One of the first tests for the Supreme Court without Justice Ginsburg could be ruling on mail-in voting. Stephanie Ruhle asks Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey what it means for his closely watched battleground state. Aired on 9/25/2020.
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Record Voter Turnout In PA With Mail-In Ballots Bodes Well For Biden | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
Zuckerberg, Fox News ,trump & his enablers are enemies of our country.
camjamsdad mugshots? What mugshots
amazing how trumps has made y’all deranged that y’all can’t identity what’s true.
camjamsdad mugshots? What mugshots
amazing how trumps has made y’all deranged that y’all can’t identity what’s true.
chris leonard you know these trump cultists will never change their mind, I comment for people who are smart enough who are being confused by misinformation online by diluting these trump cultists and Russian lies.
@Chris Roscoe you are completely mad. You allow your mind to make up ultra right wing conspiracy stories purely based on what you want to believe and nothing.more. bonkers
@chris leonard Very nice. Bonkers?? That is the best word I could use to describe all of you dems. I don’t need to make up anything, I see it. You choose to believe the lies they are spooning you.
This isn’t about supporting a political party or even a political candidate. It’s about saving our democracy at the polls: the right to vote and have that vote counted and a peaceful transition of power. Vote as early as possible (, complete the census and help two people outside your household to do the same. Ben Franklin after the Constitutional Convention in 1778 is believed to have been asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
@Alfred Basurto That;s the problem YOU AREN’T LISTENING!
@Don Williams
Okay, Twit. Name one state where we have Sharia law. And then please explain why it is that Pence pushes for Biblical law everywhere, but that’s somehow different? The entire point to the separation of church and state was due to the founders seeing centuries of religious rule choosing (as was common in the Enlightenment BTW) not to include religion in the Constitution, our legal system, our rights, and our government. I would assume that since you bash anything different than Christianity that you must want to turn the clock back to the 17th Century.
@Me Republicans dont have the credibility and are always lying too much to listen to.
@Me nobody should take Trump or any of you who listen this liar seriously. Stop asking people to listen to lies.
@Alfred Basurto That is true!
They n the clown are pushing steal election we will rebel against this govt. We will take our nation back from these so called leaders.
Jesse Garcia Yeah, the people who follow Trump considers themselves patriots. But they’re not. They’re nationalists. Which in reality makes them the sheep.
Thomas Dowd, wow man! Looks like you’re a troll magnet. LOL. That’s OK. I get that sometimes too.
@Robert Smith You are a msnbc follower..sheep? Errrr.
You must be one of the hate cult anti Trumpers. Msnbc is totally untrustworthy
@Ty Crane so since we dont work in coal mines we suddenly dont have jobs?
Zone flare I didn’t know Kathy Newman was in this thread..
Vote for Amy McGrath, vote for Jaime Harrison, vote for Joe Biden.
Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Russian propaganda, Troll
THE ANGRY QUAD Russian propaganda troll.
@Josh A shorthand for policy arguments can be found in what the agents of the policy (cabinet members) say about the president when they leave the administration. Viewing history back to Johnson, that’s ten administrations, I can’t think of any previous administration that has had even one resignation followed by a book harshly critical of the administration. This president has many. That should tell you something.
@THE ANGRY QUAD I looked around for some Soros material. This is part of a lecture series and shows reasons why the ultra wealthy do not like Soros.
@Lynn Middleton The herd concept has been embraced by the same people who came up with the “sheeple” invective a couple of years ago. It’s an excellent example of irony found in a forest of hypocrisy.
Vote like your life depends on it. With Trump it literally does…..for every american and that includes his stupid cult supporters.
Swamp Slayer there has never been much mail in ballot fraud. Trump says this because he knows we don’t want him. What little fraud there was was done by republicans who only get into power by cheating. Always projection and we won’t let the minority choose for us.
@Alfred Basurto
YES! I will vote for Joe Bidem in person to save the USA
If he wins he will outlaw masks and force people to be exposed to COVID-19 to prove the virus is a hoax. NOT!
@hefe gonzalez How can a Hispanic support a monster that puts their children in cages and arrests them for speaking their native language?
@macolyis And what is the
This? This is what Republicans are afraid of. People using their right to vote.
@Michael S ? you do realize tht those academics are what are leading people to be SJW’s?
Look, i know its hard to accept that the academics are liberal because they are smarter, but it will come in time.
@David Hale Thank you,for proving how DEPLORABLE YOU are

Rounding people up ,oh my ,you sure are full of hate. Mango Mussolini has programmed you well!
@Rory Cannon this isnt 6.
I will stand out all day in the rain to cast by vote! Bye bye trump!
@Speaking Truth Thank you! As if they weren’t so determined to stop voting,they wouldn’t have closed 1000s of voting stations in the south. 750 in Texas alone ,and in some parts,they use different machines for democrats and Republicans. Crazy. Stay Well
The republican do not understand the word ” qualification “
You are voting Biden, right?
Vote Biden Kamala 2020 for burning, looting and baby murder!
The budget used to be an important part of every presidential election and the budget isn’t even brought up. Trump ran a trillion dollar deficit the first three years and 3 trillion this year. HELLO
January 2017 the US debt was 19 trillion now it’s almost at 27 trillion. But hey the republicans have never brought up the debt in the last 4 years. Funny how they don’t bring up anything that is truthful or cast a negative light.
It’s real and it’s live, check it out.
@Mary lowery I have posted many times that republicans are responsible for the debt because for 40 years they kept giving tax cuts to the upper 5% when the budget was unbalanced. That means you have to borrow into the national debt to pay for the difference.
The not so enlightened don’t just understand that they are agreeing to put themselves in debt (and giving the money to the richest) when they vote Republican. They believe the little crumbs they may eventually keep is free money. Then they get upset when someone say they must pay it back.
Every American should be sent a “bill” to pay back those around $75’000 that is the individual share of the debt. With an explanation how they have agreed to put themselves into debt, who owns the debt, what happens if it isn’t payed back, and what the money has been used for. It should read “Must be payed urgently!”. Although no last day of payment… but just to make a point.
@Briza Ac ok grammar police………
@Mud Dobber – Did I hurt your widdle feewings?
@Briza Ac no I have strong shoulders my phone has a cracked screen so I’m doing the best I can bully
@Mud Dobber – Best of luck with your cracked screen though it’s no excuse for supporting a lunatic like tRump.
@Briza Ac I don’t know anyone who is not voting TRUMP! Not even a biden sign in site
If you’re worried about mailing back your ballot, drop it off in person instead! Vote vote VOTE!
As soon as the first doors pop in Florida I’ll be in.This is the most consequential election in my life time.Volunteer donate
Great, great great!
Thanks for using your voice this way!
Educate, share, educate, on choices and methods, talk your friends into caring without pulling out the morals card where it won’t help.
Please check out and direct fence sitters in your life by and to ‘Crooked Media’ YouTube channel for comprehensive education on how to make certain your vote will be counted, regardless of what Trump says.
Anyone who doesn’t know could benefit frome Not just a select few. Democrats
Omg, so awesome to see people asking for help and advice and seeing people conversate and try to help in a for-real way!
Galvanize like never before.
For clear help and instruction, go to Stephen Colbert twitter hash tag #BETTER GET A BALLOT
Or, even better maybe, for a different POV and a real thoughtful and progressive activism go to
#POD SAVE AMERICA, and hit some links. Its what they do there. Independent media.
#Crooked Media
@Yabbo ! it will
Edit: that’s my opinion.
As a reminder, Oregon does Mail in Voting only, and Military Members over seas, also Vote by Mail.
macolyis so sorry for your lost mind.
I’ll pray for you.
Here are the voting options in Pennsylvania: Go to the PA Sec of State online and register, NOW: . When you receive the ballot in the mail, fill it out carefully, and place the ballot inside THE INNER ENVELOPE and sign (which then goes into the outer envelope) and mail back, AT LEAST 2 WEEKS before election day, OR, once registered, go to an Authorized County Registrar ‘s Office and fill out a ballot, starting 3rd week in September. Actual Polling places are only open on November 3rd, but you can early vote this way (info at bottom of page):
@B Pingle Right, according to the 20 yr. study by the Heritage Foundation, the % is .00006
@Biblical Jesus Was Socialist It isn’t, Absentee and Mail-in voting are exactly the same.
@James Hutchins Harry Truman is an American icon, honest decent, not flashy. Many similarities between Pres. Truman and Joe Biden.
Step up and vote people. There is no excuse to sit on the sidelines. This is a civil war for the future of this country. Stop Trump and protect this democracy.
@macolyis ridiculous absolutely ridiculous comment
If you want China to be your Boss vote for grifter Joe. IDIOTS
@Chuckieb1 Bell Hey, the Trump bridge called, they want their troll back.
How to vote in Pennsylvania: Go online to the PA Sec of State and register, NOW: . When you receive the ballot, fill it out carefully, and place the ballot inside THE INNER ENVELOPE and sign (Inner envelope then goes into the outer envelope) and mail back, AT LEAST 2 WEEKS before election day, OR, once registered, go to an Authorized County Registrar ‘s Office and fill out a ballot, starting 3rd week in September. Actual Polling places are only open on November 3rd, but you can early vote this way (info at bottom of page):
We should tell Trump that the mail in voting in Moscow is not doing him any favors either !!
We should the Joe Biden that he’s a liar about his son Hunter

it’s all over the news but probably not on this fake Media 
Where’s Hunter

Here’ how to vote in Pennsylvania: Go online to the PA Sec of State and register, NOW: . When you receive the ballot by mail, fill it out carefully, and place the ballot inside THE INNER ENVELOPE and sign (which then goes into the outer envelope) and mail back, AT LEAST 2 WEEKS before election day, OR, once registered, go to an Authorized County Registrar ‘s Office and fill out a ballot, starting 3rd week in September. Actual Polling places are only open on November 3rd, but you can early vote this way (info at bottom of page):
trump has made it clear he wants the highest court to declare him the winner even if the vote count suggests otherwise.
SCOTUS has become a threat to democracy. They have overturned laws that a majority of the US people are in favour of, and made other disastrous decisions, like Citizens United. Time for term limits, and politicians no longer nominating judges. How can you have impartial justice, when the judges were appointed by politicians?
Vote Biden Harris 2020 for burning, looting and baby murder!
@macolyis – Baby murder? Wtf are you going on about you utter troll?
@macolyis Russian bot
I’m insured under the ACA. My family and I will be SCREWED. How can any American think this is ok?! ESPECIALLY in the midst of a pandemic?!!
@camjamsdad I don’t know as he has signed anything yet. He’s supposedly guaranteeing that pre-existing conditions will be covered but trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act.
camjamsdad Executive orders are just that, executive orders. They don’t guarantee anything. I watched that report and it was all about getting votes. No one in their right mind would call that a health care plan.
@camjamsdad You seriously have some issued understanding what an XO is, and can’t realize that Tump and the Republicans in congress has done everything to tear up the ACA without any replacement that would guarantee pre existing conditions. What he and the Republicans say are not the same as what they do.
Trump said he had a plan before the 2016 election, that he didn’t want to reveal… and the suckers parroted “he has a plan, he has a plan”. But he never had a plan or presented a plan for four years (hey… as he said “who knew healthcare could be so hard”). And now he suddenly say he has some plan in the last minute before his term is over. That he will accomplish if he is reelected. And the parrots say “he has a plan, he has a plan”. Well, some are really easy to scam.
Kenargo you can’t talk to these slow fake fox news watching cult followers because they are not hearing the truth!
Faux news talks about the durham report volience in the streets
looting and routing and antifa
so how are they suppose to get the real news
don’t waste your time you will drive yourself crazy
Biden/harris2020 and I’m a 61 year old independent voter! Let’s all do this on nov.3rd something that the Senate should have done in January and we would not be in the mess were in now!
@camjamsdad There was no plan. Period.
macolyis So brainwashed
Vote BIDEN2020
Psycho Beatz Oh you know it. Let’s take the White House back to go back to normal
@macolyis russian bot
macolyis Trump blocked the plan to give families free masks
Mail in voting has been around for a long time. 100% legitimate.
Ty Crane nobody is out there receiving dead peoples mail. Stop buying into Trumps lies. Mail in ballots are our right.
Ty Crane because he owes you the time to explain. You can see it all around you. This country has fallen and we must protect it.
@Buff Straw Brennan Centre

Hardly a place I would call trustworthy, Brennan certainly isn’t, had been caught lying multiple times now.
@Alan aka FANG I don’t work there. Take it up with them.
Absentee ballots have been.
I know this was both an easy yet difficult choice but your integrity and decency shine through.
We all see, and know, that the Republican party has been abandoned. Trump is only on Repub ticket cuz he believes they fall for anything, his words, and THEY keep proving him right.
They do not represent the red-blooded Republican Party. They are yellow bellied Trumpists.
(Or I prefer Trumpbledorfs. Trump + Dumbledorf—of lil intelligence or common sense= )
Made up of #FarRightFreaks
We cannot let them steal another election…
Thank you tony !!!
Thank you Tony. People like you give me hope
Thank you because this is not Republican versus Democrat, this Reps and Dems versus Trump-Putin!
Ems. Good comments. Trumpledorfs ….. funny.
Can’t say this strongly enough. Ignore how well or how badly either candidate SEEMS to be doing.
Just GET OUT AND VOTE, (for Biden).
Vote Biden Harris 2020 for burning, looting and baby murder!
@macolyis Vote Trump Pence 2020 for voter fraud, burning, racism, looting cronyism and baby murder, lies, stupidity!
Vote Biden Harris 2020 for burning, looting and baby murder!