Quid Pro Quo, Bribery, And The Constitution | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Did President Trump just admit to quid pro quo on Twitter? Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner joins Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle to explain whether that itself could be grounds for impeachment. Aired on 11/05/19.
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Quid Pro Quo, Bribery, And The Constitution | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. @Walt Schmidt , don’t pretend facts have anything to do with what you BELIEVE. A belief is an opinion. Opinions are not facts. Do we need to define the two? Cause you seem genuinely confused.

    1. Chkn-little Rebuking Also I at least brought up positive things to say about both parties where you just bring up one which tells me that you don’t have the ability to be unbiased.

    2. @Amy Ahlquist There is nothing positive about trying to unseat a sitting president based on political disagreements. Sorry the left has gone the way of Socialism. That is why many are leaving the party.

    3. Chkn-little Rebuking So you are biased that has the ability to water down your argument. Let’s face it you can argue till we are blue in the face and we have no influence or control of the situation please just try to be kind to your fellow Americans that’s all that I ask.

    4. @Amy Ahlquist You got to be kidding me? Biased… Funny how some interchange words when they don’t have a defense. How about Just? Are the Republicans perfect. Noooooooooo.. not by any means but it’s a lot better than trying to change the Constitution.

    1. @Chkn-little Rebuking You are not listening. It has been fact checked, over and over that Biden is cleared.

    2. @Rene’ Placek Blahahaha… Again you are incorrect. Fact checked by the same people who fact checked Hillary Clinton’s private server. Emails shows Hunter Biden talking with Ukraine leading up to their Sectary of State after his appointment to the sham company. Judicial Watch…Facts not misconceived feelings.

  1. What’s next? This disgusting president is always coming up with one more thing the rest of us keep thinking oh this is the bottom. But noooooo every day something new and awful.

    1. Breaking down Ukraine:

      The Ukraine situation is complicated. Remember when Russia tried to annex Crimea? The United States said that was wrong, and yet now the United States basically owns Ukraine. Our money keeps Ukraine a country.

      When the Ukrainian president was voted out in 2014, he fled under cover of darkness to Russia. The Ukrainian govt was in complete disarray and the country was broke, having a huge reputation for corruption. That’s when Obama stepped in.

      Obama propped up the Ukrainian government by loaning a total of $7 billion dollars to Ukraine. But instead of giving that money to the govt, he gave it to a Russian oligarch, living in Ukraine. An oligarch is someone who has his own bank. This particular Russian oligarch was, at the time, banned from America because he was so corrupt. Yet Obama gave him 7 billion dollars over 2 years, from 2014 to 2016. Guess what happened? He lost it all. Every single penny. No one knows where that money went. Or do they?

      In 2015, Obama employed Biden to handle relations with Ukraine, in particular dealing with Ukraine corruption. He heads over to Ukraine with a man named Asher, who happens to sit on the board of Burisma with Biden’s son. Biden and Asher set up an anti corruption centre in Ukraine. In reality, the anti corruption centre’s aim is to end investigations into American corruption in Ukraine, in particular the Russian oligarch Obama gave $7 billion to. Not only is this guy laundering money for the American government, but he’s funneling it into Burisma. Guess who is also laundering money thru Burisma? George Soros. They’re all connected.

      At the time, prosecutor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma’s oligarch was told to stand down from the investigation into Burisma, specifically because of Hunter Biden. Shokin was told to go after Burisma would hurt relations with the US. Shokin refused to stop the investigation.

      So, you know that Joe got Shokin fired. Joe’s story was Shokin was corrupt, and at the time of his firing, the investigation into Burisma was dormant. That’s an outright lie.

      On Feb. 2, 2016: Shokin filed a document with the Ukrainian courts to arrest Burisma’s bank holding, and freeze their assets. He also made a sworn statement in court that the next step in this ACTIVE investigation, was to interview Hunter Biden. A month later, Joe Biden was giving his quid pro quo to get Shokin fired. It worked.

      Lutsenko takes Shokin’s place as prosector. He’s also told not to investigate Burisma. He doesn’t exactly do what he is told. My opinion is he was not investigating to bring charges against Burisma or the Biden’s, but rather trying to blackmail Biden. Lutsenko was also eventually fired, and recently was investigated for corruption.

      Basically, Obama and Biden owned Ukraine. The election of president Zelensky was the end of Obama’s and Biden’s reign in Ukraine. That’s the story the media refuse to tell you. Even Fox news won’t investigate these very real facts.

      Fun fact* UKRAINE was the country that interfered in the 2016 election, and they weren’t working for Trump. They were working for Hillary. Check out this story from politico, a left leaning news source, from 2017:

      Web results
      Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

    1. J Annibal Funny, because Zelinski said there was no “push” (pressure), and the transcript proves that. Now what came out of Quid Pro Joe’s own mouth was definitely a shakedown! Emails/Memos are turning up to/from the State Dept involving the Biden’s. Uh-oh!

    2. 88Gibson LesPaul Zelinski (the alleged victim) said his arm wasn’t twisted. I know you want a crime very BADLY, but it’s just not there.

  2. The whole damned administration is involved in the lies, bribery and cover ups. Pompeo, mnuchin, sondland and trump are all guilty. Impeach, try and remove all of them!!!

    1. @Inna Shnyr yes, him too. Remember all these gentleman were hand picked by Mr. T R U M P himself. #gofigure

  3. ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do’. If the Rule of Law is allowed to be subverted, America will have been shot on 5th Ave.

    1. @Carolina Schwendener that’s why they shouldn’t have a duncy controlling them in doing wrong and should stand for what is right.

    2. But he is corrupt, and was corrupt way before he became President. He is the human scum. He has no respect or care for anyone, especially when they are getting in the way of getting what he wants.

  4. “We demand open hearings!”
    “We demand transcripts!!”
    Sure, here you go.
    “Uh…Er…” **pulls fire alarm**

    1. @C myfriendscallmeColin Powell , is that you Hillary? Everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian troll? The Mueller investigation says your irrational fear of “Russian trolls” is unfounded. No Americans charged with collusion or obstruction.

    2. Nikkisheers You’re the reason why people think t’rump supporters are idiots. I’ve wasted enough time here. Plus my sides hurt from laughing at your “arguments.” 😆😆😝😝🤣🤣 💀

    3. @Ro G , I’m not a Trump supporter, dear moron. I’ve never voted for a president. I’m a conscientious objector, an anarchist. Presidents are no more than slave owners. All you’re doing is picking your new Master every four years. I prefer actual freedom.

      We know why you’re leaving, dear coward. Who do you imagine you’re fooling? You’re leaving cause you lost the argument. You have no facts, just feelings. Facts don’t care about your feelings, dear lying Hypocrite. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dying!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀👻😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. If this president doesn’t get removed from office because of treason, bribery, and corruption, this nation will be consumed with corruption. The future of our nation is in JEOPARDY.

    1. @Brad Krullhate America ? Ha , ha it’s not the people in my party who are burning American flags . It’s my party that chants “America first “

  6. The quid pro quo doesn’t actually matter anymore, as now he’s been obstructing the impeachment process…. Which in itself is an impeachable offence

    1. @Laughing Storm Trump has better things to do on the countries time than to go to Congress and testify about nonsense that nobody cares about . I wish the Democrats would actually do something for the people and stop wasting our time with investigations that go nowhere .

    1. @Eric Echols Sr. Our founders who wrote the Constitution..Thank goodness. If there is a lesson in all of this it is that our Constitution is neither a self-actuating nor a self-correcting document. It requires the constant attention and devotion of all citizens. There is a story, often told, that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created. His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.” The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health.

    2. @Scooby Doo – You sound like one of my 70’s Civic Teachers, Good Job ! Very articulate comment. Had to read it a few times to remember what I’ve forgotten 😂

      Keep up the Good Work @Scooby Doo #ThumbsUp 👍🤟✌

    1. Look at the Dems, there’s your answer destroying 30,000 emails, running illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels, ysing the IRS to Target conservatives, using the dog to SPY on an election and try to frame a President, the list goes on and on when your “Free press” looks the other way..

    2. @irene gewinner CNN isn’t the free press…The free press is you, me and just about anything else beside CNN, MSNBC and FOX.

    3. @M Loftus CNN isn’t the free press. It’s owned by large corporations and needs ad revenue from other large corporations. It’s oligarch owned press…

    1. Rod Allen “article II means I can do whatever I want”

      Dumb and proud is no way to go through life, son.

    2. Sloppy joe biden did said he and luaghed on cameria.onbama give iran 150 billion dollars thats aiding the enemy gave comfort to russia oh i will have more flexibilty after the election wake up socializim is bad I worked hard to get where Iam and they want to take it people died to give us freedom chia and russia are licking their chops if the 🇺🇸 falls we wont get oir freedom youll searve a dictator might be the antichrist wont be long till they make you accept a mark to buy sell or trade go ahead vote demo your right

    1. He pulled this with the last Ukrainian President. He withheld Javelins until the Ukrainians drop their case on Manafort and stopped helping the Mueller investigation , which they did and BINGO they got the Javelins in 2 weeks.

  7. This is seriously insane that we’re still having this conversation. trump is a corrupt criminal. It’s that simple. IMPEACH, REMOVE and IMPRISON. He isn’t above the law, throw the book at this chump.

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