CTV’s Vanessa Lee says Francois Legault is expected to win another term, despite some missteps during his leadership.
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Ahhh, now I see why YouTube decided to get rid of the Thumbs down button for most YouTubers.
I will like your response as if it were the thumbs down. Lol
There are ways around that. There were 43 thumbs down at the time I wrote.
If Legault wins, it wil be a sad day…
Still better than PLQ
@Primmakin Sofis
,,,yeah let’s get coucou Duhaime in 

@Fred Fred Still better than PLQ
@Yannis Laurin he is the PLQ in disguise
@Michele Brosseau If I have to choose betwen CAQ and PLQ I Will choose the CAQ
Expected by whom? lol
He’s going to win it wont even be close
He’s expected to win. We’ll see tomorrow
Noooooo don’t let him win
He Will win and not the plq
Move to Ontario, you clearly have views more inline with them
Lmao since when.. what a shady outcome
I cant stand Legault and his anti-english rhetoric. He handled the pandemic like a fool, now hes going to start a language war
Francophobia is never-ending in this country.
Lmao like if the rest of Canada is not always anti-french. The roc cry that Québec doesn’t Treat anglos like gods.
Wow, corruption continues in Quebec
When was it ever nor corrupt.
that’s the norm Canada wide coast to coast to coast.
what makes you say that?
The english communauty is having a great opportunity to change everything. If they are not stupid and vote liberal as usuel they can make can vote for the PCQ and save the french canadien from one of them
I’m French and my husband is English and both voted PCQ.
No you guys just play the victim. Go in a english province.
They really love the word “M an D ate” don’t they?
Interesting how the most hated is expected to win. It must be the true power holders who “expect” him to win
“the most hated”
among you and your friends Hollywood 
He is mostly hated by the “opressed” english
@simonr0204 Tu parles français?
@Yannis Laurin oui
@simonr0204 Il dit quoi exactement ton commentaire?
He’s going to lose
Hola.. Yuk!!!
More higher taxes to pay A Government that does absolutely nothing Also his ranting about Québécois French language!!
Yes he has the right to rant because Québec is french. Cry more
No matter what he says or does I refuse to speak French or leave Quebec.
Obnoxious angryphone as always
who cares
Leave , learning is too hard for dummies
Then we are dooooooomed
legault ; manipulator, I stop here but there is A LOT to say
Legeau LT must go with trudeau
Conservative seems to care
1500$ for unvaccinated remember this guy’s plans.
I wonder if Stalins quote is applicable here. Its not who votes but its who counts the votes that matter, or something similar. If this guy is that bad how can he win? Or is this a case of polls being out to lunch again? Quebec deserves better
Lmao no , you don’t know what you’re talking. The only one better than the caq is the PQ.
My prediction for Quebec’s election 2022: Anglade will loose her seat or leave in St-Henri Ste-Anne or she will leave politics , Party ;eadership will fall into the hands of Michelle Setlakwe currently in the Mount Royal riding ( recently nominated) . Ridingwas created from Mount Royal , Dorion and Darcy MCGee . A liberal stringhold for the last 45 years . Ms Setlakwe eill ( has not) worked very hard for the win