Morning Joe economic adviser Steve Rattner shows charts on the economic impact the coronavirus is having on retail, air travel and deficit. Aired on 04/23/2020.
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Rattner: Retail Sales Plummeted During March | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Let’s all have a good cry because the rich are worried about not getting richer. Meanwhile a large segment of the country are in food pantry lines.
The debt is the result of Republican policies that have been put in place since the 80s.
@frictionRx9 97 out of the top 100 poorest counties are RED.
The takers, moochers, meth addicts, heroin junkies, pregnant, underedumacated….
Cuts to education since St Ronnie Raygun, who doubled the size of gumbint, and tripled the debt. Then Dubya with his much room clouds….. Trillions…
YOU teabaggr gaggr stayed silent and complicit.
Blue states who pay into the Fed gubmint, red on the teet.
Now, go brush your tooth!
@Dawn OceansideHistory, Mathematics, and Science, all foreign concepts to the Republican Party.
@frictionRx9 Yes that’s why the Liberals have been the ones whose states have had the highest wellfare numbers… oh wait sorry, that’s Republicans I’m thinking about. Sorry silly me.
Yep, since the 1980s.
@frictionRx9 Oh I bet there are plenty of Republicans in that line. Or rather, idiots who voted Republican because they thought it was smart to vote against their own interests.
Almost sounds like giving the 1% that didn’t need a tax cut was a bad idea
So…….. sounds like it’s time to raise those taxes back up
@Philip Berthiaume Kushner troll.
@Philip Berthiaume yes…voting is useless now. Violent means are the only means left to voice our dissatisfaction.
@Paul Wilson All for it. Start with the corporate welfare, bailouts and the military budget.
@Cort Agreed. Bernie was like Trump in one way. He did not know when to shut up. Calling himself a socialist was a really bad idea. The sad part is that the strict definition of socialism that scares people in the State/Government controlling all the businesses. That was not even remotely what he was talking about. Even China and Russia have come to the only real conclusion that works is Capitalism. The problem is here in the USA we have socialism for the rich and the top 1% (crony socialism). They can risk it all for maximum profits knowing the Government (they bought and paid for) will never let them fail. There is always a bailout that if done correctly will not even limit the giant bonus income. It is sad … we have come to this. But we have to start to fix the problem is pitch Trump and the Corny GOPers out of office. Vote Blue 2020
No no no… more tax cuts are the key. /s
$1200 if you even get it or a portion is already spend on food alone!
Spent mine on weed. Priorities man.
Spent my on PCP and Crack cocaine, that way i can understand what trump is saying.
@Bear Bryant who buys weed anymore..?
You can get a 4×4 grow tent and light for the price of an ounce…
Maybe it’s time to cut the military spending and funnel that money to more serious issues!
but then if there’s terrorist attack on American soil you’ll blame Trump for cutting military funding
more like… time to let you cowards get sick, suffer and pass…
you are a coward, the kind who allows the trump to hold that office…
you do not matter, you need to get sick, suffer and pass
you do not deserve the freedoms gifted to you by good men. lay in your wet bed coward, your fate is sealed.
cut the army budget by at least a 1/4 or 1/3 and divided among among nasa. the education department, and other science based agencies
@frictionRx9 so ignore the pandemic as long as the guns are loaded?
maybe it’s time to tell the military they aren’t getting anymore goddam hero parades.
There’s always a crisis when Republicants are in charge. Vote them out!
@C Mac “I’ll make America great again” – Ronald Reagan – how ironic, the trickle down hoax needs to be added to your list of failed Republican Administrations. There’s a pattern in there and it actually runs all the way back to Eisenhower. The Democrats spend two years in repair mode after Republican Administration, and have to listen to the Republicans complain about spending money to get them out of a hole that the previous Republican party put the country in. History, Mathematics, and Science, not high on the Republican list of academic necessity.
Buddy Ratcliff how so provide facts for such a dumb answer
Jonah Falcon Russia Russia Russia
sal been . All over the world? Indeed wake up !
What is the point? A democrat gets back into office, stabilizes the situation and starts to fix the problem. Once things starts to look good again, the US population votes Republican again who then party hard and ruins the place. Rinse and Repeat.
America is finished….enter China as the new world leader. I hope all those MAGA people remember the biggest mistake they made voting for the moron in 2016 when they are still on the unemployment line 6 months from now
Trump bankrupts everything he ever touches
Steven Cheatham why waste time
Go wherever the money is it work fo me. Now self employed over 100 k year 25 hrs a week
Buddy Ratcliff What’s your point? I too had my own business and made more than you and worked 7 days a week.
Steven Cheatham easy broke people pay low wage. Hang around the money it rubs off if you smart enough to catch on
Buddy Ratcliff Are you for real or are you just some slimy troll?
Steven Cheatham no for real you can’t get rich working for broke people. It’s that simple. I worked today Don’t be a nonessential worker
Prob a good idea to actually tax the rich for a change. Cant see that happening though. It is always the middle and low earners that get hit.
Vote Blue! Get Republicans out of government!
He is like the opposite of midis touch
Sacrifice must be shared even the 1%. Can’t wait for the 1% to hurt as bad as we do.
Holly G
They won’t
At least not in reality, they may say so, or think so, but they are insulated
@Lord Raiden then they should be executed.
Don’t expect me to have any sympathy for the rich…. After 50 years of screw the worker capitalism I’m ready for 50 years of screw the rich socialism….
I have watched this happen and I was self employed the whole time. I choose to build houses rather than sell houses as a broker. One creates wealth, the other just transfers the wealth. All this wealth built on the backs of the working class as they were degraded into 2 or 3rd class citizens……. I wondered how long it would last. Question answered!
@Richard Russell America had the best economy and lowest unemployment rates in history under Trump before the pandemic hit. What a terrible job he did!
@Mindi Bear Just like his ego and the dollar bill. They are all smoke and mirrors.
They are phantoms of perceptions that don’t hold up to any conventional tests, they fail, big time!
@Mark Cross Do you have any facts to back up your biased opinion?
@Mindi Bear What? about the dollar? Or how weak the phony economy lost it’s basis.
Our biggest export nowadys is WAR!
How is that good for average Americans?
He did say he was going to run the country like his businesses.
Bono Budju yes to the ground unfortunately for the American people! Keep safe

Yep! He was absolutely correct, anything he touches, he destroys. M.A.G.A – MAKE AMERICA A GRAVE AGAIN!
Yep and he running it into the ground
into the ground
– _Trump’s net worth: $2.1 _*_BILLION._*
– _Steve Mnunchin’s net worth: $400 million._
– _Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s net worth: $500 million._
– _Sean Hannity’s net worth: $250 million._
Conservatives: Nancy Pelosi eats expensive ice cream from an expensive fridge!!
The HUGE TAX break to the RICH reduced the TAX revenues. As projected there would NOT be a trickle down, they PAID THEMSELVES huge dividends. Trump announced to his MARILAGO patrons “I just made you richer”.
Dawn-Marie Langlois I hope a new paradigm comes from this terrible misery the world is facing. The rich need to be taxed and not just on their reported earnings. Track down every asset and tax it, 80 % minimum. Estates should be taxed at 90%. Sounds harsh, but the rich have a lot of unpaid back taxes to make up for. They haven’t ever paid their share. Their argument is, but we create jobs, or I worked hard for my money! The reality is, ninety percent +, inherited their wealth.
A criminal in the White House. Americas choices: “Greed and corruption”.
When Biden takes over.
He’s going to inherit a HORRIBLE ECONOMY caused by republicans!
Yep and Americans will moan and complain because they forget oh so quickly.
Biden has trouble remembering you know the the the thing .
It had better come to a ‘high cost’ for the richest Americans who received HUGE tax breaks from Trump!!!

“My friends you just got a whole lot richer.” Trump to his wealthy buddies after his tax cuts.
Stop the tax cuts for the rich. Trickle down economics has never worked.
“Americans in the working world, paying their taxes”, no. Tax the rich, hard, make them pay the taxes they’ve owed for years or decades.
no,let them clutch the money as we cut their throats…it’s more than they would let us keep.
*Just as everyone on the left predicted, Donald Trump has destroyed America.*
it couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.