Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner charts the state of the economy during the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 11/17/2020.
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#Rattner #Pandemic #MSNBC
Rattner: Less Time In Stores, Less Spending During Pandemic | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Donald tRump has destroyed the great economy Obama left us in under 4 yrs.
@Gerald Jackson Trumps niece is a commie ugly bitter anti American piece of trash
@Truth91 communist china bot
@Brian Nave and i think that is great. sure hope they are home for christmas.
Just like everything else he’s inherited, he bankrupt it! Biden will have us wearing masks 24/7.
I love that Joe only said million once. I’m so sick of hearing about millions and millions and millions.
I still cant get over the tweet from the nurse claiming that many patients who come in with severe covid symptoms-some severe enough to be intubated-are screaming at nurses and doctors that they re lying and that they cant be infected with the virus because it s not real.
How can so many people still believe it s a “hoax” after these many months, and so many deaths worldwide?
@peter blood – sad to feel at this level of cold bloodedness but how are health care workers and first responders supposed to cope with the idiocy? Do no harm but be subjected to mental health disconnects and abuse?
@Joni M.L. surely part of the reason why thousands have reportedly quit their job, recently. Stress and burn out.. and now abuse by patients? That d do it!
@MSL Agree… the same thing happened over the years in our education system when so many fine teachers left because the lame test score driven instruction superseded every thing and our discipline problems were uncontrollable.
@Joni M.L. omg, i remember that! Didnt some teachers have to go so far as to inflate grade results of students in order to qualify to keep their jobs, at one point? have to take a few min to retrieve more info from the recess of my memory to be more accurate than this, im afraid. lool
In terms of behavior, Im unfortunately all too familiar with the problem.. i work with young people who suffer from personality disorder for a living.
@MSL What a wonderful soul you must be! I’d never have the patience or sensitivity that’s necessary to nurse, teach or counsel.

Thank you… Back in the day when my own son needed to pay consequences for skipping school and fail a class and attend summer school, I begged the principal to let that happen… he met with the teacher and they gave my son extra credit in detention and passed him.
Anything trump touches dies
You got that right !
Every thing Commie joe sniffs gets his virus he created
@Say no to communism Our country comes first you sound bitter snowflake, in 4 years you can lose again if you’d like?
@Say no to communism Our country comes first Every thing commie trump sniffs gets his virus he created
So much for Donald tRump Making America Great Again MAGA when in reality he has totally destroyed the economy & killed 248,000 Americans directly through his sheer incompetence. Trump preparing Iraq, Afghanistan troop withdrawal, making America great again!
@Brian Nave He thinks they’ll back him when he starts his coup attempt.
CadetBonespurs Donald tRump is preparing another cowardly retreat of his from Iraq & Afghanistan just like in Syria & abandoning the Kurds only so in order to attack Iran.
Joe Biden is not president elect, he’s president reject.
@Brian Nave
What planet do you live on?
Fun Fact: Herbert Hoover is believed to have exacerbated the Great Depression, and he is still a better president than Donald Trump.
@William Hi hope you are paid well.
Your mind is addled and you are probably suffering from early on set dementia.
Your objectively reality is skewed.
@Eric V
You are probably supporting him through your taxes.
@imiss toronto Nice “nu uh” reply.
Homeless camps were called “Hoovervilles”, now they’re called “Trumptowns”.
@Bob Courtier Beautiful homeless camps. The bestiest anyone has ever seen.
HITLER 1933 = TRUMP 2020
You misspelled tRump!
@byebyebaby tRump thx
The liberal hate Nazis will not win
@William H the repub hate Nazis will not win.

@William H TRUMP killed 240.000 americans, more than Hitler
Anything the orange guy tweets needs to be fact checked
Liberal Democrats are the enemy of the American people obviously
Oh that is very easy as tRump NEVER tells the truth .
Job security in doing that.
The Republicultists have bailed out their donor class. Their problem is solved. Now, they’ll call for austerity. This is what their constituency votes for each and every time.
@Dan Riley :: You are a caricature of yourself ! Hahaha! Funny stuff. Or is it sarcasm?!! Also funny.
@Dan Riley sure there will be, that’s why the majority of Trump’s lawsuits have been laughed at by judges?
@Dan Riley

. TYFOID Trump lost. Get over it.
Trump talked about “American carnage” boy after 4 years of donnie was he right.
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library2 except this week and next the key states confirm their vote totals, which means by next weekend Biden will have enough electorial points to win. Btw, thanks for buying Q stuff. You’ve been paying my bills for years now.
@Mike Smith your source for politics is a sports book site?

Joe Biden is not president elect, he’s president reject.
@Brian Nave keep crying kiddo, those tears are delicious…
@A J c’mon trump supporters dont whine n cry like the worst kind of loser snowflakes…..oh wait

May God bless and lead President Biden and VP Harris in courage wisdom favor and understanding as they govern our beautiful country. Amen.
…funny how millions o’ xians were asking the same xact thing about drumpf – how’d that work our for us ?
I stopped believing in god, when gods people put a destructive dictator in charge of us, and called him the chosen one!
History repeats itself: once again, a Democrat must save America from the catastrophe into which a Republican “president” has led him!
And the worst part is that the work of these Democrats is not recognized for their fair value !
Too many Americans keep forgiving Republicans for their incompetence, sometimes deliberate efforts to harm this country and vote them back into power. I haven’t forgiven the Republicans since Nixon when I was a teenager!
@GoGreen1977 you are a smart person unhindered by the lies of the republican party. Good stuff
It’s been like that my whole life, Republican disaster, then a Democratic recovery, that’s why I have voted Democrat since 1972!
Trump knows he’s lost, he just doesn’t know how to say that to his base without losing they’re support and looking foolish
@Mike Smith You done posted that crap for me.
@roger rives
@Mike Smith Weak attempt Mikey. He has a higher security clearance than Harris and he is the president elect. No leaking, sane people call this legal briefing.
@roger rives more bad news for
@roger rives more bad news for ya..
tRumps plan is to just get everybody infected , let the weak ones die and then hope that the survivors have immunity . Should only be a few million dead , he says that “it is what it is” and that he “takes no responsibility .
That is the plan. Totally incompetent and stupid.
This is a very dark winter
Trump’s inaction speaks for itself
Trump needs prosecuted for his crimes he needs to be made an example of so that others won’t try to do what Trump was doing. Trump is still hiring lawyers he’s still trying to become dictator if he were to achieve that white supremacists will take over and our elderly will be on the streets that’s what I truly believe. Thank goodness Trump won’t be able to achieve that because to many people caught on to his game before he could achieve it. The Trumpeters just don’t know what Trump had in mind was a lot scarier than anything Biden could ever dream up!!!
Democrat presidents always inherit a mess from republican presidents and have to start off in the hold!
And the democrats always seem to fix it. When will Americans learn
@Cadat Broderick Never! Biden/Harris will lead us through this mess also and at the end the American people will vote back in the people that messed it up in the first place and was throwing stones from the sidelines at them as they cleaned up their mess!
nobody has yet won…. trump will overturn this dominion gaming club.
@William Bee by that logic Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnel, Susan Colins, Tillis have not won either
The republicans care more about conspiracy theories than help for Americans!! They are now against Democracy!!! Look at their actions voters!!!
Wake up!!!
Don’t forget Sinophobia. They want to blame China for making the sky blue.
President Trump’s not doing anything because of majority of Americans didn’t vote for him so he is taking a revenge for, and left the citizens on their fate against Pandemic .
I think that You are right. He is a Malignant Narcissist. Getting even. Too bad he can’t be removed for dereliction of duty, at least.
You are so right. I believe he is taking revenge on the US for those of us who voted against him. It will take a very long for our country to come together because his followers will always believe what he has been saying. Its really sad
He did say years ago to Barbara Walters he likes revenge.
@Cassidy Smith , I remember that. Too bad he can’t be removed under the 25th Amendment or for dereliction of duty.
This time it only took 4 years for the republicans to nearly destroy our economy! Last time it took 4 years for the democrats’ to bring us back, and 4 more years to make things better! It could take a full 8 years for Biden just to bring us back to normal! I suppose people will put another republican in, in 2028? When will they learn! Republicans bad for us, democrats good!