It's been five years since President Obama walked into the White House briefing room wearing a tan suit and the whole world went bananas.
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Remembering Barack Obama's Biggest Scandal: The Tan Suit | All In | MSNBC
President Obama looked very handsome in that Tan suit. With that said he looks handsome in whatever color he wears!!!!!

*Did you see him in his Muslim garb? Disgusting.*
@LAST CALL immature!
@lea lai Don’t even acknowledge these fools. They don’t know anything but ignorance and insults just like their Day-Glo messiah.
@Miss Understanding lol you’re right. Ty
I think the dude is kinda ugly
Remember the old days when presidents were clinically sane? I miss normalcy.
And Sadly… racist America will reelect the orange orangutan
Remember the good old days when Obama:
1. brought his Transvestite Husband in the White House
2. had his ex boyfriend assassinated
3. bombed 7 countries and received the Nobel “Peace” Prize as a reward
4. armed the Mexican Drug Lords
5. bribed poor voters whit cheap phones
6. destroyed and looted Libya
7. destroyed and looted Ukraine
8. created ISIS and tried to destroy Syria with it
9. lied about Obamacare
10. published a fake birth certificate
11. published a fake biography
…just too much to list.
@Mind Freshener You are the crazy fringe I’ve heard about.
Unfucking REAL !!!

Did Michelle poop her pants off….
Lord Broke Back (44) was the worst president in US history
Yeah as if he had no scandals msnbc is a joke
Orange man bad.
The double standards are just unbelievable sometimes. I can’t wait to vote out Trump in 2020
Helen Short And I would suggest enlisting the help of an independent body consisting of both American and European professionals in political science for example, including former presidents to closely monitor the 2020 presidential elections in the US to ensure the outcome is totally free and fair! Our aim should be zero tolerance for any unfairness to influence the final results one way, or another no matter where it comes from!! Remember when former President Jimmy Carter would travel to those Central and South American countries to monitor their elections to make sure they were free and fair from tampering or fraudulent activity, well we need that here just like the 3rd world countries do. Corruption here has become rampant with all the gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian interference, etc. I thought we were better than that, we’re not!
Brett Carter That’s projection, whatever we say about him, it throws it right back. So 8th grade.
Chas Jones
Yep, not like I’m not used to the same thing from every one of them….
@Philip Clarke You are irrelevant.
@Kevin Mcneil Apparently we are talking about two separate deals. I am talking about the Iranian nuclear sanctions and you are talking about the 1979 arms deal! Same outcome though, Iran was simply getting back money that was theirs in the first place plus interest. Nothing wrong with giving a country back what is rightfully theirs but I imagine you will blame Obama since that seems to be your agenda here.
Please also know that I am not required to answer your questions, it is not my job to educate you but apparently I have to since you are unable to do so yourself. Cherry picking stories that fit your agenda is not a good form of education, you will still end up ignorant as you have proven here.
BeatlesFanSonia Dod Big Mike always dress him??
lol love Obama ,just give him back to us horribly suit in all
Obama is gentelman
Marrie Trueman Lord Broke Back (44) was the worst president in United States history
@Born to be Wild gentleman don’t lie about your healthcare and do coke then give oral to another man
I’ll take a tan suit scandal over all the nonsense we have now, any day.
Geo L Actually, thanks to all of your comments, I won’t have to watch any more mainstream news today because you’ve covered all the fake news talking points! Rachel Mancow & Lying Lawrence would be proud of you
@Leonard Washington Glad you got off you’re anime adventures. What’s next Faux News?
@Geo L Fast n furious Scandal, Benghazi scandal, Arming “moderate Syrian rebels” Scandal, Billion$ cash sent to Iran Scandal, , Forcing Americans to purchase garbage health insurance, Ongoing Wars wars wars while somehow receiving a nobel peace prize
But lets just forget all that because Orange man said mean things.
Come back Barack Obama! We really miss you & have a fool who is desperately trying to fill your shoes!
@P J
Couldn’t agree more P.J.
To have class, dignity, and intelligence back in the oval office!
@Daisy Elmir A liberal friend of mine has an Obama tee-shirt that has Obama’s image reading “Miss me yet.” When I first saw it I thought “Man o man, you are a sight for sore eye’s & I miss you more than ever.” I’m a big fan of Obama but some of it has to do with the ignorant fool currently occupying the WH.
Obama is Really good looking & gentlemen personality *
P J Lord Broke Back (44) was the worst president in United States history
No worries, Trump kicked FOX to the curb – LOL. Trump will throw anybody and anything under a bus!
Joy Phillips lmao. When Trump unzips his zipper does your mouth automatically open?
He reminds me of a guy, who always wanted to see what is behind the scenes. And so he did…
Even his own kids
@Leonard Washington I am 51 yrs old and she is long passed away!
Grim Reefer I’m 48 and I’m sick and tired of people bashing my president because of the fake news that brainwashes them
The economic collapse is coming under Bonespurs.
I am a much more serious person than some people give me credit for, but it’s all good.
@Spinko Kerplinko what the heck are you talking about??
Mike S Quit regurgitating what the fake news keeps shoveling down your hole
Half the male journalists complaining are wearing tan or beige suits. What bullshite
@James McCabe: “They had to explode on every little thing he did because he rarely did anything scandalous.”
Are you talking about the War Criminal with the Transvestite Husband?
Which drug-induced alternate reality do you reside in?
Mind Freshener

I live in an alternate reality?????
Maybe re-read what you wrote
You’re actually embarrassing yourself.
Tell your Russian boss you failed.
I can’t believe you get paid to lie on YouTube.
@coolwater55: “I don’t recall one scandal from Obama
1. brought his Transvestite Husband in the White House
2. had his ex boyfriend assassinated
3. bombed 7 countries and received the Nobel “Peace” Prize as a reward
4. armed the Mexican Drug Lords
5. bribed poor voters whit cheap phones
6. destroyed and looted Libya
7. destroyed and looted Ukraine
8. created ISIS and tried to destroy Syria with it
9. lied about Obamacare
10. published a fake birth certificate
11. published a fake biography
…just too much to list.
@James McCabe Maybe you should take or change your anti-psychotics (whichever applies in your case).
Mind Freshener

Not one of those is true in the slightest.
Just a bunch of conspiracies you came up with off the top of you’re head. But hey, you have a pretty good imagination
Good bye
Stupid fools complained about a tan suit yet have NOTHING to say about the present potus’s dangerous practices and refusal to follow the rule of law. WTF.
Are you the great Madam X concert man boy lover?
Pat Byrne —Go figure right?
Vlad and his Puppet And add to that all the fuss they made over President Obama’s statement to then Russian President Medyev that ‘he’d have more to say about that after the election’ having no Earthly idea what he meant by that, but completely ignores that Con man the bully met for 2 whole hrs behind closed doors with his puppet master Putin in Helsinki during that gathering of world leaders with no press, no nothing except the interpreter. Then confiscated the interpreters’ notes so the press couldn’t get a hold of what was said, so there’s no record. The question is WHY, why the secrecy!! I find that astonishing! Hypocrisy to the max!
The super wealthy dont need another huge tax break, vote blue 2020.
Day 1 of new Dem. Prez. executive order repeal the wealth tax and make the pay their fair share.
Didn’t Obama buy a 15 million dollar mansion while yelling at everyone the dangers of capitalism? LOL
@Joy Phillips What are you complaining about?
The guy (Obama) earned it.
The guy you support will not show his tax returns and his shady deals are coming around to haunt him.
@Joy Phillips Michelle has a book deal worth 60 million, Obama has a huge deal with Netflix. They’re making money not inheriting it, the Obamas aren’t corporate welfare queens like the trumps.
They complained about a tan suit, while they wore tea bags on their face. Literally.
Your comments are funny because they’re true

Best Bast lmao
Best Bast : I love watching Trump’s snowflakes clutching their pearls and fainting. Quick! The smelling salts!
Infested _INFESTED_ *Infested-Infested* Neither; they are Democrats. What are you, a lunatic?
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
The good old days. Seems like so, so long okay.

bis3cuit Are him and Big Mike still dating?
This just categorically proves that Fox News can’t even be considered a REAL news network.
LOL ……
Have you been watching ? Your Socialists just got busted lying last night AGAIN at MSNBC and both CNN & MSNBC lied for almost 3 years about Russia and nothing …
@Kevin Mcneil Yup, after Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Stone, Papadopoulos, and many others associated with Trump have or are now serving prison sentences. The Russia investigation was a nothing-burger.
@Ronaldo Rivers Correct. I think they’re down to only 2-3 actual journalists left on the network. Most of the viewership and money is made on the opinion shows.
My friend just returned from an extended trip to Europe – he said Europeans really like President Obama.
We Germans respected Obama but we were also critical of him. There is no need to 100% adore or condemn a politician. The thing you can say for Obama is that he is intelligent and we could rely on him meaning what he said and not changing his stance every couple of hours, which is good to see in an ally.
Norway love Obama. We haaaaaate dumass Drump and his minions. Haaaaaaaaate!!!
We definitely do! We would have voted for him if possible. And we HATE the fat, disgusting insane dodderer. Why can’t Mother Nature help out here and just take him away? But I guess even she doesn’t want him and he might live forever.
@caroona123 We respected Obama, but also loved him. We definitely did.
At least Obama held professional press conferences, and not the ridiculous ones that Trump holds screaming over the helicopter, and lying nonstop.
You are a fool
Professional? You mean staged
aeroripper He relies on Twitter so he can control the narrative. He won’t trust the press (except Faux), because they expose him for the fraud that he is like Tom Steyer says, by reporting facts to the American ppl, wherever they may lead. They won’t lie for him, or fudge the truth like Faux does, and presto, chango, whatayaknow, he’s now on Faux’s case, because they’ve strayed off the reservation and broke the #1 rule, protect and defend mob boss at any cost! Do whatever you have to do to make him look good, lie, cheat steal, omit facts, make stuff up, pivot to Obama, stretch the truth, whatever!
Trump should apologizes to us for his sloppy body, bad hair, and fish lips.
Yes the tan suite I posted that on my FB it popped up on my timeline today.I miss Obama

Should have worn white…