A passenger flying from Quebec is outraged at the way he was treated on a recent Air Canada flight.
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To bad for him.
Awe poor baby
…this is news?
If you’re old enough to remember the two referenda Quebec held on leaving Canada, dude, yeah… it’s news. And at this point, it shouldn’t be.
I don’t know what he said
Fly Lufthansa, welcome in German.
Aahhhhh! Francois BeBe . Too freaking bad . !
Oh NO! poor spoiled baby……………..oh wait he’s from Quebec sooooooooooo
I have a Canadian criminal justice on law system textbook stating under the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms ” section 16 makes English and French the official languages of Canada” fist edition, Gina Antonacci as part of Mc Graw Hill from Connect for Humber College. Mc Graw Hill being a textbook manufacturer for colleges and universities as well as connect which is more involved in electronic textbooks. This Is Infuriating!
So, why is all road signage in Quebec for Federal National Parks exclusively in French?
@Richard Giles Do you think it should be? I’m guessing not. So in the same vein, why shouldn’t this guy be served in French on an Air Canada flight?
Quebec is a province in Canada, and as such is subject to the federal law known as the Fundamental Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms.
Boo hoo
Quebec signs the notwithstanding language thing, religiously; every time it’s time to do so. There are a lot of Quebec laws that would violate the charter. I’ve lived in multiple provinces and Quebec is one I’ll never live in.
Air Canada…..not Air Quebec
Exactly, it should be bilingual.
Yeah, you do know “Canada” has TWO official language, right? Not just yours.
@loneprimate English being the primary language
I may be English speaking but I do agree the both Official languages should be on all Air Canada flights.
Hear hear.
ive been to gas stations,resaurants,hotels in Quebec and no english speaking staff. I understand its an official language in Canada but seriously i dident call the news.get on with life.
Uhm, I’m trying to understand how this compares to being on a flight on our flag carrier out of a French-speaking city.
Wow I get the same treatment whenever I was in Quebec, no one spoke English to me, and they knew I didn’t speak French.
Ontario has government ID in both languages however, take a look at Quebec ID, you’ll notice it’s ONLY in French. Quebec will not identify themselves as Canadian. They identify as Quebec. I stopped going to Montreal, Quebec specifically because of this fact. They will NOT speak in English, even though many do speak English. Quebecers are Canadian and we have the same right to speak in English as they do in French. I dont think I’m alone in this opinion. I do find it interesting though, that a plane leaving Quebec had no French speaking staff. That’s a fail on the airline. Maybe Quebecers need their own airline? Air Quebec. I doubt there’ll be any English throughout the flight, its paperwork, or signs.
Have fun in Florida where french MIGHT be the 4th most common language.
I’m sure he spoke in English once he got off the plane in Florida.
Perhaps. He would be happier in ukraine. He needs to see true suffering
Not surprised coming from a Quebec frog
Especially in Quebec…
Froggys go ribbet ribbet