Minister Mendicino discusses the end of account freezes for convoy protest donors as the Emergencies Act is revoked by the government.
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Just admit it you were defeated stop trying to make excuses
it wasn’t justin…. it was the senate. most of the liberal senators were not backing this. the fools in the liberal caucus however….
@nick yalousakis but yet, they all voted for it..
@Sheldon Savoie The senate didn’t.
Cowards until death…
im sure this has nothing to do with the unreported bank run.
Dane Jerris Do you trust any bank now, Of course it was,
Withdraw your funds and sue the banks if you had yours frozen.
I love the name. We did 40 takes, and that was the best one.
Shame on them. So unCanadian
Politicians answering yes/no questions like this is a huge problem with our democracy
i bet jagmeet is crying right now. justin threw him under the bus. jagmeet should have stood up for democracy instead of false division.
I can appreciate the interviewer taking him to task on this over reach of power

. He’s clearly trying to wash his hands of this now.
He seemed upset the peoples accts weren’t still frozen…pos.
Truth is there was no emergency and money was stolen /with held by abuse of power.
Too late. Pushed me a hell of a lot farther to the right of the political spectrum. I used to be a moderate liberal. The more things like this happen, the more I become one of those “crazy right wingers”.
Getting Liberals to answer questions from this government is next to impossible
I share a similar story!
@Henry lhd2 ya I saw that too. Just ridiculous. This is someone we have in parliament. Some conspiracy dip$hit
I’m a centrist who leans to the right. I guess you can see why I lean lol.
The Canadian banks will never regain confidence by Canadians or from other countries.. well done Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh… just like both your political parties.
It is time to support the truckers who got their bank account frozen. Find out what banks froze their accounts & start withdrawing your money from them & put it in smaller local banks or credit unions. Show them who really has the power. A run on their bank will cause them to demand that the government unfreeze these accounts. The banks will have less assets and that will also cause their stock prices to fall.
I took my money out, I’m gonna go strictly crypto if I can
Take your money out of bank account. Put it under your mattress. It’s safer. I’m taking some out today and will continue until this ends
@Consciousness Transformation Cryprto is being legislated to become a government controlled currency.
Freezing the accounts was to terrify the working class. Make it difficult to feed your family or pay for medicines. The gov’t will now dictate what they feel is acceptable thought and behaviour.
The government will be changed at the next election.
the courts should use the anti terrorism laws on him
That’s also unironically the biggest argument against “Universal Basic Income”.
kind of hard to truest Canadian banks now.
Yeah you know that little thing called CHARTER OF RIGHTS.
Idk about anyone else but i dont trust using banks anymore.
And you know what? I bet thousands of foreign investors won’t want to do business with Canadian banks as well…. wonder what this will lead to lol
Crypto banks are done.
@BigR Foreign investment is the reason housing is too expensive, we’d be far better off without it.
@Mike z banks that wanna provide crypto to customers are done
The freezing of accounts was always illegal. This “lawmaker” is stumbling over his words. Banks froze accounts before the Emergency Act was even ratified. The law enforcement was the only signs of violence we’ve seen.
It is time to support the truckers who got their bank account frozen. Find out what banks froze their accounts & start withdrawing your money from them & put it in smaller local banks or credit unions. Show them who really has the power. A run on their bank will cause them to demand that the government unfreeze these accounts. The banks will have less assets and that will also cause their stock prices to fall.
@M Lizonitz They can still freeze the accounts in smaller banks or credit unions. There are no limits to the reach when they invoke the Emergencies Act.
@M Lizonitz You are overestimating your sway on a major institution.
The courts on the 16th said to stop horns but protest was “legal”
How is all this nonsense and abuse allowed? Who and how did it become an illegal protest?
It’s illegal because you’re questioning Lord Marshall Trudeau, independent thought and opinion was made illegal in the last election, you just didn’t get to vote on it.
When they didn’t have a permit for the bouncy castle and held a round of road hockey and forgot to use a parking lot for there trucks

I would ASSUME a lack of a permit. without a permit you can only protest on the sidewalks. I really don’t know though. government overreach is abundant.
It isn’t allowed under the law. They just did it anyways because they are authoritarians. It will not be forgotten.
Bank should give extra back to all frozen accounts!!! They deserve compensation from all the Banks responsible!
did you miss that they are not giving all the accounts back , and are still gonna seize a bunch more ?
When we turn this around, every bank executive will be arrested and stripped of all their assets, then jailed. This is a crime against humanity and it will not go unpunished.
“Illegal protests” Can they hear themselves?
It is time to support the truckers who got their bank account frozen. Find out what banks froze their accounts & start withdrawing your money from them & put it in smaller local banks or credit unions. Show them who really has the power. A run on their bank will cause them to demand that the government unfreeze these accounts. The banks will have less assets and that will also cause their stock prices to fall.
Credit unions are no different .
It was a peaceful protest in Ottawa not an illegal blockade.
“Canada will ALWAYS stand up for the right for peaceful protest ANYWHERE around the world, and we’re pleased to see moves towards deescalation and dialogue. Canada will always stand up for the right for peaceful protest and for human rights around the world.”
-Justin Trudeau Dec. 4, 2020
By this point, Indian farmers had been blocking infrastructure for about 2 months already…
I like this interviewer. He keeps asking the same question until he gets the answer he’s looking for