Putin’s reputed girlfriend makes public comments about Ukraine war

CNN's Erin Burnett discusses a new video showing Russian President Vladimir Putin's reputed girlfriend Alina Kabaeva liken war propaganda to a Kalashnikov. #CNN #News


    1. Jordan likes his BOY friends young like the young men he showered with at Ohio state while covering for a accused pedophile coach on the wrestling team. Jordan loves rolling around on wrestling mats with young men.

    1. @Santa’s Mocha I am not news maker. I talking how false choice of people can change the course of history about.

    1. Senior Ukranians have stated Russia is _still_ an empire and should be dismembered. Moscow and St. Petersburg soak up almost all the wealth, if they lost the war its not inconceivable that it would be at risk of breaking up.

  1. Mad Magazine circa 1967 right after Egypt’s President Gamal Nasser was claiming victory in the 6 Day War…
    Gamal, Gamal bright as a camel, How does the battle go?
    With burned out tanks and shot out ranks
    and smoking Migs in a row?
    Gamal, Gamal, brain of enamel why do you claim success?
    “Despite defeats and huge retreats, I might as well win in the press!”

    1. That’s another time we have the smaller country defend itself against invaders. Hopefully this time Ukraine will treat its neighbors, kindly and fairly unlike Isreal who is in a constant state of committing genocide against the Palestinians. Honestly, that’s just not compare the two situation because they’re not the same.

    1. @Operator 9 listen you’re not gonna win this war and you’re not gonna convince anybody that you were on the right side the Russians are the ones doing the terrible things there are the bad guys. Ukrainians are literally fighting for their homeland, and for their lives, Russia could go home, and in this fucking war at any point, they choose to allow their own people to die. Every fucking day they send their own young man to hell with no chance of salvation until putin gets what he deserves. Putin’s awkwardly ugly girlfriend is not going to change that fact, either.

    2. @Joey S is it so hard to conceive that im not a russian but that i could be an american? you know a country that was supposed to stand up to big military alliances throwing its weight around the globe for corporate interests by doing things like trying to get ukraine into nato so it could cut russia off from the sea, from its allies and markets and the world while forcing them to try and keep up with a air/missile/radar and nuclear weapons grid a few miles from moscow?

      spare me the theatrics man. we’ve been at nonstop war for a century straight within no breaks exceeding 5 years. you going to try and sit there and act like its all for freedom and democracy and hasnt become a business in itself? russia is standing up to the worlds biggest bully. the USA.

  2. Adolf believed it was “existential” too. That won’t make a difference in the end. The humiliating loss in the war remains inevitable, Vlad. The only thing we are deciding at this stage is when you swallow it. 😉

    1. It was existential, the German people are being replaced by millions of Africans and West Asians now mostly as a result of the international banking elite winning that war.

    2. Hitler?
      Do you understand that both Canadian and American military experts acknowledged and confirmed the nazi problems in the Ukrainian military ans government?

    1. @Titanomachy You just saw Putin’s girlfriend (which is not a fact) and decided that you have an opinion that you definitely need to express about what you think of her. Typical housewife behavior.

    2. @Anders Sigeklint You are a mixture of a vacuum cleaner and a colostomy bag, but more of a colostomy bag is your new gender.

    1. KGB Kirill turned the Russian church into a propaganda tool for a fascist regime. In the 70s he was spying in Switzerland .. he has no God

    1. The American cnn has to copy the Brazilian cnn. In Brazil, most anchors and reporters are women aged 38 to 58 years. Politics is like football, I always evolve, CNN Americana has to do the same. In Brazil, the studios of the journalistic channels are already in the Vaporwave footprint (colors) 💙💜🌌🔮🪀💛🧡, does American cnn copy? haha, hugs to the American brothers 🇺🇸👍🏿

    2. Do you know of any historical figures other than the most famous man of all time? So sick of you pop history afficianados only ever making comparisons to one person throughout all of history.

    1. So called religious leaders such as in Iran, so called nationalist leaders such as in China and so called tribal leaders such as in Afghanistan often have family members living their best lives part time or full time in a free country. Its not really about religion as they rape murder and torture to hold onto power and money. Its not really about patriotism as the citizens burn in apartments during lockdowns and kill their most educated people such as doctors who spoke out on covid. Its not really about the tribe as citizens cling to US planes in desperation to escape and as women are killed trying to get an education. Its about control, power and money for the dear leader.

    1. @Darrell Harper I listen to the Ukrainian people especially the girls who have ben raped. I blame who they blame.

    1. Who would say about “superiority complex” 🙄 Same people who impose sanctions “from hell”, only to realize it wasn’t enough so they impose a few more rounds of normal sanctions afterwards. In any situation, Russia “must”, “should”, “have to” – barking orders as if you were in your favourite restaurant. Not to mention my favourite fantastic stories like “100 K-2 tanks will defeat Russian army in no time” 🤦

    1. I thought vladdy liked the ruff stuff , priggy piggy and co maybe himm make her hizz beard since that liking Ones own sex is frowned upon in ruzzia, politics in ruzzia make strange bedfellows, I LOVE YOU YEAHHHHHHAA, SLAVA UKRAINi SLAVA VICTORY HOHOL HEROYAM SLAVA GLORY AND PRAISE TO SION THERE CAN ONLY BE ZION SUNBIRDS OF CREATION ALL FOR ONE ONE FOR WHOLE OF WHOLENESS THEIR RIGHTFUL PLAN ZIONMADE GLORY AND PRAISE TO SION, A ALIVE A MAN BABY BACKFLIPPING DRIVER ON BOARD TOO AMEN ALL FOR SOMEONE’S BLESSING’S AND VICTORY and CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT ALLOWED!!!🐓🎸🎇🎆🐣✨🐥🐅🐧🛩️🎯💋💍🦜🐦🌌🐤🐔🔥👄🎈🍒🎀🌍🎂🙏💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🙏

  3. Ukraine was not a threat they gave up their nukes with the promise from Russia that it would never invade. Even if Ukraines joined Nato, they would not be a threat. It would put Russia in a position of being less aggressive to their neighbors with fewer options. Russia doesn’t like that and feels it will make them weaker so that’s how they feel threathened. It will take away their freedom to do what they want when they want.

    1. Just goes to show nuclear proliferation is a good thing on the whole. If every country had nukes, war would be a thing of the past.

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