Questions Swirl Around AG Barr As Trump Impeachment Trial Begins | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Lev Parnas's attorney requested that Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the federal campaign finance case against Parnas. We discuss how it all ties into Trump's impeachment trial. Aired on 01/20/20.
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Questions Swirl Around AG Barr As Trump Impeachment Trial Begins | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Questions Swirl Around AG Barr As Trump Impeachment Trial Begins | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. “He told Parnas many times…” How could the president´s lawyer talk constantly to Parnas about Ukraine government issues without the president´s knowledge?

  2. Barney Rubble face Barr and Turkey neck McConnell need to both be locked up. GOP corruption run amok‼‼‼

  3. The only way barr didn’t know what was going on in Ukraine is bec he was hanging out in prison hallways, drinking coffee while stalking Epstein’s cell.

    1. Yesssssss come on, that is the truth, that fat mfer had Estein killed I believe, Bill Barr visited that man a couple day before he died and Congress wants to know WHY

    2. I am pretty sure you are right, Barr made sure Epstein didn’t talk. He now has his eye on Lev. When this shitshow finally ends, Barr is going to prison.

    1. @TheBase1aransas Hey # 1…Don’t you have a Country to run?…And by the way, is almost time for your tweet!

    1. @L.J Ross That was a BIG mistake on Obama’s part – the R’s had run the economy in the ditch – the financial sector was out of control – THOUSANDS of crimes had been committed – and NO ONE went to jail. That’s when I realized Obama wasn’t who he’d sold himself as…

    1. @jane smith What if after receiving that subpoena, he intentionally deletes and then irretrievably destroys the communications called for in the subpoena…would that be an issue in your mind?

    2. @jane smith Oh, I see…intentionally deleting then irretrievably destroying subpoenaed communications is grounds for obstruction of justice…THAT’S what you’re saying…right? I want to be clear.

    3. Where’d jane go? Is deleting and destroying subpoenaed communications from a private server grounds for obstruction of justice charges?

  4. If republicans go through with this farce, it will be remembered forever as the The Great Cover-up.

    1. @8alot4t
      Lol…wasn’t attacking you for your opinions lol…just an observation and yet the “Land of the free” IS one of those slogans that has been questionable for decades. Our society really has been a twisted clog of “imaginations” not lived up to. ✌💛& Soul.

    2. @Arthur Anderson Hey – no offence taken at all Arthur; I was going to answer you in in more depth but I have an old spinal cord injury which has left me with chronic pain and my pain was too severe to make the effort, Had to take some pain killers and rest up for a while. It doesn’t help that the input box here on youtube (and facebook too) makes life even more difficult for me.
      After more than half a life of severe pain I have a pretty thick skin anyway 🙂
      I’ll get back to you a little later in the afternoon with the answer I had intended 🙂

    3. They cant cover anything up. Its all in the open now. His braindead followers just dont care because they are all traitors too..

    4. @8alot4t
      I more than understand. My back has been acting up now for almost a month. Barely can get out of bed to take care of physical needs so I get it. Take your time friend and take care. You Tube can wait.

  5. Trump should be forced to testify under oath in his trial.
    Trump: “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Putin….if you’re listening.”

    1. Les Paul, I have no inside information to know who is lying about what. My comment is that I am an ardent supporter of all of our sacred rights, in particular our Bill of Rights. Although there are many many criminals that I would like to see held accountable, but I can’t abide by robbing them of their Constitutional rights, including search and seizure, and self incrimination. You may, apparently, feel differently.

    2. @Laquanda Baker He doesnt even take the presidential salary and has certainly reduced his personal wealth by being president, unlike Obama who came to the White House owing student loans and left a multi millionaire. 100 miles of the wall has been built with 300 more miles budgeted and scheduled for completion this year. Noone else has been able to do that even when they had an approved budget. Tariffs on Mexico put money in the US Treasury. Mexico is supporting asylum seekers in Mexico now at their expense. Mexico’s southern border is now secure against mass illegal entry. All paid for by Mexico and saving the US money they can put toward the wall and not paying for illegals in the US and National Guard troops at the border. I would say Mexico is now paying for border security.

    1. @Larry Garland Sorry Lare, but the majority can tell fake news from real without having to listen to that asshat trump tell us. If we want to hear fake news, we’ll just tune Traitor tRump in. He lies everytime he opens his mouth so we stand a pretty good chance of hearing tons of his fake news. One things for sure, at least by not listening to him, we don’t have to listen to his demensia addled rants on toilets and dishwashers. What a friggin moron.

    2. Because the people that should “report” Barr and investigate him are WORKING FOR HIM! Two thirds of the Federal government work “in favor” of trump…now even the intelligence communities are afraid they will “upset” trump if they have an open hearing in senate or congress. So now most of them are doing “trump’s bidding”…this is a coup this is the deep state….and those who accuse “others” of being “deep state” are the ones that are the deep state and coup…what they are they call others..reverse psychological warfare…Hitler did it also…Most GOP’s in senate and house are WORKING for trump..DOJ? Working for trump! I am waiting for just ONE maybe TWO maybe even THREE that work “Close to Barr” will finally fink and rat on him and go testify to senate and congress…

    3. @Colin Maharaj Barr has just as much power or “more” now than trump does…it’s those that are doing trump’s “Bidding” that are the guilty ones, who serve trump not our country…if they were not protecting, lying for and protecting trump, trump would have been impeached and left by now…and don’t we know it…all of the enablers are guilty of being traitors for trump!

  6. “So I wouldn’t compromise him” RUDI XD… That means you KNEW it was illegal what you were pushing!! Criminal Intent…

    1. @Shaleemo2 films 3 years into Trump presidency and you still don’t know. Maybe you don’t watch enough CNN and Maddow.

  7. Then why did trump say in his “perfect letter” and “perfect phone call” for Zelensky to contact “the attorney general Barr and Rudy”?..that “they both know what’s going on”..starts at the top..trump stated Barr knew…

    1. Oh, yeah. Then there’s that. Rudy is just another lying liar in the Liar in Chief’s employ. When in doubt, doubt them. Lying is their default setting. I’m not even sure they understand the concept of truth. Truth to the them, as with tRump’s zombie cult members, is what ever makes them feel all warm and comfy.

  8. Trump himself told Solensky to contact Barr and Giuliani about Biden investigation. Trump’s “perfect transcript” says that

  9. Giuliani: “so I wouldn’t compromise him [Barr]” – aaah, so what you were doing was compromising? Hmmm, gee – how many neurons do you need to see into and through this…?

  10. Trump mentioned Barr in the phone call ..So he should recuse himself and if not then he would be disbarred. He should be working for the people not Trump.

    1. @David Allred Where’d ya go, daviepooh? Doesn’t matter, I’m going to continue to embarrass you whether you’re here or not. I imagine there’s an ugly contest somewhere that you’re no doubt winning.

  11. How could Giuliani ” compromise ” Barr IF they , as they’ve been trying to say,… weren’t doing anything wrong??

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