Remembering The Tulsa Race Massacre As The 100th Anniversary Approaches | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks back at the destruction of the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa in the Tulsa race massacre of 1921, including some details that have been learned only very recently. Aired on 04/20/2021.
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Remembering The Tulsa Race Massacre As The 100th Anniversary Approaches | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Remembering The Tulsa Race Massacre As The 100th Anniversary Approaches | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Thank you for making us aware. A public service to All. I’m a ashamed white woman .. not 100 years old but okd enough to remember my parents reactions to blacks. I never accepted their view BUT I did nothing. I am ashamed to say. Thank you for reminding us.

    1. I did teach my children to respect other peoples, cultures and religions. I didnot fail completely. And I respect other peoples,, cultures and religions. I did something, not enough, but something.

    2. @Joyce Garvert we could never go back and do more than we actually had the ability to do at that time.
      With that being said, let me please commend you for staying true to yourself and retaining a self honesty that takes incredible strength throughout your childhood when surrounded by people who make it up as they go and do not ever see things for what they are, but instead, whatever fits their agenda.
      The right thing stayed alive in you throughout your life, and you passed that wonderful light and gift down to your children. That is brave, true strength of conviction and quite honorable. You broke cycles of what I call…generational illness. It takes a strong person to do that.

    3. Don’t be ashamed, there may not had been anything you could do. By you not being a racist is enough.

  2. Read about this a few years ago. If it isn’t, a memorial should be in place there. That way everyone will have to remember the atrocities of the past. Where I live in Canada there is an old residential school still standing right beside a major highway so that every time we drive by it we see and understand the horrors of our history that we would be doomed to repeat.

  3. You can always identify a racist by their terror of Black success. Whether it was a prosperous Oklahoma community a hundred years ago or a finally enfranchise Black (and Brown) electorate less than a year ago, the terror is real and has real consequences. Behold the hatefulness. Fight against it.

    1. Obviously. They hate successful poc. Because their lies of stereotypes against poc are getting busted 1 by 1.

    2. What’s always interested me, ruth, is the difference in the economies of Black and White Tulsa and how that might have contributed to the atrocity. It’s contained in the misnomer, Black Wall Street. White Tulsa was far more capitalized yet the wealth distribution in Black Tulsa was broader. I forget the exact figures but a dollar in Black Tulsa changed hands within the community six to eight times before leaving the community, giving the impression of great property. And it was but broader-based. Hence the White rage. It was a pattern pertinent to the current day.

  4. I was born and raised in Oklahoma, and I’ve heard more about the Tulsa race riots in the past year than I did in my 27 years of living in that wretched state.

    1. History is written by the victors, not the victims. Most of the Southern States are still teaching the Civil War was not about slavery…

  5. A history znd true event that can never be forgotten,my folks has done so much hurt to people of other race and it is sad to see that they are planning to go back to that period,it saddens me a lot ,why are we this cruel, why can’t we live and let live.

    1. Someone should tell her that Angelo Saxons didn’t have gunpowder, which means they didn’t have guns. They’re really enjoying that Chinese invention…

  6. When Rachel takes a day off I get upset. Am I being selfish? I don’t care!😄 I want to see her every evening. She is a phenomenal journalist who makes the news addictive. I love her!🥰

  7. My Kenyan family emigrated to Tulsa, don’t ask me why I don’t know. But I can assure you this city and state still buries the atrocities of its past. In that regard USA has not changed much.

  8. Thanks, Rachel! 💜 May wounded hearts *heal* and closed minds *open* so that we can all live together, peacefully. ☮️

  9. My Grandmother witnessed that event and was traumatized for the rest of her life. Any time Oklahoma was brought up, she would freak out big time. We knew something very bad had happened, however she would never talk about it. No one in the family did. She was born in Greenood Oklahoma. It wasn’t untill after she died, that we got an ideal of what happened. So, this is important to me. In closing, those events back then forever scare our family. All the old folks would say it. That the ground flow blood and the sky burn black. So the migrated to Kansas City area. I hope that the full story of what will be told. My ancestors lost something and the ghost of those events in Oklahoma burns 🔥 with in the Campbell family.

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