Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump Commuting Stone An Appalling Attack On Rule Of Law | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, reacts to the news that Donald Trump has commuted the prison sentence of Roger Stone, accusing Trump and Bill Barr of reducing U.S. democracy to mafia rules. Aired on 7/10/2020.
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Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump Commuting Stone An Appalling Attack On Rule Of Law | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Schiff warned the Republican Senators about Trump. They voted for no witnesses at the impeachment trial. Moscow Mitch and the other Senators continue to protect him.

    1. @Noreb How about the Steele Dossier…the basis of the entire Mueller probe and 5 FISA warrants to spy on American citizens…Name one part which was based in fact? Name one person who swore under oath they had evidence of Russian collusion? Tell me why Peter Strzok was told to entrap General Flynn when in his own handwritten notes state Flynn was 100% legit..? But his 302 evidence was altered after Flynns interview? Gee would like to know point by point your thoughts?

    2. @Master Temple again, NOTHING YOUVE JUST SAID IS TRUE. The steele dossier WASNT the basis -debunked lie. Nothing nefarious was dont during the FISA process and the proof is that practically EVERY REPUBLICAN signed off on its renewal with no changes to oversight.. No one “spied on Americans” idiots that work for trump where talking to foreign targets of hostile nations while on the campaign.The entire dossier has never been called a finished product because it wasnt and the vast majority has been publicly corroborated by EVERYTHING in the public domine. The people who hired steele actually both testified under oath for over 30 hours combined, DEMANDED their testimony be made public, and STILL publicly stand by their AND steeles work and challenged anyone to try coming after them for lying….The ENTIRE senior leadership of the campaign met with LITERAL RUSSIAN SPIES in trump tower and asked for help winning the election. Theyre literally traitors…

    3. Maybe Mitch and dumpy can share a cell. Then get passed around the cell block for loose cigarettes.

    4. @Master Temple tax fraud, bank fraud, business fraud, election fraud and campaign finance violations. ALl federal felonies, one of which someone is currently serving prison time for. Those are just the low hanging fruit.

    1. @Laura Iushewitz These trolls are out in full force, they are getting desperate because Trump’s approval ratings and poll numbers are tanking.

    2. Michigan Wolverine What, you think I didn’t know that?!? Still shows how stupid you are for doing it though….🙄🙄😂

    3. he’s hiding 33,000 emails on a classified server…wait no……he did Quid Pro Quo for firing a prosecutor for his son….oh, wait, not that either…..he used our organizations to spy on Americans……..wait….im still not right……oh yeah….sorry. must be all those years of Russian Collusion thats throwing me off……or the Iran Deal………

  2. Stone has dirt on all of the republicans. He has always been the person they go to for ‘illegal’ things to get done.

    1. @David Swann He” a big load of Schiff. I never liked Germans. i AM eNGLISH, so Dave maybe you get it.

    2. Stop parroting MSNBC talking points, you sycophant. If I wanna hear their lies, I’ll watch for myself.

  3. People get ready, IF our republic wins November, barr, trump & kids will be in front of a neutral jury/judge, just remember the many, many unconstitutional “things” that were done

    1. @Kelly KaPOWski flies like black babies brains in the streets because of no leadership in DEMOCRATIC sanctuary cities and districts

  4. All this is on the Republican senators and Congressmen, who allowed us to get to this point. VOTE them OUT!!!!

    1. @★ Froggie Animation ★ Look at you lemmings, imposing false information so you can…FEEL better..

    2. First Last A typical alt-right Republican pretending to be something they aren’t.

    1. @★ Froggie Animation ★ Yes he is. Biden is imperfect but Trump is extremely imperfect.

    2. derry667dingo … they would Both be Outstanding options. It would be nice to see the Rule of Law once again in the United States 🇺🇸

  5. You all better remove that guy from the big chair asap. This is deadly serious now. From Canada with love & hope.

    1. You people are absolutely ignorant, buying all the lies from the liberal media. Are you really that blind!??!?! You are so wrong! You’ve been tricked and you are actually not scared of not having police too? Do your homework, read the facts, don’t just believe it because this news and Shift says something! The people are out to hurt America for political power, they don’t care about us!!!

  6. And of course Rachel it is Friday every Friday we always get surprises you know how that goes expect one again next Friday

    1. And every day that ends in “y”, Rachel is spewing propaganda. Didn’t 2 years of “Russian collusion” teach you anything? 🤣

    2. @Joe Obiden Well then why did this clown get elected if he’s just like everyone else. Didn’t this clown say he would be different and basically you’re saying he’s like the rest. Did you vote for this clown so he could do the same as the other’s? That is a really disturbing talking point you trolls keep bringing up.

  7. The Democrats had better punish Bsrr, Trump & his entire administration of delinquents for every crime they’ve committed since stealing office. Moving on is not an option.

    1. @Andrew S Americans are arming themselves in record numbers I mean record numbers and the silent majority are about to stop tyranny and go to a Conservate city and brake down a gate a threaten to burn and stop on there property see what happens

    2. @Jim Battersbee I wouldn’t let that moron marxist AOC collect money fro a bubble gum machine let as lone manage it we already know she would need more than ten fingers and ten toes

    3. @Jim Battersbee No it’s 💯 accurate .
      It means when a person or group Completely abandons the accepted laws , rules & principals ( of the tribe )
      Sorry if Its a little old world & Mabey… offensive to u ?
      ( P.C.Principal )
      I’ve watched it happen before my eyes , as I used to Support the GOP before S. Palin & the downturn I saw comming .
      Never thought they would go this far this fast down the sewage pipe !

  8. Trump’s betrayals know no bounds. Once he’s ripped out of the White House, there needs to be a reckoning.

    1. What are you, 5 years old? No crime other than Democrat abusing the FBI to tamper with the election, but your news will not share the truth. Trump will win, America has once and will pick him again, and never surrender to the socialist democratics who care nothing of us, only political power.

    2. @Ryan Lengacher It definitely happened. Muller is a republican. Their motto is party over country.

    1. oh that is an excellent idea regina
      i know trump is staying in wh if he loses
      we have millions on our side that a very persuasive(if ya know what i mean)

    2. Imagine being upset about a man who was sentenced by a lead juror who hated him, getting off. You lefties are pathetic.

    1. Let’s see…Obama commuted 1,715 sentences in his terms….some life sentences of hardened criminals….and you are clucking about Roger Stone? Come on!

    2. @R L T In April 2014, the Obama administration announced a clemency initiative and asked for applications from low-level, nonviolent offenders who had served at least 10 years in prison and had no history of violent behavior before their conviction. 

      That’s a stark difference between what Obama did and letting traitors, who sold out to Russia and lied to Congress, off the hook.

    3. @Deadpool Here are the charges against Roger Stone. Apparently…you found it necessary to make up your own.
      “On January 25, 2019, Stone was arrested at his Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home in connection with Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation and charged in an indictment with witness tampering, obstructing an official proceeding, and five counts of making false statements.” These are all process charges.

    4. @R L T Roger Stone’s offenses INVOLVED the president!!
      Obama certainly never commuted the sentence of a criminal acting on his behalf when the crimes were committed. You and your ilk are revolting.

  9. I’m sacrificing my life to go vote in November I could care less about covid I’m voting trump outtt!!!!!

    1. It’s hilarious. You “woke” liberals are voting for the political hack that’s spent 50 years in government getting rich off of taxpayers! 🤣

    2. @joseph He’s not the only to vote for Biden..Anyone that votes for Trump is for sure brain dead.

    3. @patricia lafountain same goes for biden…both imbeciles. Divided country. Crazy left white hating democrats and conservatist republicans. It is what it is. I prefer the republicans. The crazy radical left is scary. They silence people u know..they cancel..the tell you how to live and think. Not ok.

    1. Seriously? You couldn’t see through the optics when Stone was arrested? A SWAT team? A CNN camera crew? Surely you’re not this gullible????

    2. Obama and Biden were in on the conspiracy to set up Gen. Flynn and damage the Trump presidency!!!!
      Recently revealed notes summarized a WH meeting on Jan. 5, 2017 when they were about to leave power!!!! But they were hatching this plan to use an obscure 1799 law signed by Pres, Adams and never used successfully to prosecute anyone!!! The notes were taken by former FBI deputy assistant director Peter Strzok who identified the comments were made by VP (Biden), P (Obama) and D (FBI Director Comey):
      VP: “Logan Act”
      P: These are unusual times
      VP: I have been on the intel committee for ten years and I never.
      P: Make sure you look at things – have the right people on it.
      P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?
      D: Flynn —Kilysak calls but appear legit
      Also, declassified sworn testimony from interim AG Sally Yates said she was stunned that Pres. Obama even knew of the Flynn case!!!!! There is only one conclusion – that they were out to get Trump!!!!!

    3. Rod: Water boy Barr will have his day in court if not disbarred. Look what happed to Nixon’s AG. Why did fool myself?

      Everyone is Beautiful: that’s alright, Rod. Everyone is Beautiful even a fool like you.

    1. @Walter White
      You left off “spygate”.
      That makes Watergate look like a candy store shoplifting case.

    2. Obama and Biden were in on the conspiracy to set up Gen. Flynn and damage the Trump presidency!!!!
      Recently revealed notes summarized a WH meeting on Jan. 5, 2017 when they were about to leave power!!!! But they were hatching this plan to use an obscure 1799 law signed by Pres, Adams and never used successfully to prosecute anyone!!! The notes were taken by former FBI deputy assistant director Peter Strzok who identified the comments were made by VP (Biden), P (Obama) and D (FBI Director Comey):
      VP: “Logan Act”
      P: These are unusual times
      VP: I have been on the intel committee for ten years and I never.
      P: Make sure you look at things – have the right people on it.
      P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?
      D: Flynn —Kilysak calls but appear legit
      Also, declassified sworn testimony from interim AG Sally Yates said she was stunned that Pres. Obama even knew of the Flynn case!!!!! There is only one conclusion – that they were out to get Trump!!!!!

    3. Imagine being upset about a man who was sentenced by a lead juror who hated him, getting off. You lefties are pathetic.

    4. @Ken Bugbee …doh. LOL! thank you. i missed the best one and should not have especially since ‘the epoch times’ sent me that giant poster i plan on framing 🙂

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