MSNBC Public Health Analyst Dr. Irwin Redlener, who is also a pediatrician, says it's wrong for officials to start closing schools while leaving bars and restaurants open. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#IrwinRedlener #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Redlener: Wrong To Close Schools But Not Bars Over Covid-19 Surge | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The worst and most disgusting president in America’s history has been fired by American citizens
I totally agree with you, the world is laughing at us
Biden was not elected he’s REJECTED!
@Jerry Jones Yes because Biden is demented.

: Beep Boop
. . . 

It’s funny because you make this same comment everywhere, like fishing for attention.
I agree about the bars and restaurants….but we need to protect teachers, as well as everyone’s families!
Yeah. That’s what it’s said in the video when he mentioned the virus not under control.
If we would close the bars, restaurants and gyms we could keep the schools open…. We got it all bass ackwards….. as usuals. We been influenced by trump way to long.
My go-to drink before corona: Whiskey and Faucet
My go-to drink during the corona: Whisky and Faucet with a twist of lime!
If you have the money to eat out at these restaurants and bars anyway, then you are fortunate. Think of your fellow man.
Both schools and bars should be closed. Case solved duh
If we did it right back in March we wouldnt be here now. Thanks trump.
In Europe they are keeping kids in school and closing bars. Perhaps they have “their” priorities straight.
Not really. We here in Switzerland are rapidly catching up to the US in cases per capita. Our health system is about to collapse as well. Some people just don’t get it. All this “freedom” nonsense.
@Shin it seems horrifically mind numbing, as if watching a disaster unfolding in slow motion, that while we can see the impending disaster ahead, worsening with each moment, yet so many place personal freedom to NOT WEAR A MASK, TO NOT RESTRAIN THEIR CLOSE PROXIMITY, as more important than trying to prevent the spread and eventual death of their friends and neighbors and loved ones.
@Gary Stasiuk Same thing here. The difference is, that we’re a small country.
Lol Not all Europe. Get your facts straight.
@Glimmering Sea He did not say “all of europe”
Get your eyes straight.
Kids have to go to school; drunks choose to go to bars.
Until state curves stop rising, children and teachers must stay home or you’ll never contain the spread.
I still don’t understand the argument for why bars are essential
To keep people drunk so that they will think COVID 19 is a hoax.
It depends on the state. Some states the bars and restaurants are closed or takeout only..
MANY schools are in session. Teachers’ and other staffs’ lives are being put at risk daily. Community spread is elevated due to this exposure of students and staff then going home. 20-30 people are crammed into rooms the size of large living rooms and told to distance (not possible). Then we switch these classes several times a day and re-mix these contacts with a new non-spaced groups of kids and staff. Masks are not worn properly (noses out and gaps allowed) and proper masks are not required (face shields and thin masks allowed, even for those who don’t have medical exemptions). Teachers are muzzled to speak out about that. I am a very capable teacher. I am ready. I have prepared my students well for if we go virtual. We can keep teaching safely from home. We WILL keep teaching safely and effectively from home. Trust your teachers. High schools need to be closed. Elementary needs help too. We are stretched to the breaking point with what we have been asked to do this year… teach almost all in-person, plan for the ones who have to quarantine and be at home, plan for hybrid students, do it at a moment’s notice and all at once, and told to be positive and it will only be for a little while. Enough.
Very true! Some schools are opening in cohorts which does not work either (teachers are being protected, but office staff, teacher assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers are not). So many inconsistencies. From students taking off their masks to eat in the class to the lack of space in the classrooms, etc ( breaking CDC guidelines). Nobody can wear a shield since they get foggy from your sweat. It is a disaster waiting to happen. Schools who do cohorts are seeing COVID 19 cases pop up every week now.
Yeah, that’s kinda weird bars weren’t closed.
Thats a goofball statement to say it’s wrong to close school’s.
Schools opened in cohorts in certain areas. Two weeks later: The coronavirus laughed and said ” how dare defy me!!” Then schools have began to shut down again. What a waste of time and exposing school staff the way districts have just because some parents complained without taking into consideration many parents who want to keep their kids safe too.
Agreed about the bars and restaurants; however, as others have mentioned, better safety measures and protections need to be in place for teachers, staff, and students. Real PPE, N95 masks, better ventilation, capacity for social distancing. I work in a school and my room is TINY, there is no social distancing in my room, period. Also, I hope teachers and staff are on the short list for the vaccine. On another note, if bars and restaurants have to shut down, the federal government needs to provide financial assistance to individuals who will be out of work and to small businesses. As we know, the federal government has completed fumbled the public health and financial aspects of this pandemic, so I’m absolutely certain to financial assistance is coming any time soon.
No it’s not a mistake it’s the kids who are spreading it as they’re asymptomatic they should be put on lockdown now along with universities and colleges and everyone else
Ok there is a huge difference between schools and bars 1. Kids and adults are different. 2 schools are publicly funded bars aren’t. 3. Kids spend 7 hours a day in school how long are adults in a bar most ppl don’t spend 7 hours breathing on each other.4. Way easier to social distance in a bar where u can control the number of ppl then in a public school with 20 to 30 kids. Times the amout of grades then staff you literally have hundreds of ppl in a school all breathing on each other super spreader event.
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No it’s not a mistake it’s the kids who are spreading it as they’re asymptomatic they should be put on lockdown now along with universities and colleges and everyone else