Rats, Rats, Rats at People’s Arcade in Montego Bay – November 11 2020

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Rats, Rats, Rats at People's Arcade in Montego Bay | TVJ News


    1. I couldn’t agree more. talking about they are going need $3 million to rectify the problem, that $3 million is going in their pockets. And result problem not fixed..

  1. They can’t get rid of those rat..don’t care how much money dem spend…wen mi a pickney rats were always in the ceiling of our house…we alway have cat and we set rat trap and poison and we can still hear them and their babies running all over the ceiling for years…

    1. Rats can sense when you’re trying to kill them which makes dem breed up even more. They’re hard to kill becus even when they find a new food source (poison) they just eat a little bit of it to make sure it doesn’t make them sick. Dem smart 😂

  2. They don’t take care of the environment so rats have to be in the community 😔😔😔😔 the rats are big

  3. Rats, rats rats, people in this area should be made to clean up their rubbish. Bait needs to in place for a year. Who eating in restaurant in this area. 🤮

  4. I suggest rat poison throughout the areas in Montego Bay to kill out the rodents, this will send messages to the folks that cause the garbage disposal in their areas to continue unabated.
    Stench may help people to keep their areas clean!

  5. The Arcade need to close permanently, and demolished the building, a lot of people are eating food on the streets of Montego Bay that was cook over there . Get rid of that place once and for all

  6. You want to see rat?go to NEW YORK 🤣🤣🤣stop putting everything on YouTube, and take care of your Internal Problems, Rats can be controlled, Lawd man

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