Philip Rucker of The Washington Post and Jeremy Peters of New York Times join MTP Daily to discuss the president's reaction to being called a 'racist' and the role of the conservative media.
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‘Racist’ Attacks Move From Conservative Media To The White House | MTP Daily | MSNBC
… Trump is racist? Tell us something we don’t know. #massacreMitch #Trump2Jail2020
@will drew He’ll just be drummed out of office or humiliated in 2020.
@Deb Jesser how will he be humiliated? yes he may voted out he may not but that is normal he already won a term so its all good
@laurajames723 – My favorite…

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And *where* there’s fire…you might just find *Russian-made* matches.”
MsLSD’s roswell madcow has dropped to 5th place , goodbye fake news
People have known he was a racist since he first became a public figure, people have known his father was a racist for longer than that. Being a racist is all he’s ever known, ever been and will be until he drops dead from a greasy hamberder heart attack.
Day one of his presidential run he was a racist.
Trump 2020
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Sorry but at this point the “R” next to republicans names basically means “Racist.”
PS – Not really sorry.

Ro G
What do you mean “at this point”?
I believe the debate on that ended exactly one year ago, when trump called nazis good people and virtually no trumpublican verbally slapped him for that.
@Varekai Ascendant – Let Jeff’s ‘friend’ (
) rejoin *this century* if he’s looking for racism…
*So* embarrassing for 21st century America…
@will drew If you know a person, especially if it is the president of America, is a Racist and you support that person with your vote and give donations to the GOP ( Government of Putin ) you are either agreeing with the views held by that person or you do not have any morals, which is worse. At least the racist will share his views whilst all you others will hide behind a blanket of propriety and deception.
America was never this divided since the Civil War. The feeling of unity is BROKEN.
thanks democrats for the fake racism narrative. sorry…but its not working. well…except for here…on msnbc and cnn related sites… where the blind sheep come for their brainwashing
@D D Recall that during the 2016 campaign, Trump questioned an American-born judge’s ability to be impartial in the Trump University fraud trial because of his Mexican heritage. Or his lament that the U.S. was accepting too many immigrants from “Shithole Countries” in Africa and the Caribbean instead of “more people from Norway.” Or how about back to the 1970’s when he was redlining his apartments to exclude blacks.
God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness as The Grand Wizard Trump & Hated Rallies!

Dittzx lol! Grand wizard.. what, the kkk is now playing Harry Potter?
@P Nomis “birtherism” –
@Dolores Reynolds – At his rally in FL, #45 denigrated immigrants…then *laughed* at his followers cries of “Shoot them!”

The *worst* part of it…?
Looking past #45’s right shoulder during that *disgusting* display…at *the two small children* hearing those words as they’re spoken, and how *visibly confused and frightened they become* as the crowd jeers along.
*THAT* is #45’s lurid ‘legacy’, preserved *forever* on video…and for historians to document with both dismay *and* sadness.
*So* embarrassing for America…
Never has stupidity been so coveted! I’ve never seen so many people being proud of being so stupid in my life. Then again Trump rallies require an IQ of 30 or below to enter.
@will drew your stupidity makes my brain hurt. I also question how humans rose to the top of the hill with drooling dumbfucks like you amongst us.
@JP Shadowman i didnt boast. im simply correcting your mistake. maybe at its lowest it was %37 but who cares? obamas was low as well and you all loved him approval ratings mean nothing. only elections do and trump won that already
@will drew and… Trump will be here after 2020.
and there will be Trumps in the future.
@P Nomis birtherism was started by hillary. and… to be an American President, you need proof of citizenship in this country… by proof of being BORN HERE. the document obama used was not an original. the document has been proven to have been altered. no records for obama are accessible to prove anything about him. he talks about muslims and kenya more as if he is more part of that than as if he were American…which raises a red flag, and makes people question his background. there are many discrepancies of his birthplace, documents, family members, religion, and has never been forced to prove any of it. he was a good speaker, and had a great car salesman personality. many trusted and believed him, so no one asked or cared. but the ones not fooled…they want answers. to this day, we have no proof besides an altered digital document saying he was born here. and why is his birthplace so important? because if anyone can be in this country and be the president of this country, that person can be planted here from the other country with bad intentions to destroy this country. are you not aware of the hatred the USA gets from decades and decades of issues with middle east countries? the muslim countries. they do not like us, they want us destroyed. but yet, you liberals want to vote them into our government. so back to birtherism… and how it is NOT racist… oh, wait, i already explained that. apparently, the word “racism” needs a more direct definition so it isnt confused with “insensitive to the feelings of the people that are not here to help build and protect this country”.
LEAVE the country
The stupidity of America has reached an all time high. The world is laughing at us .
that is true but it isnt because of trump its because you all clowns bahahah
Yeah you’re right
No, just laughing at you.
arvdr the world is laughing at RACIST
RUMP and the stupidity of his supporters
Don’t want to be called, or thought of as, a racist?
Don’t do and say racist things. If it’s brought to your attention, that you’ve done or said something racist, even if it was unintentional: acknowledge it, apologize, learn from it, then don’t say or do it again.
Easy peasy.
@princeoftidds youre trying to give political advice and you cant even spell TIDES correctly. stfu man, youre a third world moron. and remeber tidds is spelled TIDES
@princeoftidds – When a grammar-mangling troll lectures you on ‘spelling’…

It’s something to “…remeber[sic]…”, indeed.
Why is this such a hard thing for people to understand?
@Jeff Lee I seriously don’t know how you trump supporters are able to feed yourself with your brain leaking out. As usual the trump supporter has absolutely nothing of substance or fact to bring to the conversation.

@You don’t get to be offended by science! and you brought exactly what facts in your comment? lmfao, man if youre trying to troll me you just lost. you claim i have nothing of substance to say. then you say nothing of substance at all. and even if i were to tell you that you look very stupid with your comment you are to stupid to realize im telling you the truth
Trump’s not only giving people a “license to hate”, he’s teaching people who to hate, and encouraging them to do so.
Rule number one in the dictators manual: Divide and Conquer
@Annnora C and this is where this conversation ends. you keep pushing racism. its all you know how to say. there was nothing racist about the comments. its descriptive words to explains the conditions of that situation. you are not opening your eyes to the lies in the media. the separation of families, the shootings, the hate and anger you think exists is not ALL real. it seems the situations you are talking about are all CNN headlines and i dont have time to try to wake you up from this. you are refusing to understand, or just cant understand that all countries have borders. all countries have their way of keeping them secure. most countries i know of require a passport to enter. you need a puppy and a safe space. you are too naive, or are intentionally pushing this. stop watching cnn and msnbc. look for ANY other source for news. done with you, so no need to bother responding, unless you feel you want to waste your time. i will not read or respond. you are one of the sheep the media has fooled. you believe and trust anything and everything they say. done.
@John Bell yes…as obama and hillary were doing, along with soros organizations funding all the hate groups, and media making up stories to think its a real thing, divide.
@D D Don’t need the news media for Trump’s racist rhetoric, just got to watch his Twitter feed and see his rallies, lots of media, some that will say the facts and some will twist and turn stories to his advantage, but seeing his negative actions towards minorities and spreading hate at his rallies, maybe in the end this will work out for everyone to learn what racism is really like, with the leader’s negative rhetoric racist actions, of course some won’t see this part in him, he’s like a cult leader that puts wrong ideas into people head to get them to do his insane ideas, putting some people in danger because of the way he speaks toward people of color, he’s racist, no words or his enablers backing him up are not going to change him as he is, and always will be a racist, so wrong this leader of a free diverse country.
@Lee Teacher i am 47 years old, working since i was 14. do have an associates degree. “8 major news networks…” that were reputable because most never paid enough attention, internet wasnt there to spread the info of the lies, and we were all just taught to believe and trust. news reporters/anchors are just basically actors reading scripts. not saying you are not an intelligent person and the best teacher in the world…and probably have a coffee mug that says just that to prove that statement. i am just saying people need to think beyond the books and the mainstream. i have the freedom to watch and listen to a lot while working. i watch and listen to all stations…in moderation. even alex jones! in very little fragments. i watch congressional hearings and meetings along with some cspan. i watch RT, brietbart, hannity, morning joe, OAN, the blaze, ben shapiro, michael savage, andrew klavan, michael knowles, Louder with Crowder, Candace Owens, Tommy Sotomayor, Tucker, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, (refuse to give rachel maddow a second of my time), Prager U, a huge fan of Judicial Watch and the work Tom Fitton’s team does to expose the corruption, and i am sure there are more i am leaving out. i watch, listen, compare from all sources. i do not just watch fox but say cnn lies. i watch both, then say cnn lies more. you can give up trying now. i see it as a lost cause. you will not bend, i will not bend. some trust everything and anything, some question and analyze everything. i do not just accept everything is as what “they” say.
Trump is the best president Russia ever elected
Please explain birtherism. If that wasn’t motivated by racism then what was the motivation?
Heil Trump Emperor of Dumbfuckistan
If Trump is winning in the polls and the dems have lousy candidates THEN WHAT IS COMPLAING ABOUT? He is gonna win anyway right? Lol
306-232…………….LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This (the Trump Presidency) is the worst reality TV show ever.
Voting to cancel this reality show.
Most dangerous.
Ditch Moscow Mitch and Kremlin Don
Conservatives, altogether now, ” I really hate people of color”. Feel better?
Now we know what you know that we knew….
Guess they hate themselves since white is a color.
Russia is so proud of their elected president. Putin has struck gold.
LaQ – And ‘plutonium’, judging by that massive explosion in Russia over the weekend…

Fox news is just The Daily Stormer PG
People call Nancy racist? He is winning in the polls? What world does he live in? He is not mentally well.
Trump did NOT win majority support of the country.
we will never know what happened in 2016. google execs admitted they interfered and that helped hillary, plus you add in voter fraud and illegal voting, and illegals voting. then you add in the corrupt obama government creating as much resistance as possible, the illegal wiretapping/surveillance, the fake russian story, the soros funded(and probably illegal donations) resistance groups… we dont know how the election would have gone. so much talk about other countries tampering in our election, when it was obama and hillary behind it all. guess you will see in 2020.
Look at Trump’s history, as far back as the eighties. Trump is a RACIST!