Chuck Todd is at the Big Board to break down the latest data from the census and what it means for the upcoming redistricting fight.
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Release Of Census Data Kicks Off Redistricting Fight With 'more diverse' America
Could we have a census that counts rational vs irrational
Look for the extreme leftist and the extreme right wingers. Those are your irrational…the rest is a mixed bag.
There are 81 million rational people and 74 million irrational people in this county.
@Bryan Bradley No it’s not.
@Carolina Blood Huh?
@Carolina Blood Hispanic isn’t a race lol
Hispanic= Latino and Latino means European
the REAL story here is the behind the scenes fight alluded to with whoever picked that color green that he didnt like on the map
This is perfect for Chuck Todd. He is the mainstream medias number one race baiter.
@Schlomo Baconberg For a reply to someone that claims one thing, and is wrong… How do YOU propose questioning it? Todd is NOT the biggest race baiter, Tucker is… That is proven with facts and statements over the past few years very well. This is not about division, but simple facts… So do you propose we just get rid of facts? Or is your comment to just make us what YOU want us to do and lean right, without any thoughts on reality
LOL, we need unity, but we need unity in reality, with facts, logic and reason to guide us… Not rationalization, innuendo, and lies.
And you took the bait!
Todd > Carlson
@Crying Conservative No it’s you.
@Stealthy Mongoose Provide an example where Tucker supports the supposition that people are BORN razist.
You know if you give people polygraphs and ask them if they love themselves 75% lie conclusive deception, why is that?
Arthur Koestler
The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage
USA TODAY | 22 hours ago”JUST THE FAQS”, 08/12/21: Several 1,000 Of Color Americans MAY have been UNDER-counted in the Census due to Spring, 2020 COVID19 Pandemic quarantining– making it more difficult to deliver questionnaires to hard-to-reach populations.
so i’ve been saying 13/52 and have been wrong all this time, fml
edit. it’s now probably 12/75
So who will you blame for your own failures
This is what they do to try and break countries. I’m not too old to remember Germany’s situation. So sad. A lot of their culture was lost for this rtarded sense of “eekwaLiTy” and “dyVercIty”.
Once you’ve been warned of an impending disaster, and you do nothing, then whatever happens after that is on you.
Political how is this important to us in the next decade?
Yo this sounds like soft racism