1. It’s a corona side effect. Lung failure, high temperature… and in case of mildly sassing Putin, a window fall.

    1. @mrAmbitionEver nobody’s defending China. I’m just opposing rampant stupidity. There is a difference.

  1. NOOOO, she doesn’t see any Sinister plot behind doctor’s getting thrown out of Windows. If you were a doctor in Russia WOULD YOU?😂

    1. Even though she denied deliberate harm against the doctors she still admitted that the Russian medical system is overwhelmed so she’s probably got to watch out for windows and falling on bullets

    2. TroutofHate
      Why do you care? I thought you hated every human being in Russia, then judged them again and again and again.

      With a Russian here
      And a Russian there
      Here a Russian
      There a Russian
      E V E R Y W H E R E
      R U S S I A N

    3. she could try China, where I’m sure that doesn’t happen. Just ask the left wing, as they think China is just wonderful. Of course, none of them ever lived there.

    4. @Hildebeast Clinton First time I’ve commented on Russia so I don’t know wtf you’re smoking.

    1. @SouthSide Chicago Rump is too busy licking Taints of KJU, Putin, etc. What a monster .

    2. @Major Minor -Really flipped your switch, RUSSBOT. You keep writing to me and the rest of us-we know who you are. Sorry for the poor people like you under Putin. Fight him-not us. He’s killing your people.

    3. The real numbers of the COVID deaths in Russia are deliberately distorted and underreported by officials from Ministry of Healthcare, many mortal cases with tested COVID are just written off as diagnosed with “pre-existing conditions”: such as asymptomatic pneumonia, hearth attack, diabetes, stokes etc. The doctors, nurses, patients are intimidated by authorities to speak the truth about terrible conditions in the hospitals and absence of basic PPE and medicines.

  2. What did they do with the doc. She wasn’t moving at the end and how many docs fell out of the window?

    1. i explain she just stopped moving because you can be charged for resistance to police. it may not help but still (from russia).

    2. Sorry if i offended i was try to point out that she looked like she was acting more than drugged to me. To presume she was drugged is quite radical and not what a critical thinker would do.

    3. Probably the same thing that happened to the doctors before they “jumped” out of the windows.

  3. So far no hospital CEOs being thrown off of the rooftops of their buildings in the US. Is this a new Olympic sport?

    1. @lquidgrl Or so they say. It could be a body double made to speak highly of Putin.

      Yes I’m joking.

    2. @Orchid 2 Guess they were listening to President Chump. You think people can put disinfectant in the bodies or shove a lightbulb up their asses?

    1. @Adrian Lopez One of my coworkers spent 3 weeks in the hospital. She’s all of 32 years old.

    1. I spent a couple of years living in Thailand where the Russian mob has a presence. They seemed to have a habit of falling off balconies.

    1. Duane Hall
      Yes. Born in California. Lives in New York. But somehow 100%. Russian to every imbecile with TDS .

    2. @Hildabeast <<--- You say your American/not russian? Then just for fun, say something bad about putin. I'll wait...

  4. If I were her, I wouldn’t want to be the next “accident”, by speaking out. She got into trouble just trying to deliver PPE, for chrisakes!

  5. Calling them “windows falls” like it’s a normal thing, Jesus Christ! Call it “assassination”.

  6. I think the Putin Regime is taking a page out of the Xi Regime’s book – lie about the true death toll/threaten those who question it

  7. After 5 minutes of watching I’m still thinking about how they said “another window fall accident”… like wait-what?

  8. They accidentally fell out of windows? That’s like a beaten woman saying she fell down the stairs.

    1. I thought I saw Putin today by the bus stop. As I got closer, a woman began talking to him. Turns out it was just a 10 year old waiting with his mom.

    2. Onlyrealmusic4life exactly. Trump people know that his time is coming to an end and thus see Biden as a major threat…..

  9. Virus epidemic? Sounds like they have crazed window outbreak. Hope no one falls on any bullets.

    1. That Girl I was trying to see if Raven was just going to talk about the conspiracy stuff. I think I was right.

    2. NDFOOTBALL It like saying the coronavirus will magically disappear in April.
      But sadly over 70,000 Americans are dead and 20 million Americans have filed for unemployment.
      Donald Trump is the dumbest President ever and even Republicans know it.

    3. Raven R like Donald Trump said on February 27, only 15 people in the United States have the coronavirus and they’re getting better everyday. All while the virus spreading like wild fire across the United States.
      Donald Trump is the dumbest President ever.

  10. I would feel bad for Russia if they didn’t fill the comment section of every video with anti-American trolling.

    1. Tell this to the protesters of the political movement – “occupy Wall Street” who were hidden in American prisons, and the organization itself was dismantled by the us secret service into small details” and destroyed…

    2. The two leaders with the worst response to the crisis: Trump and Putin. Hmmm……

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