Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump’s Defense Team Made Arguments ‘Born Of Desperation’ | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., criticized the arguments from Trump's defense team and said they were "born of desperation." He also claimed the defense was trying "to put a muzzle on John Bolton" and prevent his testimony. Aired on 1/30/2020.
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Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump's Defense Team Made Arguments 'Born Of Desperation' | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump's Defense Team Made Arguments 'Born Of Desperation' | MSNBC


    1. @David Hale Trump didn’t even “pause” aid. It’s all dine by inept people around him who “thought” they new what he wanted. They did not.😆
      Wow, I don’t even like Trump, and here I am defending him🤣🤣🤣 ….but right is right and wrong is wrong. This is why I like Tulsi Gabbard, because she has principles and morals, and apparently that means stepping over party lines now and then in this crazy world of politics. ✌

    2. @Elizabeth Newcity Congressional subpoenas do not have the backing of a Judicial subpoena. Bill Clinton also refused a Congressional subpoena, to which he negotiated terms to take the stand, which is how they trapped him in a lie, which is how he was charged LEGALLY for a crime, which is how he was impeached. So it is obviously wise to ones own benefit to decline an invitation to a Congressional hearing.

    3. @LollieVox (Laurie Webb ) You may want to look up “blackmail” in the dictionary. It doesn’t mean what you’re using it as in context.

      And it’s the Democratic party(a private corporation btw) who believes they are above the law. It makes me sick to see any public servant have the egos these people have. We need principals to be restored; modesty, humility, on ANY politician.🤮

    4. @Elizabeth Newcity It seems all the “troll” addicts remain terrified of their “minority loser” status……

    1. Trumps the only one besides his lawyer’s saying he didn’t do anything but 17 officials mostly appointed by him are saying he did pretty damning.

    1. It’s already carved into stone. Trump will win in an epic landslide and America and both, the senate and house will be red. Have your crying towels ready.

    1. That means if Bernie wins he can take over America for the Social Democrats and get rid of anyone who disagrees.

    2. @Jay Perry If you want to live in a dictatorship, please pack your bags and move to one! THIS is the United States of AMERICA in case you forgot! We enjoy our Constitutional provisions that have governed this country just fine!
      How do you stomach yourselves? Never mind. Sold your souls to the devil for money and power huh?!
      Matthew 16:26-27
      26 For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

      27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels: and then will He render to every man according to his works.

      The Lord will exact justice when He returns. You might want to make sure you’re on the right side of things.

    3. @bluto212 So we mustn’t sit idly by!!! Mobilize, volunteer, donate, email and make phone calls to the Senate – don’t give up!!!!!!!!

  1. It is my *deep, deep hope* that Trump and the majority of GOP are voted out of office in 2020. And then, watch the rats scramble.

    1. @David Schlessinger If you like, we can drop huge dollops of sh*t on you from our MAJORITY side, to “enhance” your funk…..😉

    2. @ufoguyspaceman You can give back all the money you want, it won’t excuse the horrendous crimes that Trump commits all the time. Loser.

    1. richard taylor the march toward Fascism began long before Trump. Bush/Cheney stole election from Gore. Trump has powerful interests behind him. Someone is advising and calling the shots behind the scenes.

    1. @Beachie Boys That’s right! How can I argue with such an astute
      scholar as yourself? Apparently your maturity vastly outweighs
      my own. How can I possibly contradict someone, such as
      yourself, with my paltry understanding of eighth grade political
      science? How dare I bring education into the mix with
      someone so obviously wise and knowledgeable as you, who has
      deigned to bless me with your enlightened response?
      Surely, I must wither before thine grace.
      Did Santa get you the Crayons you asked for this past year?

    2. @mega lenz That was a great try……

      But you left out the smoooooch…..😘

      It is REQUIRED, before we begin deliberations as to whether we trifle ourselves with your “dissertation”….😂

    3. @Dirk Diggler Nice handle!!! Not exactly sure what you’re trying to say though, or to which
      reply you are referring.

      So many people fail to understand what they are saying and get involved with
      petty mud slinging. They don’t take the time to write out in intelligible language
      an educated, informed response and instead resort to waving banners and barking out childish acronyms.
      If you are old enough to have seen “Boogie Nights” when it came out,
      then you are old enough to understand a broader sense of what is being exchanged
      in these diatribes.
      Typically I don’t get involved in these postings and review them only
      for the amusement of watching people degrade and embarrass themselves with their ignorance.
      I have held only one exchange that lasted for any length of time because
      (although he was from the other side of the fence) he was remarkably
      astute and open to a long lasting interaction. I will always respect him.
      As for the others,,, well, spewing all over their keyboards is just a
      waste of theirs and my energy.
      I must admit I get caught up once in a while, but try to save my
      words for those who can think an original thought.
      Which one are you??

    4. The amount of corruption, criminals, traitors, treason, ignorance, incompetence and mental illness in the Demoncraptic party is MASSIVE. Most of them belong in a mental asylum or prison.

    5. @mega lenz Yes I am as old and decrepit as you….

      Just not “outdated” like you are….

      Have you not learned the nature of the game is evolving ?…..

      YOU are wasting your time trying to make arguments, cite facts, and reason with the other side…..

      That would be true whichever side you are on…..

      And don’t be fu**ing lying, by maintaining you are not….

      Anybody can tell by your spontaneous remarks to others, where you stand….

      Your problem is, you stayed at the democrat party far too long, after it began to morph into what it is TODAY, beginning with Newt G, and the first Republican house majority in 40 straight years, back in the 90’s…..

      Everything went downhill from there, and you rode the whole thing to today’s ignominy…..

      And you tu*ds have virtually assured a MAJORITY trifecta, which we are going to use with tremendous force, to put you down, and keep you down….

      Where you (now) rightfully belong…..

      And the method, is to ignore you, except when we verbally “pound” you…

      No “reason”, because fruitless…

      No “empathy” or “compassion”, because you deserve none….

      And the American LOVING patriots (who have always BEEN the majority), are flexing our muscles, using tactics you invented, back upon yourselves….

      And there is certainly a great amount of “enjoyment” to be had, in finally being able to do so….

      That’s as “civil” as you can (and should) expect….


      I see your lips moving………😉

      But you aren’t smooooching…..😘

  2. He told everyone that he could get away with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue. Well, here we are. Apparently, the Republicans agree. So much for the patriots, huh?

    1. @Chuck Vaughn can you imagine a dually elected president being removed for wanting to investigate possible corruption and the use of Ukrainian officials by the DNC to interfere in the 2016 election….. lol
      Your saying he should respect them?

    1. You worried about the ghost of Trump’s Christmas past ?….

      Or the MANY MANY ghosts of Trumps Christmas future ?…….😂

    1. You can’t have a trial with out witnesses or evidence and the documents it will show a cover up or something more .

    2. Hmmm… I believe it should be spelled as “guilt” and there also is no need to capitalize “witnesses”. Hard to read illiterate rants on MSNBC. Check out some YouTube English lessons.

    3. @Alan Odonovan Still yet, those who aren’t the best at spelling or grammar rules are often readily understood.
      This poster is not, “illiterate,”. This was not a rant. BTW, Susan’s spelling of the word, “guilt,” as, “gilt,” is rather clever! She is correct. Meanwhile, you could check out some basic manners and consideration for others. We all have the Right to Free Speech. We can and do care what happens in our govt. of, for and by the People. It doesn’t require perfect spelling or grammar.

    4. @Leeanne Bishop You can’t have a hearing without allowing the accused to have counsel….And allowing the accused to ask whatever questions they want.

    5. Yes indeed 100% pig derived. You seem to have forgotten the dems had 17 witnesses revealing all the dirty details and impeachable offenses in the house transfer to the senate. Republican are content with letting this stand with no republican rebuttal. This is a really stupid thing to do from a republican perspective unless there was no crime. Here, the real question is how can anyone rebut a crime that does not exist? The refusal to have witness to prove innocence is proof of President Trump’s innocence. There was no crime. Not even a morally offensive statement. Go President Trump!

  3. Moscow Mitch not only has broken his own oath – he is coercing, by hook or crook, other GOP Senators to break theirs.

    1. January 30th, 2020– a date that will live in infamy– the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked…

    1. Oh so a book is mightier than the very own ukrainian presidents words
      So the ukranian president must be lying then. I see

    2. bruce cockinson — Jeez . . . what a bought-and-paid-for Trump deciple. You’re headin’ down the fool’s road. Spend all your cash before you reach the end.

    1. @tom smith If Donald Trump himself gives fake news about his own actions, then apparently so. Because he himself admitted it.

    2. @bob Bunni Again, obstruction is a real crime for a reason. Trump isn’t just refusing to prove his innocence, he is and has been actively blocking any and all evidence against him… In an illegal manner. By the way, there is already enough evidence to convict, given an impartial jury. I mean seriously, have you listened to the Trump defence team’s new arguments? They have been shut down at every turn and resorted to the most corrupt and nonsensical argument imaginable.

  4. What they’re telling us is corruption is cool as long as a republican is doing it

    1. There are plenty of grounds, do just one, then repeat, let trump go down in history as the one impeached multiple times!

    2. I wouldn’t be surprised if we do this all over again, along with the other court trials involving Trump and his circle.

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