American people.
@Jack Mason so what your saying is what actions and what he says you can’t hold him accountable? If you were to watch what trump says and does you would be embarrassed to call yourself an American. If the world is laughing at us what does that tell you
But you dirt flag burning anti-Americans supported mass looting, burning down of entire city blocks, daylight murder of the police by BLM and fraudulent elections. Got it!
@Bender Rodriquez cause we all know the seat of American government is at a Walmart. Bravo!
Before We are Shut Down Please: Spread the News that Leader Trump wants all his Follower to come to Mar-a-Lago and Play Golf, because he wants them to know he Loves Them All. Please Please Come and bring Your Friends. Trump and Family are waiting for You with open Arms.
If you arrest the soldiers of Trumps army of rioters. Then surely the commander-in-chief should be arrested also.
so apparently old mich was only horrified on wednesday when his life was in danger.
“Radicalised Americans” and what to do with them?. If they were Muslims they would be dead already
The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you are trying to get rid of the abuser. Revove Trump NOW.