Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Biden, expresses his concerns about the crowds gathering in Daytona, Florida for Bike Week, particularly at a time when the country is otherwise "going in the right direction." Aired on 03/12/2021.
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#AnthonyFauci #Florida #MSNBC
'Really Ill Advised': Fauci Laments Risks Of Florida Motorcycle Rally | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
These people are obviously the bikers for trump people because I know many people who ride motorcycles who aren’t this naive.
Or stupid
@michaelhouston pence ; Some just remain carriers
I know a lot that are corpses.
Look at death rate in ND and SD from the biker rally there.
Do you think I should be surprised about that? Florida is a mess.
Keep wearing those two mask, even after the vaccine
Can’t fix stupid, so one hopes that communicable diseases will augment evolution.
@R L T Really screaming for attention, aren’t ya?
@Marc T That is so sweet. Your original comment not so much….psycho-ish hon.
@Xaviotes Harris That certainly was a “nice”, “friendly” and kind way to express one’s self. I don’t think his Psychiatrist would agree tho… Xiquattle.
Not with a 99.8% survival rate
Not surprised to see liberals wishing death on people for exercising their rights. The left really is anti-freedom.
@Yourmum Ghey They want to be told what to do…and for the government to take care of them.
“Really I’ll Advised” should be Florida’s new state motto…
@77Avadon77 Conspiracy theory, my keister! Rebekah Jones, the woman in charge of keeping Florida covid data says the she was fired for refusing to falsify it. After continuing to privately post (honest) data online, she was arrested for receiving and downloading documents without authorization.
@Kermit T. Frog you sound like Alex Jones
@77Avadon77 I sound like The Washington Post. Google it. Youtube won’t allow me to link the story.
Good one
@Kermit T. Frog so if they’re hiding deaths why are they 26th in the country?
“Ill advised”? This is Florida we’re talking about
They may as well put “ILL-ADVISED” on the license plates.
@Adrian Colley Florida’s new state motto…
Way better than NY, CA, WA, NJ.
Its Florida, just keep following your governor and lets see what happens. Darwin awaits…
@Yourmum Ghey Wrong… go look up the facts… once again
@Lee Michaels how about the right to have closed borders and our own sovereignty away from foreign influence. How about the ever increasing restrictions on firearms for average citizens even though criminals in the blue states do it most of the killings. I could go on and on. How about the dwindling Free Speech online.
@77Avadon77 Which hole exactly, did you pull that little faeces-ridden gem from?
Yea Lee, yall have been saying that for a year while states like California and New York locked down and didn’t do one bit better.
@Chaninification yea, I mean look how well New York and Cali have done with complete lock downs lol.
Can’t help but wonder how many times the good doctor has looked at stupidity in this pandemic with a WTF look, undoubtedly it’s more times than most can count.
I suspect if Fauci was in his thirties his hair would have still gone grey with frustration.
@Brian Nave there is a letter “i” missing from your second name. One of the reasons why transmission was slowed in Asian countries is due to their accepted practice of mask wearing post SARS.
@Brian Nave Quietly admitted huh? You’re a fool if you believe whatever bogus source that is, missy. If this was true, then it would not have been admitted so quietly.
“Nobody should be walking around wearing masks”
-Dr Fauci
@Yourmum Ghey He’d said that very early into things before more info was known, princess. You’re just talking trash because your precious Trumpypoo dislikes him, am I right?
If you know someone who goes to the rally, avoid them for the next few weeks, if you can’t double mask when they are close.
Why not triple? Sheep can’t think!
@James Madison Your comment is so dumb. I work in healthcare and have worked with infected patients before Covid. You always had to mask up and wear a gown before going onto that unit to protect the patients and yourself. If you don’t work in healthcare, you should keep your uneducated advice to yourself.
@Helena Hall; Not a one of those bewildered t***p fools have ever been accused of anything remotely bright.
@Guy North

Trump supporters idolize him because of his intellectual superiority
@hodaka1000; Well, that’s a positively scary thought! Keeps me away from those people.
Going to be exactly the same affect as Sturgis rally, we all know that
Which was almost nothing. But…no one reports that. Sheep.
Effect honey
@James Madison Do some research. Sturgis is responsible for the surge in the mid west. There will be people coming from different places to attend, then take that new variant back to their home state and spread it.
@H K S; Which is fine, I would hope the fools to have excruciating deaths, what the fools will not understand, or don’t care too is they put others in grave danger, doctors and nurses.
@James Madison They’re not reporting “almost nothing” happened because it’s false. Something did happen. There was an outbreak, and there were reports on it, early last fall- Google it.. Are they still reporting on it, at all, 6 months later? Of course not.
Florida Bikers: “We ride for freedom!”
What We Hear: “You ride for freedumb.”
You won’t say it to a bikers face.
Just post youtube comments.
@Google Sux Sure wouldn’t, that crazed orthodontist cosplayer might fall off his bike.
Are we still using “meh”? Are you an Incel?

@Google Sux are you threatening?
Keep cowering inside and collecting your government checks.
It is so good Dr Fauci is now free to give his medical and scientific advice and direction without the threat of a temper tantrum from Trump. The adults are back in charge.
@David Bryce no you are very confused and i believe you should wear a helmet for your safety
@Peter Piper So, Mr Piper, you are unable to cite the source of your BREAKING NEWS?
@David Bryce BREAKING NEWS: David Bryce is a media tool sources say he cannot handle real news so he watches CNN.
@John Swo We need to protect Norsefire and stop Trump.
@John Swo Biden can’t hardly get off stage by himself.
I live here in Daytona Beach
this photo ain’t even the half of it. 
@Jake McClure, MD Unfortunately. We didn’t even have a mask mandate. Enough to make me realize that I don’t want to reside here anymore . I have 17 days left until I leave permanently!
I’ll take science over stupidity any day of the week.
@Jake McClure, MD I wonder if you could apply the Dunning Kruger effect to this.
@Michael P unfortunately so
@Michael P I’ve seen many Floridians say that seeing governor’s disregard for recommendations only made them take extra precautions themselves.
@Jake McClure, MD This is very true. Honestly doesn’t matter what establishment your going to your going to see people without mask and nobody enforcing it. Realistically we never had a mask mandate down here. Because I’m originally from the north and currently live in the south and have been back and forth since COVID started I have seen a lot. I just said end of the day I just made an informed decision where I felt like the state of Florida was no longer a good fit for me so I chose to leave in two weeks. I chose to follow science and not politics. At this point in time the only one that can protect us is our self. I definitely believe it’s taking a lot lighter down south than it is in the north. Listening to people explain how we lost over 500,000 to a virus is insanity down here I am not good for your mental health. My girlfriend is a nurse in a Covid unit currently since the beginning and one of the biggest hospitals in Massachusetts. I have a pretty good understanding of the virus end of life itself. Appreciate everything you do though doc. Doc reminds me of my Army days
stay safe.
The callousness of Republicans would be beyond belief, if we hadn’t seen it before.
The party that calls itself Pro Life is unconcerned about people dying of covid-19.
The virus is a joke
@Yourmum Ghey I’m not laughing
Florida isn’t any smarter then Sturgis.
@Old Iron 88 I’m a rider but not wearing a helmet is NOT a global pandemic. are you saying America looses OVER HALF A MILLION BIKERS without helmets every year? You made a very bad comparison.
@quest 77051
I’m a 67 old rider who wears a helmet and a mask and for the first time in 40 years I didn’t attend the Sturgis rally last August because of the pandemic however being a veteran i still believe in freedom….
And freedom of choice. Peace
@Old Iron 88 you live in a country of LAWS. i’m a veteran as well and you and i took an oath to follow those laws. we are not TOTALLY FREE to do whatever we want when we want. i’m sure you wear a seat belt and stop at red lights and stop signs. godspeed brother.
@quest 77051
Yes sir I do but given a choice I make my.own decisions. In my state we don’t have a helmet law so if I feel like wearing mine I will but lf I don’t then I don’t. When I ride through states with helmet laws I don’t always follow their laws…..my choice and I don’t always wear a seat belt ….also my choice.
I have no use for totalitarian enactments. Be safe my friend.
@Old Iron 88 i respect that you live your conviction regardless of the consequences. continue mission sir. godspeed.
Between spring break and this, the herd will be culled of a few more idiots
And after that I’ll advised ralley, they go home and spread further. Reminds me of Sturgis last year.
DeSatan needs to be charged with criminal negligence. as if its not bad enough that he’s hijacked vaccines for his donors now he’s encouraging super spreader events.
Desantis is the best Governer we’ve ever had
More cheap harleys for sale in a few months
It is depressing to watch selfishness all over the place.
As it is insatiable, and it only destroys things.
Viruses do not care if you need to be a tough guy on a motorcycle.
They are not going to respond to the phrase “ill-advised.”