Republicans like Ted Cruz couldn’t fathom that the steps some leaders were taking to stop Covid-19 were driven by serious concerns. Instead they suggested that it was all some elaborate conspiracy to kneecap Trump—and would go away after the election. Aired on 11/17/2020.
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#Election #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Remember When Ted Cruz Promised We Would Stop Caring About Covid-19 After The Election? | All In
Ted is a fake. Nothing more.
A fake American. He is not even from this country.
Covid Cruz
Covid is fake Research shows no hospitals are close to over run at all. This is first steps of socialism and the people will soon revolt
And his wife is ugly.
True so he needs to go sit down trater
I have no idea how Ted Cruz looks his family in the eye. When Trump called him Lyin’ Ted, that was the only true statement Donald Trump ever uttered in his life.
Trump also insulted his wife and all Cruz did afterward was plant his lips firmly on Trump’s backside.
ted should be rich enough to buy out his family.
They want us to die. The U.S. is absolutely disgusting.
Think about it, 80% of the dead were on SS. They are all drooling over the new found money they’ll get to spend. It better be many years before I hear one word about how SS is going to bankrupt in a few years. Not one word
Not the U.S. only the Republicans.
@Sandy Allen thanks sandy you cold-hearted …… I’m on ss and not drooling over any “found money” trump decimated ss for his stupid wall, that and military funds, oh and by the way sandy, “stop the steal” is a registered business started by fraudster roger stone in 2016 not by trump sheep.
@Gerald Jackson you’re a clown.
So, why didn’t “they” just let Ebola do it then years ago? It’s far more effective in killing people, genius.
What’s the end game? To lower the population from 330,000,000 to 329,700,000?
No one is in denial. You’re just stupid as
@Sandy Allen So let’s say 300k die. Let’s take your made up 80%. That’s 240k. The average social security check is $1,400/month. That equals $336,000,000. The stimulus package was $2,000,000,000.
Now you have millions unemployed and thousands of small businesses closed with thousands more on the way. How is this a good investment?
I’d also like to remind you the person that wanted to get rid of SS was Trump and it would’ve been gone by 2023 with him if he was re-elected. You don’t need a virus to get rid of it. Just an unqualified reality tv star conman.
Rafael let Trump call his wife ugly. What a LOSER Teddy is.
@Michael S doesn’t matter where you’re from. APOS is a POS.
He did not dare to call her ugly himself
@Michael S from a canadian, eewww!
He is a WASTE.
Ted Cruz sold his soul and lost his moral compass a long time ago. How does he even go to church and not burst into flames is beyond me. The man workshops a false idol called Trump.
Oh wait I didn’t know people get set of fire when they go to church
Trump and his administration need to be in prison enough is enough with all their corruption:
so does biden
@Matthew Goulamanian WHY
Open your eyes to see which party’s the most corrupt it’s the Demorats or you have been brainwashed!!
@Savika Hawes you seem brainless
Ted Cruz just loves to run that mouth.Bad mouthing innocent people defending frauds
What a doofus!
No offence but Teddy’s face looks like a Brussels Griffon.
Had to Google “Brussels Griffon.” Thanks for the laugh.
Lord I hope they all rot in hel for enabling this fool.
Agreed. He is spineless. He is prasing a guy who called his wife ugly, his dad a murderer and said the votes were illegal when he won the Iowa caucus.

Beyond Pathetic.
Can’t believe people in TX still voted for him in 2018.
Graham is more pathetic
Cruz’s term doesn’t end until 2024. And this is Texas, so I wouldn’t bet against an incumbent Republican senator. (Beto was the best chance Dems had in a long time, and he couldn’t do it.)
Well, Mitch is rather pathetic too… shall we do paper rock scissors to see who wins?
I like senators that can stand up for their wife and father.
For himself too. Trump said the votes were illegal when he won the Iowa caucus in 2016.
Cruz and Trump are such idiots. It’s after the election and yes covid still exists. Trump can be thanked by the American people as a super spreader.
For Sure !
I second the motion lol trump sucks
SO MANY Trump trolls online before the election saying that covid numbers would “Drop Like a Rock” after Nov 3rd…..well, hasn’t happened. Anybody reading this who was saying that? Dare to come forward to explain why you were incorrect?
We’re waiting until his next re-election effort and we’ll be voting teddy out in Texas. He’s a nonstop embarrassment and useless cog of bootlickery. He’s haunting like Grandpa Munster to look at too, ugh.
Dress up like a clown And tell me about that WuUufluUu

All Congressional Republicans are guilty of Criminal Negligent Homicide against all Americans.
Can you convince me you’re not a Nazi after that comment??
“Please government take care of me! I can’t think for myself”
@KEVIN MASTERS trump sheep.
He’s got to be one of the sleeziest people on the planet. He even looks sleezy.
@Mitchell T You just mad ’cause you got caught.
@brenda north LMFAO
trump is getting EVICTED then your BLACK VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS is throwing him in the SLAMMER 

Good One !!!! Mitch !!!
@Roger Hegemier Mitch stole this line from a late show monologue…
Ted Cruz does not care to honor his wife, much less fight against the invisible covid bully.
Teddy is afraid of bully Donald!
Ted’s wife will be a Stepford wife.
Cruz couldn’t stand up for his wife and to think he wanted us to believe he could be President

Cruz couldn’t stand up for his wife and to think he wanted us to believe he could be President

Trump/Cruz were right, after the election nobody is talking about covid. It’s now officially called the Trump Virus.
CoronaDonny 4 ever
Covid 45
Trump named him Lying Ted for a reason. It was a takes one to know one situation that proved itself over and over again
These republicans are the devil. They are not taking care of the Americans as they promise..
Funny I think the people controlling people and forcing them to be poor as evil
They Should all Resign They Have Ruined Our Government !!! At this Point the People That we Have in Prison Locked Up, are No worse Offenders Than the Republican Party !!!
@Brooke B True, that. Never known one single Republican to have supported a living wage for all Americans. They’re all about how much they can squeeze out of people giving them nothing in return for their labors.
At this point, it’s just blatantly obvious that the GOP is a party of extreme hypocrisy. The will put party, and their orange turd leader, above ALL ELSE.
Ted Cruz: a man who talks a lot but doesn’t understand what he is saying.
I think you’re giving him too much credit. I think he does understand what he’s saying, and doesn’t care what he says, or who it hurts, as long as he gets an advantage from it.
It honestly would reflect better on him if he was just stupid and didn’t understand.