The Boston Globe’s Renée Graham joins Ali Velshi to discuss the trial of Derek Chauvin, who is charged with the murder of George Floyd. Graham says the trial is an “indictment of police tactics,” adding George Floyd would be alive if not for the country’s history of systematic racism. Aired on 04/10/2021.
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#RenéeGraham #DerekChauvin #MSNBC
Renée Graham: An ‘Entire System’ Is On Trial With Derek Chauvin | The Last Word | MSNBC
Making a martyr out of a career criminal. Never thought I’d see the day.
@Westin Slaten did u reply to the right person?
@Anthony Rodriguez
@Westin Slaten but I’ve never talked about Lindell.
@Westin Slaten Your ability to breathe can be cut off by a lot of things other than drugs. He was panicking to begin with and then he had THREE GROWN MEN on top of him.
@Ryan Haddock I feel sorry for you. This is pathetic. He overdosed plain and simple. It’s facts. You’re just in so deep now you can’t let it go. Incredibly in denial….
may God help you.
Get ready for Spring/Summer of Love 2.0
@Cleveland Tay Sure you do.
@USN Corpsman you’re nothing but a keyboard warrior and coward. Just like that racist officer
@Sandman Slim u can get the hands of God put on u too bro
@Cleveland Tay Are you said god?
@Sandman Slim pretty much. Ready to meet him

these comments give me life
never stop mocking these MSM globalist liars!!
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. Racist
Thank you. I try to do the same. It’s one of the few things we can do still relatively anonomously and don’t have to worry about being lynched by the digital mob and losing our careers and future and life.
(This is why I deleted my Twitter account months ago…..when the woke lynch mobs were screaming to hang all the “extremists” after the Jan 6th attempted insurrection but WOULD NEVER DEFINE what an “extremist” really was……)
@Wakawaka Willy based on 0 evidence. Also what the fuq you talking about calling me a racist? Of here projecting your crap on me cut that out and be bold to talk about your issues and stop placing them on someone else. This black man aint your boogieman
@Its just common sense bruh Recently created troll account 5 days ago.
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. lol yes how dare we go against the good word of state media. no dissidents allowed!! if you’re not burning down your city over fentanyl floyd, you’re turning this country to trash!!!
fkn clown
The media should be in trial for fanning the flames and being propagandist
That would mean that we would have these titles such as “White man killed a Black man” to attract many people to read the articles and overall start the trends. If more and more people read the article, more and more money is made simple as that sadly. This applies not only to BLM but to many media sources
Except those that have the power want them dividing, so they can keep conquering.
@itzjustjeremy asia YES , in the OLD days it was sead don’t fight w/ the men that buy. INK BY THE KEG !
@itzjustjeremy asia and if it was ( black man kills black man ) we whud not have time to read all of it.
@itzjustjeremy asia
Boomers mostly trust the media, that is why tv isn’t dead yet.
You have it backwards.
The media are the ones who should be on trial.
I agree somewhat but can we also just admit that diversity is not our strength either? How much more proof do you need then what happened last year and what’s still going on today. I can feel this division everywhere too, it’s not like it’s just the Media but people in your everyday lives have a whole different reality from you too. It’s with everything, it’s not just how I see the justice system compared to other people but this division is in everything else, like whether or not I wanna get an experimental vaccine.
Let’s just admit something is very wrong right now and before we do anything about it, let’s at least address that reality.
I’m tired of these news media outlets and supposed “experts” who went into this trial with the sole purpose of seeing not what the facts are and if the defendant was guilty or not but instead to went into it already set in their mind what the outcome should be and to find out if the system was going to give them the outcome that they want instead of the outcome that is deserved.
I just hope that our judicial system isn’t as big a joke as our media outlets are.
@stoneymcneal And what makes you think that you have any lessons to teach?
You clearly have no idea what the word”bigot” means. I suggest a reputable dictionary might be of assistance.
In today’s America, racism is alive and kicking, as stoked by Trump. It’s no accident that the number of race-related incidents rose steeply over his term. This case is a stark example of police racist behaviour, and if you can’t see it, it’s because either your mindset is too narrow, or your perspective is too bigoted. Yep, that word again. Suggesting that media reporting is “clearly biased” only demonstrates that your perspective of said media doesn’t fit your own world view. I wonder what that could be. Missing Trump maybe? Want to join the 3 Percenters? Clutching your little pistol lovingly?
You make me laugh. As for the post you’re referencing, perhaps you should look at all his posts, but then, you aren’t interested in the facts. Now sit down and let the adults converse.
@Jonathan Bonfiglio First question would be, what data are you relying on? The various police forces don’t keep stats on their killings or report them in centrally. The FBI has stats that they admiit are incomplete.
Don’t tell me about “in one study”, then “in another”. Provide a factual basis, then I’ll
take the time to show you how ignorant you really are.
Nothing you posted was accurate. Fact. I doubt they even bothered to dupe you, would have been a waste of energy.
As for BLM leaders buying new houses in white neighbourhoods- post a link to that from a non right wing source. Same for the cocaine and hookers. Regurgitated right wing crap, I imagine.
Essentially, you just demonstrated how stupid, and how racist you are. But then, we both already knew that.
@Keith Anthony It’s just data that’s been analyzed correctly. it’s not right wing. Of course you would call anyone who disagree with you a racist. By your standards I’d rather be that, than an ignorant infantile dummy dumb dummy
since we’re name-calling. Just look it up. It’s easy enough. You got duped. Scammed. Swindled. Conned. Bamboozled. 95% of the BLM donations went to ActBlue and some other non-profit, while the 5% BLM received was used to buy cars and houses and party. Did you expect anything else?
@Jonathan Bonfiglio You didn’t answer the point, naturally. What data, produced by which organisation, based upon what?
Everything else you said is just waffle. I call racists, racists. Particularly those who pretend they aren’t but make dumb, unreasoned statements proving the opposite. My standards are good ones. I’m an attorney, and I went Ivy League. That doesn’t make me the smartest, but it means that I do understand how to reason, and I can identify crap when I hear it.
So you keep right on fooling yourself.
@stoneymcneal well done, he appears to still have the same issue down here.
The chaos of this all came from the media fanning the flames and LIES of this whole situation.
The media should be on trial for this.
@FreedomDaveX it’s very relevant. I don’t commit crimes, why should I care? Do you commit crimes? Which ones?
@Sharon Massey Yes actually, because they assume all men are a certain way, like r@pists, beaters, perverts, etc, though it wouldn’t be called misogyny, it’d be called misandry (sexism towards men/boys).
It’s funny really, and ironic when you think about it. Can you imagine the cognitive dissonance you have to have to end up being bigoted yourself out of fear of other’s bigotry?
But yea, at the end of the day, the one that brings up race first, is most likely the racist..
@Vulpinetide Cute Times What non-sensical crap. Whatever floats your boat.
@Sharon Massey Just the response I was expecting.
@Vulpinetide Cute Times DITTO!!!
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 KJV
I get so angry and caught up in matters like this. Thank you for posting this.
It’s gonna get bad if they don’t stop editing this trial, the prosecutor is having a hard time due to multiple pieces of evidence and witnesses countering the states case. Honesty saves lives here as I don’t know which way the case will go but if he gets acquitted I’m going to Canada
@Petro Vasylyk funny and yet people want reparations for something that happened 400 years ago….lame
I am sure Canada will welcome you; if you need help packing – let us know!
@Blazedones is it anecdotal when allblk tv perpetuates the stereotype? or is that how most blacks want to be represented in their quest for equality?
Sadly, the border is closed. I say sadly because I live in the double whammy…NYS. Not only do I live in a country heading towards the abyss to promote false narratives for profit, but I have the extra load of King Andrew and his abuses of power and sexual misconduct. And thanks to MSM, our nation is portrayed around the world as a corrupt freak show.
@Casey Neal It’s hysterically funny when the left tries to use the word “snowflake” like it’s funny when a child learning to talk uses a wrong word or a word in the wrong way.
The system is on trial, the mainstream media system. End the mainstream media, reduce the state by ending the drug war.
@B1ACK DRUGG1ES MUST D1E Wow – who dragged you up!?! And where do I even start with your comment….nowhere – I’ve got better things to do with my life!

@Guided Meditation Really? George Floyd is partially at fault? so your argument is that when someone is murdered, it’s partially their fault?! He deserved to die because he used a fake bank note? Or because he used drugs? Or are you trying to say that someone who has previously been on the wrong side of the law deserves to die?!!! Go back to the hole that you crawled out of. Insanity.
AFRICAN AMERICANS LEAVING AMERIKKKA… I really appreciate your hate and racism … BANKS ON THE CONTINENT ARE GETTING STIMMY DEPOSITS …… I can never be mad at RACISTS… you’re helping AFRICA GROW… Black celebs are RELOCATING AND BUILDING HOMES IN AFRICA … OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS WILL NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT A WHITE COP, JUDGE, TEACHER OR PRESIDENT EVER AGAIN… keep up the great work… we need more AFRICAN AMERICANS to drop their pensions, life savings, and investment capital onto our ancestor’s homeland … THE VOTER SUPPRESSION IS AMAZING… I had so many emails and dms from blacks who said they would never leave… wow you are breaking thru to the most brainwashed blacks… they’re saving, planning and preparing… and y’all all know what happened the last time we left your plantations… AMERIKKKA HAVENT BEEN THE SAME SINCE… shoutout to OBAMA & the new BLACK FEMALE VICE PRESIDENT lol
@Chantelle IsAfricaBound BYE, SHANIQUA!
I am sure the founder of BLM is still oppressed in her new $1.4 million mansion
@Cindi English
I would answer if I thought for a second you were being genuine. But the way framed your question tells me everything I need to know. Anyway Im done please feel free to continue to wallow in your wilful ignorance
@Carol Harris no, seriously, I would like for you to explain. Please do.
@Big D I have a feeling you had your pants down as you wrote that odd comment.
Burn it down. This is an insult to black ppl everywhere
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” Greek Proverb
Wow, I came here just to see the comments. They give me hope that people are not as dumb and ignorant as the MSM thinks we are!
Yeah, you have a point. I dont see any extremist.
I feel the same we got hope
We here bro.
We’re here and we are not going anywhere.
They’ll delete half the comments and get rid of the dislike button soon.
There are people that dont want to watch the trial bc they dont like the truth. They are just waiting to act out on their violent tendencies no matter.
@Uncomfortable Truth it’s all on video. Floyd was the only one that committed a crime and then resisted arrest. I guess you didn’t hear about his other overdose about a month before his death
@Seymore Buddz
Stop lying, watched The whole testimony of pathologist.
He called it a homocide, COD being pressure to his neck.
@Uncomfortable Truth homicide isn’t only murder my guy. There’s justifiable homicide, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter and with the fact that the police chief admitted the knee was on his shoulder, not his neck, this guy is getting acquitted
@Uncomfortable Truth just search the words Minneapolis police chief knee on shoulder and see for yourself
@Uncomfortable Truth Floyd’s girlfriend testified to dropping Floyd off at the hospital for an overdose. Why would I make that up?
The MSM is just maneuvering to have sensational headlines no matter which way the trial goes. Wack up and see the media for what they really are
I see the media as a pile of
We need to hold the mainstream media accountable and also put them on trail for misinformation and narrative spinning
If only we would!
AFRICAN AMERICANS LEAVING AMERIKKKA… I really appreciate your hate and racism … BANKS ON THE CONTINENT ARE GETTING STIMMY DEPOSITS …… I can never be mad at RACISTS… you’re helping AFRICA GROW… Black celebs are RELOCATING AND BUILDING HOMES IN AFRICA … OUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS WILL NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT A WHITE COP, JUDGE, TEACHER OR PRESIDENT EVER AGAIN… keep up the great work… we need more AFRICAN AMERICANS to drop their pensions, life savings, and investment capital onto our ancestor’s homeland … THE VOTER SUPPRESSION IS AMAZING… I had so many emails and dms from blacks who said they would never leave… wow you are breaking thru to the most brainwashed blacks… they’re saving, planning and preparing… and y’all all know what happened the last time we left your plantations… AMERIKKKA HAVENT BEEN THE SAME SINCE… shoutout to OBAMA & the new BLACK FEMALE VICE PRESIDENT lol
Every story I’ve read about this trial is the exact opposite of what I’ve heard and seen. The context of the media narrative is literally held up by people’s ignorance.
@CJ K lol I know, that’s the worst thing about it. These people destroy their state, then move to a red one and bring their moronic politics with them
@toanewday lol ok I agree. (yes I have a political bias) And yes both sides have idiots but there is a big difference….The Republicans don’t let thier idiots steer the ship (I’d say maybe 5% of Republicans are idiots and 80-85% of liberals
@toanewday says the person who only listens to the MSM and believes without question everything they spew and will not go to any source material to see for themselves what the real truth is. Republicans aren’t the ones “reducing it to a political ideology” It’s people like you. Maybe you should stop projecting while uncritically and unquestioningly slurping up MSM lies and misinfiormation.
@Robert Miller what an assumption… lemme guess thats your style of news.
@Monica Smith the best you can do is point out a grammatical error…thanks for contributing the discussion
We live in a society where emotions and perception hold more weight than truth.
Yep it’s no longer innocent until PROVEN guilty, no more logical, factual debate it’s all emotion driven.
That society won’t live long
The truth is that cops can do whatever they want without going to jail or losing their careers. That isn’t emotional. Why do so many bad cops still have their careers and freedom if this is all just some lie?
@FreedomDaveX Please name these cops that your talking about.
@John Grisham It’s 2021, you have the internet, you’ve heard plenty of reports. Don’t play dumb with me. You believe every story of excessive force and corruption is false? What exactly is you definition of a bad cop Mr. Grisham? What stakes do you have in defending bad cops which you are doing by even doubting their existence?
Love is the answer. Forgiveness is the answer. Caring about others is the answer. Awareness is the answer. You are the answer.
I am good with your post but am curious how you define love. It’s thrown around so quickly and easily but a find for many to not have an adequate definition.
@Scott Davidson It’s subjective, and without meaning is redundantly made meaningless
@Joe Tamari absolutely correct, however i point to GOD’S word where HE gives us HIS meaning of what love is.
Love (is)
Not jealous
Not boastful
Not arrogant
Not rude
Never demands it’s own way
Is not irritable
Does not keep a record of wrongs
Does not delight in unrighteousness
Rejoices in the truth
It bears all things
Believes all things
Hopes all things
Endures all things