The doctrine of qualified immunity has been used to protect police from civil lawsuits and trials. Here's why it was put in place.
On May 25, Minneapolis police killed George Floyd. While two officers pinned the handcuffed Floyd on a city street, another fended off would-be intervenors as a fourth knelt on Floyd’s neck until — and well after — he lost consciousness.
But when Floyd’s family goes to court to hold the officers liable for their actions, a judge in Minnesota may very well dismiss their claims. Not because the officers didn’t do anything wrong, but because there isn’t a case from the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court specifically holding that it is unconstitutional for police to kneel on the neck of a handcuffed man for nearly nine minutes until he loses consciousness and then dies.
And such a specific case is what Floyd’s family must provide to overcome a legal doctrine called “qualified immunity” that shields police and all other government officials from accountability for their illegal and unconstitutional acts.
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incredible video as always H3FT
Declaration Of Independence: Basically, ‘We The People’ in mass, can alter, and if necessary abolish, ANY government that ‘We The People’ and ‘We The People’ alone determine is not keeping us ‘safe and happy’ and to set up another government that ‘We The People’ and ‘We The People’ alone determine will keep us ‘safe and happy’. Not only is it our right to do so, it is our duty to do so, per the DOI.
You fail to understand that the people are not a cohesive unit.
Police officers have an “indemnification” from criminal and civil lawsuits. In the UK police officers have liability and have been sued personally.
That’s why your cops suck at their jobs. I watched a video of these idiots trying to arrest someone, what a joke. The cop ran away lmaooo but I guess if I getting sued for everything you do then I’d run too.
It’s high time we disband state controlled police. And empower citizen elected Sheriffs. Let’s get back to the roots of our Constitutional Republic!
Posse Comitatus!
I agree. We are the dejure police. The unorganized militia as codified at Title 10 USC sec 246 and the great Second Amendment..
Only the minority justices see a problem with here
What do you mean. Im not accusing I just don’t understand what your comment means. Like what do you mean minority justices?
Fmztf yeah I’m confused too and I want to understand
No it’s not….Chavin is going to prison ..the other 3 plus chavin plus the department will face civil liability
Qualified immunity is a doctrine introduced by hateful, racist judges used to protect hateful, racist police from accountability.
Clarence Thomas complaining about lack of historical basis is the the height of irony
Take it away from Police, then take it away from every Judge (all levels) and all legislators, State and Federal. Dolts.
Too many people who want to discuss the murder of Mr. Floyd as just a “bad apple” cop issue are ignoring one incredibly important question: what made those cops so comfortable doing that in broad daylight with spectators around and the murder being filmed? Part of the answer is that they assumed they have qualified immunity. Cops never fear repercussions for their actions because they never expect to be held accountable for them.