There’s continued fallout over CAQ leader Francois Legault’s comments concerning immigrants and social peace.
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Politicians in Canada are extreme
We probably have five moderate unheard of politicians who just can’t afford national ad campaigns.
He’s right.
You can’t say that. This is Canada. Let’s just say “he’s not factually incorrect” lol
It’s a hard truth.
Courting the 2% bouncy castle crowd.
The charter has been violated; and you’re yammering on about what……
@roof pizza what the f is tha supposed to mean, creep?
Roof pizza, how’s it going bro!!!??
His ancestors were immigrants, and the violence they did was not even close to what rubbish he is talking about.
Legault comes off as an ancient Péquiste Boomer still living in the 1970s
Wait, he is an ancient Péquiste Boomer still living in the 1970s
I meannnnnn he’s not totally wrong
What’s the demographic behind all the shootings in Toronto, Mississauga, Surrey, etc? It’s not duck hunters and it’s not all immigrants. But the demographic is quite specific and “visible.”
He is 100% correct. The third world has come to Canada.
*glances at the knife attack stats in London* I mean… he’s not WRONG though.
He is right tho
Immigrants are a strength. At least 95% of immigrants go on to become excellent citizens. Those who blame immigrants for social problems really haven’t studied the data.