During his annual press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to a recent investigation by the investigative group Bellingcat and CNN which uncovered evidence that Russia's Federal Security Service trailed opposition leader Alexey Navalny who was poisoned in August. CNN's Clarissa Ward reports. #CNN #News
Putin responds to CNN investigation, does not deny Navalny was tracked

Let’s do our best world from japanese happy youruber
You make big happy
Putin’s version of, “fake news”
@jorgemtds I heard you,but is it too much hate which does not lead to anything constructive that is why the world suffers.
@santa fe, bantayan island life oh so you’re one of Putoin’s
https://youtu.be/rS0sJ8AQ4n8 you cannot sue pfizer and Moderna for any severe vaccine side effects. What a joke .
US version: CNN
Luckily he was save by German Doctors.
@AsterixYZ So we agree that he was poisoned by nowitschok?
@Francis Peter In all honesty – I am not sure. That’s why I am asking this question – if it was the STATE that was trying to poison him ( with Novichok or anything else,) then why would the doctors in Omsk not finish him off? They knew perfectly well who he was and they stayed in touch with gov. people in Moscow all that time.
@Alex xelA Who do you think is going to read all of that?
Putin is godfather of Russian gangsters. The Russian State is Mafia.
https://youtu.be/rS0sJ8AQ4n8 you cannot sue pfizer and Moderna for any severe vaccine side effects. What a joke ..
The Russian Govt knows how to poison people. In other news water is wet.
You Americans… 4 years ago you all said Russia tampered with election..
Now you say impossible to tamper with election.
Which is ?
@B. T. that ummm didn’t seem to be an attack it seemed to be a checkmate to see if it could be done
@Proper MGTOW ur gf dumped sad azz
@newf newf but diden can give america to get a few million. Funny thing is demos still do the Trump thing. Collecting millions in Communist places. It didnt happen. Big tech shut down selling america. But still blame Trump. And demos seem to keep getting more money to do less. When countries pay for a plan and trump gets in the way.
Putin: yeah, I did that
. What are you gonna do about it?
@santa fe, bantayan island life
there is no evidence of voter fraud
50 plus times trumps Attorney’s filled cases in court but showed no evidence of voter fraud.
Judges were mostly Conservative and picked by trump.
McConnell stacked the courts.
They all dismissed case after case.
Supreme Court rejected there is no case
3 out of 9 are picked by trump since he took office.
They owe trump nothing.
They have to go by the law and Constitution.
There is no evidence of fraud.
Yep. And Trump copied that approach. Looks like it works well.
@Tracy Evans so lets not blame. So global news of America. How do you get trump gone when you did all of it. Every powerful country saw what you did to trump. Even before elected you went after him. Now you won guess virus wasnt a big deal. Now trump is gone we are open game. Nice job
Trump – Yes, I know the virus is dangerous but it is what it is….same mentality
Trump should live the rest of his life (if there’s any) in Russia.
I will have to leave the US if I lose to Biden, he has said.
I remember some anti -Trump people saying if Trump won they would leave, guess what. They didn’t.
@Chris 159 My girlfriend’s brother at the time moved to the Virgin Islands when Trump won.
Biden is a criminal………
He did say that but as we all know, the REAL TRUTH is the opposite of what comes out of his mouth
https://youtu.be/rS0sJ8AQ4n8 you cannot sue pfizer and Moderna for any severe vaccine side effects. What a joke ..
Putin: “Donny, my Agent Orange, gave me all the US government passwords.”
@Joyce Hand just shut up
@Max Timberwolfcartoon world view right here
@Max Timberwolf you know how the world works.. small minded tool
@Max Timberwolf
you are slow
“We attack first then claim to be the victim” – V. Putin
@Selah YouTube censorship has been pretty extreme lately. It may be a new account like mine because the old one was banned for too many TOS violations
@Todd R
I recommend a book called Mindf*ck. Its about trolls. Paid trolls to spread propaganda and lies. Written by a former paid troll/whistleblower who testified before Congress.
Stay safe!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
CNN and viewers who support this channel, please take the RDNA bio weapon ASAP. We can do this together, build back better !
https://youtu.be/rS0sJ8AQ4n8 you cannot sue pfizer and Moderna for any severe vaccine side effects. What a joke ..
A “stooge”? In my world that’s a compliment.
Putin feels already threatened. Watch the defunct economy.
usual fake news from the one and only CNN
Why do cnn guests always look like characters from THE HUNGER GAMES?
this whole situation sounds like something out of the hunger games to me
@Michael Davis that really helps you sleep at night, telling yourself that everyone with different opinions is a russian?
bedtime stories for liberals I guess
@That Man I never said “everyone”, I just said you. You cast the first stone, did you not? Does it help YOU sleep at night dishing it out but not being able to take it?
@Michael Davis I asked a question while you made an accusation with nothing to back it up but assumptions. Pretty standard company around here really. Now go sleep, believing he must be a russian for saying something you disagree with.
@That Man You actually didn’t ask a question. You made an assumption posed as a question. Tried to make a joke (that fell flat), as so many passive-aggressive mamas-boys like to do today. I will go to sleep peacefully, knowing that I bodied you for being another weak-minded millennial trolling online for validation and attention.
I’ll give you credit for one thing – at least you ACKNOWLEDGED that “Brooke” was a “he” and not a female, like he was trying to portray. So you two have something in common, haha. I’m 95% sure that “Brooke” character is also YOU, isn’t it??? LOL Pathetic loser.
I wouldn’t expect this personality in leadership to say anything else.
Telling the truth as it is . Spies are spies, be cIA or MOSAD or MI 6.
Doh yes
oh wow
Got an update on Swalwell’s bang bang with fang fang the Chinese Communist Spy, or are you ignoring that story too?
We don’t care What Russian said or What CCP said. America people are choosing their President. Not Russia or China.
Funny comments…we know there are other major giants that knows pretty well how to kill people. But they´re democracies…so we just don´t comment.
he’s taking a page out of his puppets book
why waste your time coming up with an excuse when you can just cry fake news
He is an ex KGB officer that rose to power thru murder and intimidation, Hello Mcfly?
Check out Newsmax or NTD news or OAN news or even Fox news
“Russia openly acknowledging it knows how to kill people”. loooool. Does that suppose to make me tremble and hate Russia?