Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock speaks about his race against Sen. Kelly Loeffler and the upcoming January runoff. Aired on 11/12/2020.
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#Georgia #KellyLoeffler #MSNBC
Raphael Warnock Discusses His Run For The Senate In Georgia | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Donald Trump is killing our country!!!
@Max Riley correct. It’s because it’s a trade mark.
Thanks for debunking your own BS
@Jillian Copeland huh. Can you name him?
@Jillian Copeland “democracy is nothing but mob rule where 51 percent of the majority can steal the rights of the minority” Thomas Jefferson
This is a constitutional republic where individual rights are endowed by our creator. Do you believe in societies needs come before the individual?
@Trump 2024 Stop trolling! And why are you saying “we” like you’re gonna do anything, but cry once Trump is dragged out in handcuffs. And like everyone else on this thread is saying, please provide proof of widespread fraud. News flash, there’s none. Just take the L!
@Trump 2024 “‘democracy is nothing but mob rule where 51 percent of the majority can steal the rights of the minority’ Thomas Jefferson” Too bad for you, but Thomas Jefferson never said that.
The designations “democracy” and “republic” are not mutually exclusive. The United States is both a representative democracy and a constitutional republic.
Representative democracy: a type of government wherein the citizens vote for representatives to pass laws for them.
Constitutional republic: a country in which the head of state and other officials are representatives of the people and must govern within an existing constitution.
The United States is both a democracy and a republic.
As for the “individual rights endowed by our creator”, that is in the Declaration, which isn’t a legal document like the Constitution. Yes, society’s needs should come before the individual, especially in extraordinary circumstances like a pandemic. To think otherwise is trying to pass off selfishness as patriotism.
We Need People That Work For The Public Not Work For Them Self…Rev For Senate…

Learn about Voter Suppression (not to be confused with Voter Fraud):
Highly recommend: ‘All In: The Fight for Democracy.’ Official trailer:
Dr. Carol Anderson on One Person, No Vote:
Interview with Dr. Carol Anderson on race, voting, and democracy:
Presentation by Dr. Carol Anderson: White Rage: the unspoken truth of our nation’s divide:
@Diana Spicer it makes me laugh that you have others think for you.
That’s what cultists do
@Trump 2024 GOP all the way to jail for trying to win by fraud.
@Diana Spicer Thank you, Diana, for doing OUR homework. These fraud conspiracy folks do not read and do not believe the obvious. If Dems were cheating, why not cheat against down ticket Republicans as well?
@Trump 2024 You are mimicking Trump and claiming that you think for yourself? Do you wear a mask in public?
He needs to get the 17 year olds who will be 18 by the last day if registration so they can vote too.
Dead people too
That’s what they are working on
He’s a good guy. Get out there and spread the word Georgia. We need good, non corruptible men in senate.
@The Doctor lol. Nice projection. What party rigs primaries, elections, burned down their own cities, vandalized the Lincoln memorial, burned down st john Episcopal Church in Lafayette plaza and cried Russian conspiracy circus for 3 years???
That would be you cultists.
RIP Ruth bader Ginsburg
@The Doctor we already lost???? How so?
@The Doctor we drink tears. You Chinese?
He’s a pos
@frictionRx9 you just like to peddle fear, conspiracies and division so you can elect grifters instead of people who would actually represent real hardworking people.
Trump is the “Shame” of America
don’t forget the republicans in the senate, they are still there doing his dirty work
Biden or Trump, we are the fools who fair better under the multiple issue president. The single issue of race is a dead or dying issue that will end it all. We have covid 19, our alliances, our pocket books in a soup of global warming with a real deadline, and being misled to procrastination by pointing fingers as the only answer, will end humanity as we know it. That’s the choice and why Biden, not the best choice by far, must prevail.
@leila rezazad I’ll never vote for Any repubican again!
@Samual Terry The republican party has done a good job coning the American people. Socialism is bad for you but socialism is good for big business. The republicans in office are very happy with their socialist healthcare paid for by you the taxpayer.
Georgia is flipping to BLUE.
More RED states will follow.
America is figuring out that America needs Democrats who will work for the country,
and NOT Republicans who only work for themselves.
Don’t get cocky. We were only lucky that we haven’t lost the state just yet. Of course I’m not even sure if we actually will win Georgia’s senate races after looking at the results as well as voter suppression.
Do whole reason why we got Trump is because of the democrats incompetence !
@Justus it’s actually both parties not fully listening that allowed a populist like Trump to exploit people who believed he cared about them and would fight on their behalf.
@Justus yes
@David Goldman They have bigger populations than deserted red states and violence has also been happening in republican run cities too!
Warnock is a good leader
for the people, not himself
@Jimmy Bagodonuts Of course we already know trump is a pos.
As a Hoosier I agree. I wish we had people like him here.
@ColtsFan4Life 35 Exactly!
He should have denounced Wright, rather than evading the question. That wasn’t a good answer. Saying I know that guy, who everybody knows is a racist, but I’m not a racist, is not enough.
He’s a pos
That’s correct Reverend regarding getting rid of healthcare during a Pandemic isn’t a “healthy” strategy, unless you have $500 Million like she does.
Trump just doesn’t want Obama’s name on the the heath care system! He wants his name on it !
@Jessica Roach Time’s up for Skippy.
Haha since her insider trading paid off $$$$
Happy that this race is taking place in a state that is warm in January. Get out folks. Vote.
The average January high temperature in Atlanta is around 55 degrees.
But it’s still much warmer there then in northern states.
Voting for Warnock and Ossoff here in ATL … telling all my friends —
Same here, telling all my friends in Milledgevile. Albany
Omg finally someone said it.. Its about policies not personalities!
Vote for those who speak truth and not corrupt. Perdue and Loeffler have to go!
I’m so ready to get Warnock and Onssf to fill those senate seats.Together we will make this happen.
Please all go out and vote these democrat senators in!
I am ready to donate money for both of you Sir. It might not big but it comes from our heart.
@Marjolijn Mansvelt Beck voting red here in Atlanta
@Jimmy Bagodonuts mmh you are not voting red, you are voting for people who sold stock when they knew of covid before the others in order to fill their pockets on the death of many. This is not red or blu, this is criminal. It’s different, but you go and do you, girl. x’D
@Jimmy Bagodonuts Vote BLUE! How can people still vote for trumpers
VOTE Blue in GA to restore our democracy!!
Colin’s has to go , he presented himself in the impeachment process unfit to be senator . He is greedy.
Please get the dems to vote in record numbers, we need Warnock in office!!!! WARNOCK FOR SENATE OFFICE!!!!
Good luck Ralph. Georgia has turned blue
We can’t let Turtle Mitch and Lindsay Graham continue to stand in our way. They don’t want to work with Biden to help us. They care only themselves!
So disappointed in Kentucky.
Me too it must be a lot of rich people in Kentucky and South Carolina because if you’re poor and struggling and you’re supporting these Republicans crooks who are money hungry and love power, but who care less for the poor
I just donated to Dem Georgia race -I’m in California.
Bless your heart. I am trying too.
Thank you we need all the help we can get.
I sent 5k to Lindsey last week.
Donated yesterday too and I’m from Oregon! Hoping that turnout will lean blue in the runoff!
Not to mention Loefler and Perdue committed felonies by insider trading.
And the bad thing was they just both got slapped on their hands. Nothing has done for their corrupt action from the GOPs.