Dr. Anthony Fauci responded Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) statement that it would be "kind of ridiculous" to make nation-wide decisions for reopening the country, especially to suggest that children be kept out of school in the fall by saying we should be careful not to think that children are completely immune to Covid-19 and addressed Paul saying Dr. Fauci didn't have the final word on if states should reopen.
#Fauci #CNN #Coronavirus
Rand Paul says Fauci isn’t the ‘end all’. See Fauci’s response

A beard!
It almost makes him look like an adult!
He almost sounds drunk too!
Rand looks like the cowardly lion in the wizard of oz

D G – The petite version.
He looks like schmuck A
I don’t think so. Opinion about people’s look is really not relevant in this political discussion.
D G omg thank you
Earth to Rand Paul: go away, you have no value and your arrogance and disrespect are repulsive
Common sense is hard for you huh?
Tell Fauci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NopZPlu77M
He is an angel compared to that asphalt representative Jim Jordan.
Rand Paul looking like a wino trying to get his life together.
He actually much more smarter then anyone because this is Dems plan to desteroy Trump even if cause all of us to die if starvation !!!! It’s called evil Dems and their plan !! Vote Trump 2020

f you Dems!!!!!!!!!
H.F So where did you study again?
@tt 1611 Home skoolld.
Ed G

has to be
Paul is an ophthalmologist, which is a far cry from an epidemiologist. I recommend that he gets to a barber, STAT!
I thought he came to meeting after pillow fight
And apparently he doesn’t know how to cut grass. His neighbor attacked him. He looks like the Wolfman.
Fauci the guy who was saying there was nothing to worry about back in January and that Covid was no more serious than the flu. Hmm……..
He needs to attend ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS real fast and get a sponsor.
Ryan I thought and understood he always warned us that Covid 19 is serious, we should down play it, mitigation suggestions was given!
He’s looking rough after contracting the virus. Will his grand children go back to school too?
Lisa Tetreault of course they will. The children where I live need to be back in school.
My kids not. I think they’re doing better since I’m teaching them
Lisa Tetreault, Ha! Hope so! They are no more special than ours.
No because they are all hypocrites who don’t give a you know what about the people.
Fauci isn’t the end all be all yet we should listen to an optometrist?
@MarioV dr. Fauci has been wrong 90% of the time if not more. You would have to have the IQ of a coffee cup to listen to anything he says right now.
@Chadillac Do you understand how models are generated and that they change as new data comes in, as when careless people start venturing out? A model is only good as long as the data used remains constant. And second, how many COVID-19 pandemics did we have recently? It’s easy to criticize, but you better follow the criticism with you own prediction. Otherwise, you look foolish and uninformed, like Rand did today.
@Joe Bidens Leg Hair ATTN: This person who posts under Joe Bidens Leg Hair is sponsored by the Trump front organization s that also were funded by Jeff Epstein. Also worship’s Gog and Magog!
Some medical practices are very life and death or in his case, eyesight can be very tense jobs and doctors in this type of work get burned out early and quite the job. Eye specialists income is on the higher scale than a family doctors or easier specialty.
What’s up with Rand? Is he trying to be an alpha man with his Grizzly Adams look? Looks like over compensation to me.
Lumen Drops He look like he’s been drinking like a fish.
I homeschooled my daughter for several years of her elementary school education and when she came back in she was an advanced level student. So it is possible to homeschool children quite effectively.
Not all parents can do what you did. Don’t you get it?
This can only happen in households that have a stay at home parent.
My son has done better in these 6 weeks being homeschooled than he did the whole year. God bless our teachers, but I’ve been able to give him 100% attention that his ADHD requires in terms of his focus. I will be homeschooling next year regardless.
Thank you Richard. I agree with you. We are our children’s first teachers. We should be responsible and help educate our children during this emergency.
@Tiffany Nicole How much Ritalin do you feed him?
Damn Rand, I bet Sweden has a government that took this seriously. As opposed to orange boy & ya’ll republicans.
They went for herd immunity but unlike America they have the Social-Safty net.
Stalin Steel …and universal healthcare.
Dr. Fauci just gave the most polite, knowledgeable, and dignified “STFU” mike drop I heard in quite a while.
Wayne Brooks No it wasn’t because it is a scientific fact that the flu is more deadly for a child then the coronavirus this is not the case for adults but for children. So the doctor said children are not totally immune well they’re not totally immune to the flu either. I am a doctor and I know
Wayne Brooks, go Dr. Fauci!
The Greatest Generation, these RepubliCONS can’t hold a candle to Dr. Fauci! Dumb fucks.
Dennis V, what are you watching? Dr. Fauci laid Rand low!
@beverly allison what i believe the Dr. Was saying was we don’t know everything we need to know about the viruses long term affect upon children. The recent findings are showing there are effects upon children that were not known beforehand. To just say “children are safe. So lets send them to school.” Is shortsighted and potentially dangerous.
Concerned about a children’s education?! When did that happen? This administration is pushing school vouchers and cutting budgets.
Rand Paul looks like he’s still sick!
His soul is still sick for sure
Now THIS professional behaviour is what I’ve been hoping for during the medical briefings. When you take Trump out of the conversation, people behave like professionals, polite and intelligent. Maybe there is hope for American politics…….take Trump out of it………
When the fool doing the speaking is the same fool who mocked, then caught it & likely exposed others to the virus, there’s significant reason to mute his mic.
@Vincent H. It sounds like your thin skinned ignorance got triggered by the truth. It’s no surprise where you stand on this. Too obvious.
@Christine Wright But Doc got his key points in & he expressed them with the dignity of a professional & a true leader in his field. I’d say Trump should take notes but we all know he’s not big on paying attention to details, listening to those who know more than he does (pretty much anyone else in the room with him), reading, thinking, strategizing… I don’t want to waste your time listing what we all already know & have witnessed on a daily basis. Is it November yet?
You think he’d learn a lesson from his experience but he is addicted to ignorance like a smoker is addicted to nicotine. He just can’t quit!
He represents a state of moonshiners. Jethro Bodine would make a better candidate.
Kudos Dr Fauci you owned Senator Rand. Yes you are humble Dr Fauci I for one would believe your statistics and knowledge over Senator Rand.
maxine kelly No he didn’t because it is a scientific fact that the flu is more deadly for a child than the coronavirus this is not the case for adults but for children.. we send our children to school when 30,000 people die every year from the flu… so Dr. Fauci did not win his case.
@beverly allison Because you, science and facts are all closely related. …in no way whatsoever.
Rand Paul doesn’t seem to realize that the federal governments of many of these countries responded in the best interest of their citizens. Then we have Trump, Rand Paul, and the GOP who did nothing for months as they waited for magic fairy to make it all go away.
Tim Hotchkiss So when President Trump banned travel from China at the end of January there were zero deaths in America yet and the 21 reporters in the room were against the bann. So this means CNN has brainwashed you and you are hearing fake news. This man banned travel from China when everyone else was not thinking it was a good idea yet… are you wondering what else you’re wrong about
I didnt realise rand paul turn into a hobo
Rand Paul: Lets be humble…CHARGE full tilt.
Fauci: Senator, lets be humble …respect the enemy.