Raitt: Scheer’s private school funds ‘going to cause a lot of difficulty’ for some Conservatives

CTV News political commentator and former Conservative MP Lisa Raitt says news that party funds were used to send Andrew Scheer's children to private school is 'going to cause a lot of difficulty' for some members of the party.

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Raitt: Scheer's private school funds 'going to cause a lot of difficulty' for some Conservatives


  1. I′m conflicted on this. Certainly as leader, the difference in cost to send his children to school in Regina versus in Ottawa should be offset. On the other hand, should it have been disclosed? But then if it was above board, do you disclose every single thing? In comparison to the PM, how is it any different than Trudeau having nannies? And Trudeau′s trip to the Bahamas was _not_ above board, and in clear conflict of interest. I′m not sure there′s really anything to be upset about − it′s just another MSM pile onto the conservatives.

    1. Mike − According to the party, it is part of normal operations. What are you upset about? That YOU did not know about it? If you want to change party bylaws, then get a membership, make a motion and get your yeas.

  2. His use of funds are totally legal.
    It is not however, moral. Use your own funds to put your kids in Priv School.

    I voted for Scheer; I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he lost; I defended him.
    But not anymore.

  3. The approved agreement to cover the education cost of the children was just one of the knives held in abeyance by Conservative Big wigs to pull out at such a time as this to stab Mr Scheer in the back and force him out. (You to Brutus?!)

    1. Its the same thing. Both had no laws broken, but ethically it looks bad. Justin can say he was trying to help jobs, Andy can only say he was helping his rich kids….

    2. @Racerprose You must be a Liberal to equate obstruction of justice to the party spending money it’s own money as it sees fit.

  4. And the CPC was asking for a donation before the election. Had l given, l would be livid today. As it stands, l’m thankful it may have been the straw that broke the back. I’m glad he’s gone. Maybe now there’s a chance to sink Trudeau next election.

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