According to a recent poll, there are more self-identified Independents than Republicans or Democrats. CNN's John Avlon speaks with candidates on why they chose to run as Independents. #CNN #News
Reality Check: Could this year be the year of the third party?

It could help balance the power in congress.
More independents the better, but its almost impossible to breakthrough the two party system.
Too little too late for Independent Bernie Sanders.
@Christine Palmrose – that would be a 5th category (Dems, Repubs, Ind, Rhino, and Cult)
@dan dansen lol they will all end up making alliances with each other and in the end it will still be 2 major rival parties, both of them being formed from alliances of like 3-4 smaller parties
Friendly old Brit in NZ: I think what most on here would like this system:,in%20the%20House%20of%20Representatives.
Yes, we need more independents in Congress. They do not necessarily have to form a specific party.
@Morgan Stevens So says a person using an app created by liberals
@BRIAN REILLY That’s called a doomsday cult. There’s plenty of them around.
Moderates of both parties will eventually come together… The extremists are too in control of both parties.
PLEASE let this happen. Not religious but head down & praying. Too much extremism in both parties.
Independent is a 4 letter word in U.S. politics. Most of us agree on most things, but they don’t want us to know that. It’s bad for business.
Watch Dems blame their losses on the 3rd party.
As an Independent in FL I agree, and I will vote as an Independent , we NEED a third party, cause neither the right nor the left leaves us with great choices.
I am a independent from Tampa Bay Florida as well and fully agree with you however in the mean time, I will vote for democrat untill we get by all these issues with the trump family but there is right and wrong in both the current parties somewhere.
Are you like 4?
@jason fuchs 4? With a voters registration card really?
Yes, we need more independent
Nah. We just need folks on the two existing sides to not be corrupt.
That’s exactly what America needs.
The US has been in need of a 3rd viable party for decades. The divide between the Dems and Reps has continued to grow to the point where they are only working for themselves and not the state or country.
Get stuff done. Amen to that!
I’m glad I’m Independent. The Democrats were getting weirder and weirder for me
and Republicans look like sane rational people to you, I guess?
I never understood how ppl could claim they free thinkers yet be registered dem or repub
The establishment will not allow it, theres a reason we only have 2 parties, to keep us divided & distracted so the establishment can continue to get away with being criminals.
I’ve voted independent my whole life . 99 % of my vote history has purposely been to not support the 2 party system. We need a 3rd party
Australia elected this year more independents than at any time in our history. If you were to add them all up they would be the 4th largest party (if you ignore the senate) with 10 seats out of 227 in the Upper House (which is similar to the House of Representatives in the US). Prior to that you might see 2 – 5 independents win seats. For the past 4 elections the number of independents has been steadily increasing. Their politics range from center right to center left.
I’ve been really depressed, about voting, this year. I’m a registered Democrat, but the Democrats, in my state are too far left. They only care about identity politics, and revisionist history, and aren’t doing anything for the average citizen, while taxing us into poverty. So, I looked at the Republicans. They’re even madder. Many are Qanon or radical christian nationalists. Yikes. I’m so happy Betsy Johnson is running. That’s one office where I don’t have to write in my adult children’s names, or my cat’s.
Finally! Level headed, reasonable, centrist, and free to make good decisions for the benefit of State and country.