Rev. William Barber and Pastor Michael Rudzena discuss staying faithful and the role of the church in this trying time. Aired on 3/27/2020.
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Religious Leaders Discuss Keeping The Faith In Trying Times | Morning Joe | MSNBC
@Heathen S …of, if, of, if, Please shut your mouth!
So you get some sort of twisted pleasure from making fun of people?
Thats about right!
There is NO place for religion in a pandemic. We need science, humanism and compassion. Throughout history, religion has fought all that to reach their only goal: power over people at the cost of reason and freedom.
@Mai Nem my point is why must one win or lose? Is there really a competition between the two? I think we should bring whatever works for the most people to this battle. This isn’t a time to quibble about religion any more than party politics. My point is that whether or not you are a person of faith, many people are, and for them it may be that the stay home message will resonate, as will other information, if provided by their clergy. I think most faith based communities trust their church leadership. I wouldn’t , but they do. Why is there no room for community leadership on whatever level, as long as this bug is eradicated, or at least contained?
@Elizabeth Ayres
You’re right – this is a war, and me must all step up.
Regardless of faith or religion (or lack thereof).
Wow. So kind of most people here, to try to save my soul from stupid. But I’m not stupid. I shared an experience that involved getting through a terribly tragic time, and reading the Bible helped. My point, faith and religion can be a tool for good. We should employ all we have at our disposal. And NEVER would I suggest that, if it actually were an either /or proposition, or not, that we ignore science in favor of religion. False dilemma. It’s not necessary to choose one or the other.
@Must Survive including our own free will….how we use it is the key
@Must Survive in my humble opinion, that is
Maybe the Churches that have been collecting money can start helping people. Give them food, rent money.. etc.
@Ricl Roth Good one, well said, just evangelists & church did ( I bet my life) “whispered” trump he will get huge support ( even bigger than in October) IF HE FILL THEIR CHURCHES FOR EASTER. Their pray is : Lord we need more money… Haven’t saw any church to open doors and let homeless IN, OR TO FEED THEM…
Uumm, that is already happening, churches all over the country are handing out food.
@Cynthia Jones exactly, I provided somebody about 15 links on stories about that the other day. Then they moved the goal post and said well there are still examples of bad Christians.
@S T23 Where do you live? Hard to believe there are NO CHURCHES that feed the hungry . . .
Three days ago the Lord came to me and told me that he wanted myself and my wife to tell everyone to trust in God. Please have faith that the heavens have a plan to get us through this. Christ didn’t build mega churches. Nor did he tell us to. Trust in God. Not building buildings. But at the same time. Don’t turn your backs to your fellow man. Remember God works his miracles through all of us
Hail to the doctors and nurses during this unprecedented moment they risk theirs life to save patients the deaths total it just devastated my heart just feel hurt this very painful I can’t imagine what all these families going through
Yes my heart also is hurting for my brothers and sisters who are my neighbors.
Daily I check in to watch/listen to international updates.
When I come to the news re: the US, my fears and worries ( for the health and welfare of the people ) multiply. I struggle to fathom the great scars this pandemic will leave on your country and mine. I turn now to the updates in Canada, after which I shall watch old b/w movies. And hail to the health care workers everywhere !
@Jo’Ann Kivari thanks .
i can say as a canadian. we on the right traack m8
stay safe
Even before all of this happened, I love all of the doctors and nurses – but I guess I never said it out loud.
Well, now I’m saying it.
I love the heroes of the National Health Service – every single one.
True @John Liu
The sun has almost set, and it will be a long hard cold night, but the sun also rises! Hang in there, look out for one another. Let’s find our humanity and never lose it again.
I don’t understand how we so readily accept “God’s interventions” when it’s benign and mysterious but we absolve God for all the biased maleficense? Whether it’s a rock from space or a microbe on Earth; everything is trying to snuff us out and the only aid we have is our brains and the tools we make!
@Elizabeth Ayres Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
@Jim666 you have misquoted, or you are reading this differently. It is the fall of Babylon…I’m not tripping on end of days stuff. I’m not afraid.
@Relja Mrkic it’s the devil in the Whitehouse.
@MusashiMiyamotoSama not at all. ‘People like me’ don’t try to get others to believe in God, we don’t attend church or affiliate with a church or religious group, and we don’t throw out good science in exchange for religious dogma.
@Jim666 incorrectly quoted and way out of context
Religious leaders struggling to ‘keep the faith’ obviously don’t understand “Love thy neighbor.” But when in the US have they ever done so?
DESERTPORTAL as Indigenous I can tell you, never.
The Mormon church has (had) a $100 billion tax free investment portfolio, and not a single peep right now from their profit fund manager. I suspect they are saving it for hard times.
Saving it for a rainy day or when the next biblical flood comes along
that’s not fair haha. let’s not forget that President Carter told them that if they didn’t stop discriminating against ‘ham’ they’d lose tax exempt status – lo and behold, the profit in utah had a divine revelation and black men were suddenly allowed to become bishops.
perhaps they need another ‘divine intervention’?
Didn’t you hear, Danish Native? That is their Apocalypse/Rapture Slush fund…
As if Money or Real Estate property means chuck if the world is actually going Mad Max or Left Behind.
The devil was messing with the audio, there’s demons running all through those lines.
Na just a shock and awe tactic of the republican’s deep state to quiet the strong black man. Sorry some of you might have been thinking that.
Paster Rudzena creeps me out. The smiling at the beginning. Then hearing him try to preach what we already know. IDK honestly the both of them. The other starts preaching and his microphone gives out for a reason.
That’s because they are Charlatans and use their “faith” as a shield to protect themselves from criticism while simultaneously criticizing everything else…
Has the President even offered his condolences to the families of over 1000 dead Americans? Or is he upset at them for getting in the way of his re-election campaign?
that would be a slippery slope. If he read the names of the dead every day, he wouldn’t have time for anything else.
@Laura Vescovienjoy your bliss
@Elizabeth Ayres this guy is a minon moron
@hopndon I will because you are clueless, Namaste
Now we go to Rev Barber who is underwater…
Where’s the con man Joel Osteen, who has been stealing millions, for years?
@Brexit Refugee
You are correct, religion is a con, but GOD is real.
Robert Summerfield since there is no evidence for any gods, saying god is real is like saying Voldemort is real. Fictional characters can’t exist outside the fiction they were created in.
So please, enlighten us on how the universe made itself, how life made itself, and how all the diversity of life made itself. And while you are at it, please also explain how this process has never been duplicated in any way, shape or form. It’s a little like saying a tornado tore through a junk card and produced a car, but by all means enlighten us.
Natasha Norman so you are saying that you are so ignorant, that you believe that unless you have answers to questions that currently can’t be answered, then the fact that there is no evidence for your particular fairytale sky god is irrelevant to your believing that your sky god exists? This is classic “the god of the gaps” reasoning.
If science doesn’t have an answer to a question the only honest response to that gap in knowledge is to admit ignorance, it’s not to invent a reality based on nonsense to justify a belief in magic. Ignorance is not a bad thing, it’s a position from which you can use science to investigate that area of ignorance and eventually discover new science to fill that ignorance with facts and knowledge. Ignorance is bad when you fill those gaps in your knowledge with mythology. The god of the bible is pure mythology and from mythology you cannot answer scientific questions.
@Brexit Refugee yep, you are the typical “I am so smart that I might not know everything, but I for sure know that you are wrong and I am right.” Person. Because I am so smart that I can believe that the whole entire universe happened entirely by accident, and I don’t know how, and I can’t explain it, and I can’t make it happen again but I for sure know that you are wrong. Okay dokey then. That is soo well reasoned and thought out!
You know you actually have more faith than I do. For a person to actually believe that nothing created something then that something created everything else is quite astounding. Especially when science is all about cause and effect,. But here there was no cause and effect, just “poof”!
That poof just happened to put the earth at precisely the right size, with precisely the right atmosphere with precisely the right mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. Then nothing managed to get the sun in precisely the right position so that earth is not incinerated, but also not completely frozen. Nothing placed the earth a perfect distance from the sun while it rotates at 67,000 miles an hour.on it’s axis so that it is properly warmed and cooled.
Then there is the moon, the perfect distance awaybforbthebperfect gravitational pull.
Then there is the human brain that processes a million messages a second, all by accident, of course. Your eye processes 1.5 million messages at the same time, completely by chance! Then there is the question of how is the universe so orderly, so reliable, so predictable. How did it get that way? Chance you say, pure chance! And yet you say that people who believe in God believe in fairy tales? LOL!
We could go on to DNA that just “happened”. A detailed instruction code for every cell in our bodies. It is a 3 billion lettered program that tells the cell how to act. How did this information system wind up in each individual cell? Oops! Just happened you say! Well, that’s not a stretch huh? You may stick with your faith and I will stick with mine.
Wow. This none paying taxes. Always take advantage of everything. You’ll need to start paying taxes for all those years taking the people’s money. Open the church and help the homeless . STEP UP
You really don’t know about churches do you?
NO special medical treatment for the Orange One, he gets sick … get it line with us regular people.
ICT 316 If Trump were on a ventilator he would be unable to tweet or to talk. Best kind of justice I could think of possibly subjecting him to.
@Dolores Reynolds You do have a point there!
Churches need to get their hands on as much Tax exempt cash as possible because they are going to take a hit from not being able to fleece the flock on easter.
The religious charlatans gotta keep their bank accounts flowing, too.
A private jet brings some of them closer to their god… it must be true since they said it themselves
So refreshing to see so many anti religion comments on this report, especially coming out of America
greg mcpherson I agree with Gandi, I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Why are your Christians so unlike your Christ?
A president that prioritizes his re election over the lives of the American people, is just EVIL!
Your comments are very reckless! Trump isn’t even campaigning right now! This isnt about votes. You don’t close a entire country and crash the stock market if you are trying to get votes! Your hatred is what is evil.
@gilla 166 Who are you trying to kid! Trump uses the Coronavirus to campaign every day.
Be careful yall…
“An invisible enemy is more threatening to a divided nation .”