A Quebec woman is facing multiple charges for an alleged attack and abduction of a newborn using bear spray.
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I’m glad the baby is ok.
Couldve been very bad . 8 days old so fragile. Disturbing.
Same. That’s the most important thing.
That woman is a monster I hope she never gets released.
I’m surprised she didn’t eat the bear spray.
It’s not spray made from bear.
@Raven Bond what kind of joke can we turn it into, mom?
@Greg House fat jokes are literally the lowest of low, it’s the easiest target and it’s not funny.
@Raven Bond you mean it’s the widest
@Freddie Jones too bad…it would be meat…then I would eat it
imagine giving your address to a stranger
Incredible , why would you do that .
@J B well
It’s something that is not communicable, but has a genetic component….and rhymes with numb
Ban Facebook done…
Yes. Facebook is the cause of most toxic human behaviour
Now they’ll be trying to ban bear spray in Canada
It’s banned for use as self defence from humans.
@david heipel Yes exactly, probably the only time 90% of Canadians would need it.
@Truth seeker 204 I’ve been up around bears and wolves and always be armed. It doesn’t happen often but you can just disappear. Spray is a secondary to a rifle.
@Chicken Leg Absolutely I’m not disagreeing with that. All I’m saying is the government wants to take away any way we have of defending ourselves and it’s already illegal to defend yourself against a criminal. Should not be that way!
What’s a brand new mother doing on FB? Doesn’t she have enough to do looking after her newborn baby?
There’s new mothers groups. They support each other…information…used items….
They need to virtue signal and get their daily dopamine dose.
Because everyone knows once you get a new baby you’re not allowed to have a Facebook.
@Raven Bond I get the sarcasm – but isn’t exactly this case the best reason to avoid FB? This poor woman would not be in this terrible situation had she devoted less time to FB and rather spend it looking after her newborn.
Crazy! I hope they throw the book at her!
Why is anyone on Facebook ?
It’s all the mentally ill grandmas now who are like 10 years behind everything
as it was in the days of noah……………after that the world was a washout and a new start
Crazy woman. Put her in jail. That way she could NEVER have children
Please. Karla Homolka is a thousand times worse than his baby stealer and she was allowed to freely reproduce and have multiple kids. No questions asked.
@Jason ya for sure! But unfortunately they let her out. And damm it all someone didnt get to her. We can always hope
Facebook is never a safe space
I call it CrackBook
I love how pleasant everyone sounds…like every day a stranger walks upto you messes a nursing mother and walks off with their baby…really!!
“Safe spaces”
Wow! What a horrible story! How wonderful that woman’s neighbours are!! She’d better start Neighbour Appreciation Day in her area – STAT!!
Glad to hear the baby is safe.
Do not give out vital information to online strangers!!
Guess u could say she got shanked
Facebook is a safe space? Did I hear that right?
Not for drunk divorced moms
bless those neighbors who stopped this