Jan. 25: Quebec Premier Francois Legault announced the province will be lifting some COVID-19-related restrictions starting on Jan. 31.
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Lock him up !!!!!
Support our truckers and protesters, Canada! Time to restore civil society and put an end to this authoritarianism.
I will never ever go to or support Quebec after all this nonsense!
Canadians are forced to support Quebec. . . financially. Whether we like it or not! They contribute 17% economically though make up 22% of the population (aprx)
@Quixotic Ignotism yes I am aware of that. I used to think I’d like to travel around Quebec, but not anymore! I used to think we needed to stay aligned with them as a country, but again, not anymore.
I’m so over this back and forth with the government
This guy is very mean and shouldn’t be voted in again
Legault for Prison!
Informed consent without coercion!
International and Canadian law.
Nuremberg, you will be judged!
They wanted to tax the unvaccinated, now they are rolling back. Hold the line
dont forget they now want to put the unjuiced in cages in the big box stores and have them escorted around the store so they cant buy certain items.
the line is holding all the way down the TransCan as we speak
@Always Will
I don’t understand why they lift some restrictions while indroduce new ones.. no one thinks it’s odd. Makes no sense
none of it makes sense it never has
They are trying to justify a State of Emergency by creating problems where there are none.
They have mixt up their thighs. They united the so-called Science with Fascism .
Time to remove Quebec from Canada.And justin to Quebec.
True that
no way Quebec is holding the line, they had massive protests and will be joining the rest of the country in Ottawa on Saturday. They may talk different, but they are our brothers and sisters. Trudeau can stay in Costa Rica and never come back
@Laura Taylor i say send him home to cuba
Considering that the GTA gave Trudeau 50 seats, shouldn’t they inherit this cancer?
Time for this government to resign. After 2 years and no end in sight it is clear that this is solely about power and profits, and not about health. We must not back down until the government resigns.
He is bullshitting cause he knows he is massively contradicting himself… someone is making him… called backpedaling.
Shame of the Quebec Government

he is in utter contempt of Canadian Law and unfit to hold any political office within this country
he’s an absolute gangster, should be resigning immediately.
oh that’s nice of him… LET’S GO TRUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!
You now have permission to see a fiend.
NEVER have I obeyed their illegal policies! Not LAW.
I hope the truckers visit Quebec next.
Support the convoy!
Time to take the government down
“To allow”???? They are literally telling you that you are in a prison state!