Police arrested several "Freedom Convoy" supporters at the Pacific Highway border crossing Sunday, with more under investigation.
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4 arrests?…that’s some operation…lol
Probably becase there was quite a few children among the crowd. Otherwise you would have seen more OC and impact weapons. It’s cowardly on both sides to be fair.
@Carpie try again
By Canadian standards that’s a riot.
By Maps the blockades still persist
@Carpie agreed. Children do not belong at the protests and occupations. Hiding behind children is one of the most cowardly things I’ve seen
“It’s affecting our economy.” Yeah, sucks doesn’t it?
@Cary Francis Truckers are protesting to remove mandates but the mandates don’t affect the trucking industry. Makes sense
@Phil Sonnenberg So why the mandate if it’s already 90%? Who cares if 10% make a different choice.
@Slippery There are as many reporters, as protestor, MOST of the protestors arent truckers.
@Cary Francis oh yea? what’s the numbers?
We had a toilet paper shortage for christ sakes!!
It’s only threatening our economy now? What happened the last 2 years?
Everyone spooked by the pandemic… 31000 of the 33k deaths in this country were those 60 and older, retired..those who don’t contribute to our economy.
As per statista covid deaths per age group.
Those under 60 only 2300 died to covid.
So we allowed our government to shut our economy down for 2300 deaths, when those 60 and older contributed to 31k of the 33k deaths.
…. nice.
@A W The Government was complicit in doing this to our economy, it’s not the citizens fault, it is inept governance
Toiletries were effected on a historical setting . . .
@yourmanwatson No they dangled a carrot for 2 years to anyone with a brain
@420rogerz You’d have to be dumb as hell to believe that..
but shutting down the society is not hurting economy? demonstrating against shutting down is bad?
You’re talking about the government shitting down the economy… Right?
@andrew ?unemployable?
Your truth-speak is wrong-think. Do not question our glorious leader.
@pwcorgi2000 Not a single BLM protest in Canada was violent. In fact they even practiced Covid19 regulations about masking and social distancing. There is no comparison to these law breakers so stop trying it just makes you look ridiculous.
@pwcorgi2000 BLM was blocking the border crossings? Can you show when this happened?
Umm how the hell is it sunny and warm looking in Canada when it’s like 0 degrees here in the upper midwest of America?
BC is usually pretty warm compared to the rest of canada
It’s -25 in Ontario rn
West coast of Canada. The same
climate extends from Northern California up the west coast, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. But only along the coast.
@Phil Sonnenberg. It’s the West Coast of Canada. Winters are often snowless and sunny days will bring temps in the 60s.
Americans needs better schools !!
It matters when big business loses money but they don’t care if small businesses tank because of mandates. FJT.
Tieneman trudeau
That’s why you should stop big always eat small law of the jungle. Be smarter
Our freedoms are more important then money!
So True!!!
Hey Justin!! How is your support looking?? Pretty low eh? Wonder where you are going next? Everybody knows about Tofino now, Cuba? Back to see your dad? You have totally turned my vote from pro Liberal to never again.
At least the reporter HONESTLY reported it as an anti mandate protest rather than an anti Vax protest.
@Il’ana Butterfinger not everything Trudeau has told you to believe about this, is true. Practically nothing he’s said about the protesters, is factually accurate.
@Marvymarie R from what I can tell they have a bunch of factions, ani -everything, no focus what so ever, it pisses me off what they are doing to the economy especially since we were starting to come ahead but what can one expect from a group that only thinks of themselves.
It’s mostly far right antivax anarchists
@Leno B when you believe Trudeau then yes I’m not surprised why you would think that.
@Lucas Blizzard you’re obtuse
That was like ten trucks and RV’s on the road. Lol.
It’s a lot cheaper to cover this than a looming war in Europe.
@peter baxter – America is knocking on WWlll’s door.
Not too mention it was a secondary route and the interstates flowed freely.
@Peter V thank a demtard …and sadley mitch the progressive
Ten trucks too many. Arrests and jail time.
The irony in that statement is priceless.
Are you talking about the same impeded issues we have been in for 2 years?
At least the reporter HONESTLY reported it as an anti mandate protest rather than an anti Vax protest.
Very nice
Let do it
Lock them up and sue them for all the money lost because blocking commerce.
imagine arguing in favor of the government
@420rogerz Why not? You voted them in. If you didn’t vote, shut up.
@Judy Miles off topic but nice try
OMG mandates are threatening our economy and our livelihoods! …blocks critical infrastructure…
At least the reporter HONESTLY reported it as an anti mandate protest rather than an anti Vax protest.
It’s legal to protest but illegal to intentionally block the road.
Mandate Annual Psychological Evaluations For ALL Politicians!
That was like ten trucks and RV’s on the road. Lol.
At least the reporter HONESTLY reported it as an anti mandate protest rather than an anti Vax protest.
Canadian News: Truckers protesting for Truckers are hurting other Truckers

Jedi: That was the worst Jedi mind trick EVER
Sith Lord: