On the 65th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, author and professor Michael Eric Dyson tells Lawrence O’Donnell that despite great progress, many Black Americans continue to face obstacles to equality. “Until now, when we’ve seen a Black president, when we see now a Black vice president, when we have had enormous political experiences of joy and victory, have also been the lack of opportunity on the bottom. That those who are stuck on the bottom of society – the totem pole does not favor them.” Aired on 12/1/2020.
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#Racial #RosaParks #MSNBC
Racial Inequality In U.S., 65 Years After Rosa Parks’ Montgomery Bus Boycott | The Last Word | MSNBC
And now thanks to everything she did , we can easily have our seats and not being arrested. We owe her a great respect
. Her name will be remembered for eternity.
well, as long as no Karen calls the police on you for unforgivable crime of … like, breething too loud? Looking funny? Wearing the wrong coat?
Well it’s difficult to move forward when people like traitor boy and the republicans have a pre-civil war vision for the country….
Your not very bright
*—If you could reason with a Trump supporter, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters—* …
What do you call a progressive dem0rat?
A Socialist piece of $h1t3
I saw what ya did there…
Everyone: why haven’t we seen this great healthcare plan ?
Donald:Because it’s broken up into eight horcruxes.
I believe it is because we sat on our hands and failed to correct the problems inherent with the ACA. This was a total Democrat program and it began to fail with the nightmare roll out. It was sold to the American people on a lie and we did nothing to fix it. It’s not a republican issue it’s our issue.
Why are the Democrats so obsessed with skin color? Every position in Bidens new cabinet has to be the “correct” skin color. Seems like the definition of racism to me.
Spoken like a male WASP.
I take it that you have never taken a proper look at Donald Trump’s administration…? Put it like this. I have to put on Ray Bans…

@Helen Short Exactly. Why are you so obsessed too?
Only waycist care about checking all the token boxes.
There is no racial inequality in America just look at me.
Government is of, for and by the people… not of, for me by the corporation
I remember seeing the Rosa Parks story on our black and white TV when i was seven. Fourteen years later I graduated from college having taken all the civil rights and black studies courses offered at my university, both of them. In my seventies, I continue to expand my understanding of the American Black, and I know how far we are from the ideal, but I also see the progress. May we continue on that journey,
Then why do black people still go to the back of the bus?
Her grand-niece-in-law, a great buddy of mine, told me that her aunt confided in her that she didn’t get up that day because she was just slothful. History got it all wrong! : )
@Don Balladurio

Sure she was Vlad & I’m gonna be the first female atheist Pope.
Thank you for remembering courageous Rosa Parks.
“we’re in a situation where we have put together I think, the most EXTENSIVE and INCLUSIVE VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in the history of American politics”. Braggart Joe Biden, Oct 2020, telling the World. What part requires clarity? Not on President Trumps Watch. Rosa Parks would have liked and supported President Trump, standing up to the ESTABLISHMENT, ring any bells or voices in your head Lar?, you owe Rosa Parks an apology, hypocrite.
We’re still on the back of the bus.
Not that all is well, but SYSTEMATIC RACISM isn’t real. Ask Oprah, MJ, Le Brown, Jay Z, BET owner, the list goes on and on. If it was real, these Gazillionaires would be broke, like me!
Remember, even Bidens vp thinks he’s a Racist.
Nobody who knows Joe Biden thinks he’s racist.
Biden/harris the bait and switch we all see coming
It is very sad that we see cries of systemic racism coming from our most progressive cities. We see black lives being killed in our most progressive cities, the southside of Chicago is a good example. We see killings of Black people by armed agents of government in some of our most aggressive cities. Let me name a few: New York City, Ferguson, Baltimore, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Louisville, Kenosha and others.
UC Berkeley researcher Kenneth Stampp identified many of the conditions on the slave plantations in the antebellum South which manifest themselves in the minority communities in some of our most progressive cities.
What did you think that our democrat controlled progressive cities would focus on our minority community? What did you think that we would give them a high quality of education? Wouldn’t you think that our progressive cities would give them tools necessary when they are young to progress in the job market? Wouldn’t you think that our progressive cities would give our minority population opportunity and hope?
We continue to make these pronouncement yet we failed to look in our own backyard to determine the root causes.