Quebec not doing enough testing to reopen province: Mulcair

CTV News political analyst Tom Muclair says there's a lot of nervousness among parents and teachers in Quebec over reopening schools.

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Quebec not doing enough testing to reopen province: Mulcair


    1. @Me as long as it takes. We WILL survive a temporary break in non-essential services. I think we’d lose a lot more economically by allowing essential workers to get sick and die. We can’t just “turn the economy back on” and have it be fine, the pandemic would affect it regardless. I’ve been doing research into economics through online courses to try to understand it better, I really suggest that you do the same.

  1. Does no one in Quebec associate their open illegal border with their disproportionate amount of cases?

  2. Odd. A reccomended video that hasn’t had a “no one searched for this” yet.

  3. If Tommie the Commie had been elected in 2015 , he would have rivaled Trudeau as a destructive force His opinions should be taken with a pound of salt .

  4. Tom: Bashing Trudeau works, Bash him when he is in power, Bush him when he in not in power, bash him when he is alive, bash him when he is dead, bash him for everything, bash him for your own stupidity, just bash Trudeau…….🤮

  5. How exactly is this extra testing that is claimed to be need supposed to be used and how exactly does it lead to improved opening?

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