Putin Makes Joke About Russia Gearing Up To Interfere In The 2020 Election | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

NBC News' Keir Simmons asks Russian President Vladimir Putin about potential Russian interference in the 2020 U.S. election. Putin mocked the possibility of future election interference, saying sarcastically, "yes we will definitely intervene." Watch Simmons discuss with MSNBC's Hallie Jackson. Aired on 10/2/19.
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Putin Makes Joke About Russia Gearing Up To Interfere In The 2020 Election | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


  1. Hehe ..now Putin support trump ..πŸ˜‚it’s a joke..he is so dumb …our country doesn’t need to give so much time to him ..

    1. Trumpocalypse not a single ounce. Because you’d have an actual impeached president or do you think he bought out the entire justice department? Get real. Those same people would’ve tried and prosecuted trump long ago. ENJOY YOUR NOTHING BURGER πŸ”

    2. Destination Paradise Oh I woke up a long time ago. I’m a former Democrat with social economic ideals. Obama failed hard. I voted for him just like the rest and he pandered and used words. Trump used action and now we see everything he promised come true. I may not be 100% with the wall but everything else including black unemployment, that’s πŸ’― in my book. Trump 2020 you sheeple.

    1. MoonaticDestiny – thank you. U r correct. And the fact they can casually announce it shows just how far the administration has undercut our intelligence agencies…as well as the intelligence of many of our GOP citizens that still deny it ever happened in 2016.

    2. Not for Putin, Trump is his asset in the WH and he can shut him down whenever he likes.Β Β  Putin played on the ignorance of most of the American people, he can’t believe how easy it was to influence uneducated Americans which is about half the population.Β  The US should be the greatest country in the world but it fails so badly in so many ways, the US is middle to bottom on every good list and top on every bad list.

    3. If you can’t laugh in the face of adversity you need to see someone and get some mental help. Many ins plans offer free counseling. πŸ˜‰

  2. Sounds like Vlad got his sense of humor from Bush, Jr. Joking about election interference is about as funny as joking about not finding WMD in Iraq by looking for WMD under a table.

  3. Between the puppet in the White House and Moscow Mitch, who’s going to stop Putin from mass interference with our elections? McConnell won’t pass any bills and Trump won’t sign any. They’ve got nothing to lose and no one to stand in their way.

    1. Liberals are so stupid. America’s biggest weakness is Liberalism. Get rid of it and not other nation can attack America.

  4. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I miss the good ole days when presidents were impeached for just lying about a BJ, instead of acts of treason. Those were simpler times.

    1. That’s not treason. Treason involves collusion with declared enemies; something the usa hasn’t had since ww2. It’s bad but it’s not treason by legal standards which are the ONLY ones that matter in impeachment inquiries.

    2. Yeah,
      Clinton got an impeachment investigation because of Lewinsky,
      But πŸŠπŸ„45 is getting it because of Zelensky…
      And irony of ironies, his first name’s Volodymyr (Vladimir)..
      Me thinks there’s a pattern here..

  5. Of course Putin is going to standby his puppet. They’ve come too far for him to turn his back on him now. Plus Putin has invested a lot of time and money into getting Trump elected, and he needs to see a return on that investment.

  6. As bad of a guy Putin sounds like, I have more respect for him than I do the criminal democrats in our government!

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