Senator Elizabeth Warren, 2020 Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about President Trump’s actions against Iran and how he embodies the corruption he campaigned against in 2016.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Rachel Maddow One-On-One With Senator Elizabeth Warren | MSNBC
@rrmndtqrg8 q no she’s not a Indian squaw ,she’s a geisha girl now.
Being that he’s already been impeached. And it’s sitting in the House of Representatives
Do you read, review, research or simply enjoy moral virtue signalling online, need I bother asking. Best Wishes.
Lmao hilarious just hilarious!
Get out of the Democraric race you white racist!
@Timothy Kozlowski Call it what you want because it isn’t your butt over there being shot at and bombed. Hope that ivory tower is well armed.
@David S Cameron Gimp
@Rose Geaber And it’s still not a war.
@Rose Geaber …uh huh?….. Poor Rose, still thinks that Trump will be convicted in the senate… That’s what happens when you listen to the people on this network….
@Democracy Now can you tell your mom I need my toilet cleaned when you get done mowing the lawn? Okay lawn mowing toilet cleaning mexican Americans for Warren 2020
Absolutely and after their children are dead and they can bury them they must suit up and take their turn and fight for the bloated orange turd
@Micah Bell Say that in English ffs
hKunnit cip R100 im Chinese
I would take MAGA boys and girls over any LGBTQRHFDE!
I really miss the 20 minute segments with Rachel. Those were the main reason I watch her videos.
DragonFae16 She literally feeds Elizabeth Warren the answers that she wants to hear. Some journalism.
C A B id rather listen to a hyena get water boarded.
Carolyn’s RV Life name one thing she’s been Right about. Just One.
You people are unbelievable.
I bet YouTube wasn’t paying them enough, so they were like fine, we’ll cut down our content and try to force more people to buy cable.
I am so proud of Elizabeth Warren… Thanks for sticking up for all of us…
@Carolyn’s RV Life Probably more than your welfare cheques I’d guess
@foreigner fan It is not 1977, and should not feel like the first time for anything to you… If you want to debate on the facts, count me in… If you want to grumble like a sad sack who does not know which way is up, carry on….
@Carolyn’s RV Life Carolyn, Dave is not a Russian bot, nor Dave for that matter… Dave does warm the heart of Putin… but it is our educational system that let Dave or whoever he is down… big time… I do a good deal of traveling as well…. Here is to our next great adventure… Cheers…
@Dave Waldon There is nothing fake about me Dave… Do you have a point???
Threat of war is good news for Putin’s & the torturing Saudi Prince MBS (Murder By Saw) oil prices. Good for republican arms dealer donors too.
Rodney Boehner Yet you’re here watching so STFU…
@Rodney Boehner You must be mistaken this with the Faux News channel. Go there for your daily fill of lies.
Pretty sure you gave your lunch money to the school bully didnt you, coward
Why is war good for Putin? Especially for an ally of his and place where they train and keep soldiers.
My sincere hope is that tRump’s one term of office unites a majority of Americans who dedicate themselves and teach their kids to get registered and vote – every election – every time. Young people, old people, men, women and everyone in between. Everyone participating in their own way, to support the Common Good for all Americans. Imagine tRump’s reaction to creating an America that stands up to the ultra-rich and breaks up monopolies in main stream media and regulates social media. A majority that insists on breaking up big banks who OWN and PROFIT from massive student debt and designing a universal not-for-profit tax based healthcare system that everyone participates in and everyone benefits from.
Imagine the look on his face when a majority of every-day American Citizens decide to create a better future for everyone – a reaction driven by the fact that tRump was such a divisive and dangerous dictator “wanna-be” that he woke us all up to the dangers of attempting to allow our democratic Republic to “run on autopilot” while we all paid attention to “other” things. That IS the real reason we’re all going through these current events and it didn’t happen over-night. tRump is only a symptom of the vicious “winner take all” capitalism that has taken hold since the 1980’s. A socially-responsible capitalism IS possible and it is NOT “socialism”.
When people told us that “Your vote doesn’t matter” a lot of people believed it – and it’s nothing but a LIE. Otherwise, why would a major political party spend so much time and $$$$ trying to convince us of that lie and suppress voting rights and gerrymander voting districts? We had better wake up fast. He’s already talking about a “third term” and/or his kids running in 2024. Personally, I’ve had quite enough of tRump and his grifter tribe for one life-time.
Hey Just Me….63 million + Americans love our President. CNN has not only lied to you for over 3 years but has filled you with HATE.
Amen couldn’t of said it better!!!!!
@Tom Waddle And a 100 million Americans dont cant you inbreds do simple math! Didnt think so bubba
@hKunnit cip R100 Hey hKunnit, you communist still don’t understand what the Electoral College is and why it is in place – You HATE our constitution and our way of life. America voted – TRUMP WON. and will again in 2020!
For a start we could limit every candidate to the same monetary maximum donation as every other American. Next we can outlaw the PACs.
Also limit the air time and no targeted political ads by anyone. I would even go as far as designating a channel for political ads and government funded air time on all major news networks for serious canidates.
Btw if you have gotten any targeted political ads on Facebook or other apps than that means that the politians sending you those ads have gathered data points on you probably without you knowing or consenting. That should be a serious crime and desperately needs to be addressed.
#Bernie2020 *The most donations and donors of any candidate! Grassroots power!*
You are my sunshine… Thanks…
Be careful who you say that around, you might get Epteined by the Clintons.
They try so hard to spin it,but its just not going to work.
How would it have changed anything with impeachment it was still going to happen
Is the complete talk going to be out there or is this the final version?
Ok start at the Democrats! Then you will find your answer!
Wow Iran shot down a commercial air liner and took the Black Boxes to hide the truth what a proud moment for MSNBCLSD Traitors!!
“Get in this fight”, good advice from Elizabeth Warren.
Elizabeth Warren, you have my vote caring about the Americans peoples Elizabeth Warren come 2020, someone who cares about the peoples in this Country!
Liz isn’t buying, selling or lying her way into the race. Clearly she’s a candidate who actually cares about Democracy and about ALL Americans.
Warrens entire career is biased on a lie.
Russia Rachel Maddow- another life destroyed by TDS. So tragic
Remember United states invaded the middle east ? 30 years ago .
“Pocahontas” will never be P.O.T.U.S!