1. Once someone rung my doorbell around 11:30 P.M, I looked through the window and when I didn’t recognize the individual, I called 911. Why in God’s name the shooter didn’t call 911, than gunning down someone’s child, brother, grandchild, nephew, cousin, relative, friend, etc., etc. Horrific!

    1. @Someone_Unknown Lol definitely doesn’t have to do with my city, just the department. I live in the wealthiest part of my state. The department gave up on crime and is more focused on handing out large speeding tickets to the Ferrari’s and McClaren’s that drive down my neighborhood to make up the money they lost due to defunding.

    2. @ClassicFIHD Yep, and he was the one driving. The law is not a curfew, the license the boy, presumably had, is one that you can get at 16 minimum age and is not a full license. The biggest restriction (as with most states) is that you cannot drive after 10pm unless you are exempt for the reasons I mentioned above. If his brothers were studying or something that falls in the above category then him picking them up would be a school or church related activity, the law does not say the driver has to participate in the activity.

      but either way it’s besides the point. The shooting has nothing to do with him driving at night, it has to do with him ringing a doorbell and then being shot, even if his mom drove him and this same event happened because maybe he was given the wrong address or anything it wouldn’t change anything.

      Focusing on whether he should’ve been driving or not is irrelevant to the conversation and just serves to try and place blame on someone just to be contrarian rather than addressing the actual issues at-hand.

      I can’t tell if the “doh” was sarcastic or not by the way, if it was serious you’re being so absurd it comes off as sarcastic because adults don’t just scream “doh” at each other during productive conversation.

    3. ​@ClassicFIHD In my comment I stated how if his mom drove him this still could have happened, so that’s what makes it irrelevant. But also, I didn’t say she did drive him, I made no assumptions because we don’t know why he was driving other than his brothers. That’s what I’ve said this whole time.

      I thought it was OK for some reason so apologies, I’ve corrected my initial comment, but I think you still have that backwards. In Missouri driving curfew for an intermediate license (16 yr old) is actually 1am – 5am so he was actually driving legally, even without the exceptions (which idk if Missouri even has)

    4. @mOOOp42 oh well then that makes perfect sense, depending on your state that can mean you can hire personal armed security

  2. I’m gonna bet Ralph Yar will grow up to be everything he dreamed of being. A musician, a brother, a friend, a son and may his million dollar smile always beam in the hearts of us all.

  3. This is heartbreaking I can’t imagine what his family thinks. There are many good people out here who would never do such a thing.

    1. ​@James Pelgam It’s just just a person that goes left when everyone else goes right because they want attention.

  4. Sad that there’s still people in this world that are like that. I was born in 56, raised in rural Oklahoma. If I had said the n word and mama or daddy heard me? Would have been sore for days. Proud to have been raised by Christian parents who focused on character not color

    1. Sorry to disappoint you but there are a lot like him out there and they are living right here in this country..

  5. I am SO glad he is ok physically. I am so sorry for the mental hurt he is going through. That young man did NOT deserve what happened to him…I hope that home owner rots in jail for the last however many years he has left on this earth.

    1. @Mr. Meeseeks that’s your stance if he was any other color would the news says anything else or even get covered? Just asking

  6. This is heartbreaking and thank God for His Mercy he survived. Thank God he can tell the truth of what happened. I am hoping this young man gets justice and that all people who are afraid of Black people learn something from this. Please God teach us to stop judging each other based on color and stop supporting that narrative.

    1. @Ortus Mallum no it’s not. I haven’t done anything for anyone to look at me that way, in fact when around certain people I have to make an extra effort so they know that. I don’t really see why I deserve that when I’ve never been involved in any kind of criminal activity. So maybe you can explain it to me

  7. Prayers for Ralph and his family. Thankful to Jesus he survived. May God help him through this and bless him with a full recovery, including the emotional and mental effects of this horrible incident. ❤️🙏… but I have to add that this isn’t about being black. A young white woman was just shot for the same reason in Hebron, NY. Its the growing violence, the riots, people getting away with crimes, the threats, the hate etc. It’s leading to fear and paranoia. We need to address the real problems if we want this to stop.

    1. because criminals know there are no consequences for their actions anymore. This is very sad for our country. DA’s are getting away with doing nothing and causing this craziness!!

    2. @Debra Anderson People need to take accountability for their own actions. The lack of accountability and the finger pointing at everyone except the ones committing these acts of violence is the actual problem.

  8. these stories bring back memories of when I was 18 years old and was driving home from an adjacent town and saw a friends car pulled over on the side of the road I pulled over to one of the houses near by thinking my friend had walked to one of the nearby houses to call for help this was back in 87′ so before the time of every one having cell phones, when I knocked on the door an elderly white couple opened the door which had a screen door in front, I could see the man had at his side a shotgun, I preceded to tell them that I saw a friends car pulled over nearby and was just wondering if he was there or came by to use the phone, they shook their head no and I left but I am so thankful that they didn’t shoot first and ask questions later, I tell my nephews to not make the same mistake I made that day because it can easily turn into the situation this young man found himself facing, thank god he’s alive but every black family with young black males must have this conversation with our relatives and children because we can not expect to change the society we live in, please please be careful out there and stay weary.

    1. I’m so sorry for some people’s ignorance. May we all keep an open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt before jumping to wrong conclusions. 🙏🕊

  9. What a sweet young man! I hope he heals soon and that he knows how many of us send our love his way.

  10. That thing is a 84 year old racist and that statement: feared for my life was taken from the book of racism and the real sad part is that Young Man was turned away from two other houses before he finally received help,I really hope he gets life without parole in prison

    1. @Matt K Stop it. It’s already been stated the DA thinks it was racially motivated, but hasn’t said why yet. The fact that you read this comment & immediately went into defense mode, is ridiculous. Yes there are still racists that wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a Black person bc of their skin color. Stop with the “it’s not about race” bullshit bc I guarantee if it was the other way around, the comments would look very different saying it was a hate crime.

  11. I’d like the life in prison sentence for this gentleman just go ahead make an example of him if you’re so nervous that you’re willing to shoot through a door that you need to go to prison for life and lose your money for the victim.

  12. Why am I not surprised he’s old? From the generation that thought every black person was both a threat, and a second class citizen. I’m a very empathic person, but you can’t convince me that that man did not shoot to kill this child. He answers his door with a gun, sees black, and opens fire.

    1. so why did he stop shooting? why after being alive over 25,000 days did he shoot anyone. face yourself-you hope he is a racist. how sick are you?

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