Quebec says it will use vaccine passports to limit access to non-essential services if COVID-19 worsens. CTV's Christina Succi reports.
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Another conspiracy theory coming true
was never a conspiracy theory
Yeah true that and this is just beginning
How is that a conspiracy? They told you months ahead of time and have been floating the idea since last year.
Not a conspiracy when you are told in advance
@Jumbo Me
A full YEAR in advance????
“Conspiracy theorists” called this over a year ago.
welp I guess I can’t go to Quebec anymore….
@juliette Irene Then why?
@Xerxes2005 Power and control.
You think businesses like Costco, Walmart, Amazon, etc want competition?
How do you think they could eliminate competition best? Well a pandemic obviously.
@thimblemunch We’re talking about the government here. Why should the government deprive himself of the tax revenues the businesses would provide if they were open? All these conspiracy theories do not work. Costco, Walmart and Amazon do *NOT* need the pandemic to destroy the competition. They were doing it perfectly fine by themselves before the pandemic started.
@UC1EGjEJMze-OCOOdHKowfSg The government needs money and it gets money through taxes. From citizens and businesses. It can’t burrow it indefinitely.
@thimblemunch Just… prints it? Ugh, I think you have to learn about what money is and how it works.
Quebec: the most fascist province in Canada.
You’re write and i’m sadly from Québec!
You can find the exact same translations of these rules from the German 1930’s Govt (YT won’t let me write them for some reason?!) Never thought I would experience this in Canada!
@dafeichu Don’t compare Quebec and Alberta. They’re not the same.
Manitoba too
Adolf Legault strikes again !
ReisePass, bitte!
Just as planned.
I need new conspiracy theories all mine coming true.
@Jumbo Me That’s why they predicted covid and health passports 10 years ago?
@thimblemunch lol no one predicted covid passports ten years ago
it’s not a conspiracy theory when the government literally brought up the idea months ago, this isnt surprising at all
@Jumbo Me Yes they did actually, just cause you didn’t see it yet doesn’t mean they didn’t.
@thimblemunch oh really. Who ? Ware ?
Coming very soon to all of Canada.
I certainly hope it comes to all of Canada. It’s an excellent idea.
@John Stephenson shill
@Tom absolutely no side effect. Btw love your tinfoil hat.
@Tom sorry. No side effects to enjoy.
There’s no Canada like French Canada…
Those guys needs to be send to jail, the whole Quebec government bcz there is no-one who oppose this nonsense !
For what exactly? I will wait
Prison, not jail!
@User Name for what
“Let me see your papers” Does this remind anyone of a certain time in history?
Maybe just to make things easy we should make those unvaccinated wear a yellow star on their shirts, or just tattoo them with a number on their arm in case they take the star off so we can keep track of the unclean.
We could give them showers as well since they are filthy.
Wowww, this is so messed up !!!! We can’t allow this to happen. This will be the beginning of the end !!!!
It is coming and can’t be stopped! We are witnessing the coming together of the one world government, one world economy and one world religion. In the midst of all this insanity there is a peace to be found. Turn to Jesus for salvation! John 3:16
@Karen Boyd it can be stopped if we do it now…
We have to make it stop, we have to stand up, we can’t keep being complacent and rolling up our sleeves !! FFF THE GOVERNMENT!!!
@L 4o lol so you can stop a pandemic just by saying so ? Really that’s how it works ? While you’re at it can you put an end to cancer to please
@Jumbo Me not really the pandemic he want to stop, more the way or gouvernement deals with it
So whenever you hear a crazy conspiracy, give it atleast some thought going forward. Strange times we have entered in
we must repeal the state of emergency powers. the province has clearly demonstrated they can not be trusted with such powers. the law must be repealed so we can end this once and for all.
Think I have had enough. Let QC separate!
Not before I move out please!! lol. But is any other province better?
All for the New World Order
Lawyers are Silent
Because they are Pedos
Epstein type Agents
Put all Lawyers in on Video
Lol if that were true it would be happening all over the world. Is it ? Nope
Nah, they don’t. They steal from the business until it goes under.
I’d take the Mafia over the bloc anyday!
I can’t wait for a civil war. Let’s get it started.
Yet another “conspiracy theory” come to fruition.
Please consider not being evil and imposing evil on others by force and weight of the government.
Time to take on the government guys… 14 days to flatten the curve became 14 months to flatten your freedoms..