The stock market is enthusiastic about a Biden presidency and Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe with charts to discuss. Aired on 11/9/2020.
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#Presidency #JoeBiden #MSNBC
Rattner: The Market Optimistic About Biden Presidency | Morning Joe | MSNBC
45 is doing his best to take down our country in his denial of the choice the majority of the citizens of the USA…. When are the other elected officials going to say enough? Start saying no to 45’s idiotic rankings!
@Maggie Hubbard Who cares what sleepy Joe says

@LISA N and who cares what trump says
@LISA N oh its over just morons like you that can’t stand it – Trump = LOSER

@LISA N Oh, it’s over, we just have to deal with your whining while you learn to deal with reality, not what Lying Don tells you.
@LISA N yea Biden has years to lead ahead of us, best you get your crying over with now.
@LISA N only a bunch of losers would say it’s not over and trying to take it to court
@LISA N Lisa = Pathetic tRump Zombie .
“Slow Down you move too fast. You’ve got to make this VICTORY last. #SHITHOLEtrump Lost & Will Soon Be GONE. I’m Enjoying this VICTORY & Feeling GROOVY !!!”
Right after BIDEN is Sworn in, ON January 20th, I Will Be Screaming
“LOCK trump UP !!!”
#COVIDcovidCOVIDtrumpVIRUS !!!
#TRAITORtrump !!!
#SHITHOLEtrump !!!
#SHITHOLErepublicans !!!
#CRIMINALSallOfThem !!!!!!!!
He called it the Biden rally. Love it!
@Trump 2024 remember when Trump told you he won??? …….oops
@the big dipper rally stocks??? Because the investors know Trump’s got the supreme Court. Who ruled on gore bush?
@Tron he did win. And we are going to flip the house too. 8 days and counting
@Trump 2024 You are living in a fantasy land
@Trump 2024 In 8 days you will just come up with a new conspiracy to explain why reality isn’t working out for you. You guys whine more than the Dems did when Trump won in 2016. I guess it is part of that victim mentality you all share.
Trump just tweeted – he’s taken the credit for the Stocks and the vaccine. The vaccine company said at no time did they work with trump! N
Hold your horse. It’s only the result of very small study(N=97). Long way to go in term of the large scale phase 3 trial for Vaccine. News and Market always only look at the headline. Gosh, devil is in the details.
@Trump 2024 So what are you going to do with all the leftover Koolaid that nobody seems interested in drinking with you, Princess?
@Trump 2024 You have TRUMPHOLM SYNDROME you will have to accept his Defeat come January when your Orange Clown is kicked out of the White House..

@Ben Gower Untrue, this mRNA vaccine was developed in Germany by a German biotech start-up, Pfizer just provided the extra money and manufacturing ability they needed. If any world leader should be given credit, which they shouldn’t, it would be Merkel.
@Freedom Life Wrong, 38,955 participates received the second dose. N = 38,955
The only rigged election was 2020
@Trump 2024 if they rigged them they did a poor job, they would have won the Senate as well, wouldn’t they?
Since Mueller is a topic of convesation for the Butthurt Russian and GOP trolls in this thread I wanted to bring back a video, it’s an oldie but goodie.
Worth the watch especially the end.
@President of the Virgin Islands

@Selah Yep, that video never gets old.
Who else feels like a HUGE ORANGE WEIGHT has been lifted??
@Rabble Wolf lol. Who said that??? Lol. We have 8 more days.
See project veritas. Real journalism.
“Tell vladamir I’ll have more flexability once I win reelection” barack Mc57 States obama
@Trump 2024

@Rabble Wolf oh, cute, you conceded
@Trump 2024

Nope troll, last time I will converse with you Muppet.!!
My stock mutual fund was worth $80,000 at the beginning of the year. i took out $10,000 and placed it in a tax-free fund. It’s now worth almost $102,000. This is literally the Obama-Biden Bull Market that began virtually the day that Obama and Biden took office for the first time in 2009. And Trump has the nerve to pretend that he had something to do with it.
Eh… let him have his bone. “Its amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.”
He did though with the market rise after tax cut bill passing and downturn in March. However USA also add 4 trillion debts. Your children and grandchildren will be paying it for very long time.
Well done! Mine’s up 50% since Feb2020 but I manage it myself.
Still the Cases of Corona are Increasing Daily but the Failed President is Busy Playing Golf…..

@Michael Healy lol you can say whatever you like, whatever makes you happy. If it shows up tomorrow, great! We’ll take it. Trump’s still fired either way
@Jason Boyce whatever
Because he couldn’t care less for anyone including his “base” who are also catching the virus. Covid 19 does not care if you’re Republican, Democratic, or Independent!
@C P Nothing but the facts jack. I appreciate your well researched and logic based approach. This is how you debate. God bless brother.
@Jason Boyce your right he is but it is on the record a member of your party cares more about politics than the people they represent.
Is this the same maket that trump said was going to crash if biden was elected?
You idiots said the same about trump. It took a global pandemic to slow down his growth.
@C P the GDP was better the last 3 years under Obama than the first 3 years of trump. Learn something and cope better.
@C P No it took tRump’s inaction, downplaying and flights of fancy concerning the Pandemic that killed the Impeached Orange Coward, along with 230k dead on election day.
As he said
“…It is what it is…get over it already”.
@C P you’re slow
@C P Doesn’t look like you fair too well with informed people, maybe you want to move to a site like Fox where they don’t know squat.
Who knew that financial markets thrived on sane competent leadership?
Everyone but Republicans.
@John Martin well done , congrats!
@John Martin
I was born a lion, eagle now if u know what I mean, we struggling too
Work on your cricket tho black caps
@sheik Yo booty Good morning sheik ! We have our moments under the sun, but I think in reality we NZ Ders will never be a powerhouse in world cricket.
@John Martin
I’m in the bronx, it’s a warm November evening, still celebrating the PUSS GRABBER loss
Woo Hooo! I got over 10% return on my real estate etf’s this morning and over 8% on a marijuana stock!
Better cash while you’re up.
Marijuana stock? Congratz. I need to look into that!
Lol wish I had some my fibro mialgia is killing me at the moment x
But but Orange Raccoon just claim credit for that on Twitter.

Orange raccoon! Hilarious
Lol but please leave animals out of it …he’s human ..well I’m really sorry for calling the thing that ..but please leave the animals alone. .thank you as the don’t deserve it xxxx
They only way Trump will get to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Very, Very, funny!
Lol and Trump said the stock market would crash if Joe Biden was elected.
@Manuel as far as I know neither Trump nor Biden are personally working on a vaccine
@Manuel Biden is not working on a vaccine, the pharma companies are
@Manuel Delusional Trump lackey…tsk tsk give it up, loser!
@grandma k. Actually you are full of crap and it is true.
He has said this multiple times and I can pull other videos to prove it. Maybe you should stop lying online.
I also work in petrochem and can go into detail why green tech is a total joke if you want.
@C P there is no reason to offend me though – as I said I was talking about raised taxes – nothing else.
I don’t understand why Dumpster is so obsessed with golf… He is not even good and need to cheat while playing others. Pathetic.
And I was just wondering when you would finally grow a brain and learn to think for yourself?
greg j , talking to yourself again?
@greg j Cry, cry, wah, wah
@greg j Yes Greg, the guy who said he would never have time for golf yet managed to golf more in 4 years than Obama did in 8. No wall, Mexico never paid, Trump’s trade wars failed, no new healthcare as was continually promised and middle class tax cuts run out in 3 more years. A quarter million preventable deaths and a crashed economy due to lack of a plan and leadership, but sure, you go ahead and tell us how we need to think for ourselves, lmao. Maybe take a good long look in the mirror, bud.
@Roy Darville Yep. Easy $100k/day of taxpayers money directly into his pocket from his golf course.
We need a full government rehaul. We need to put the power back in the people’s hands. McConnell has way too much power over the entire United States and that is not fair.
Deuce was
@Gabriel gamer cheesy Unfortunately it is constitutionally fair. The problem is that he’s just an evil little man who cares nothing about democracy. Hello Kentucky! Why can’t you see that?
He will lose weight when hes in prison no more

I hope he likes green bologna..
@Damian Quintana and rotten hard boiled eggs.
Hope he gets orange jello, dry cheese sandwiches and orange kool-ade for the rest of his miserable life.
Don’t tell Trumpty Dumpty he’ll throw one of his tantrums, he wanted it to crash if he lost.
That’s what he said
@C P It isn’t his money, it’s Russian Oligarch money, Einstein. Trump has no money, only debt, just like you.
@greg j No one cared about the made up scandal, most people learn from their previous mistakes, unlike Trump supporters apparently.
@David Gray
The poorest uneducated GOP racists and traitors come from shithole redstates that collect half their budgets from blue donor states FACTS
@greg j

We need another four seasons presser
Thank you Americans! You’ve done it – you got rid of the tyrant. The world is now safer than before.
The tyrant that lowered taxes, let you keep your guns, and wouldn’t force unconstitutional lockdown orders?
Your welcome! Sorry for the last 4 years. As an American citizen, i apologize for that shithole president.
@C P Clorox tasting good?
@C P Lol, you aren’t even American and yet you come here beaking off? First, Trump didn’t let anyone keep their guns because nobody has ever come to take them away, so there’s that. Lowered taxes, for who? Trump lowered taxes for the wqealthy while the rest of Americans lose their tax break in the next few years which is how the original bill was written and why we bitched about it. You Russian trolls really were not prepared to deal with intellectuals, your propaganda only worked on the ignorant… shame, huh?
He called Biden “Sleepy Joe” when he was the one sleeping all these times. Geez!
Too funny