Russian President Vladimir Putin watched military training drills which intended to simulate a “massive nuclear strike response to an enemy attack,” according to a Kremlin statement. #CNN #News #worldnews
Putin looks on as Russian drills simulate ‘massive nuclear strike’

We need to increase our defence spending to 3% of GDP, that should be the first thing we spend, as without security, everything else is irrelevant.
This is the clip u been looking for:
Speak softly, but carry a big stick.
@here is the full clip………………………? Really? And people click that bait?
@Nero………………………? Really? And people click that bait?
This is one of the most amazing independent podcasts. I highly recommend checking out the news covered in her interviews Great interviews and always right on point
Pootin is that guy in the bar who threatens people over and over until someone gets bored of it and kicks his butt
Meanwhile in America. The unlawful immoral grifter is more interested in kids chopping off their body parts then he is in helping the American people..
Meanwhile in America. The wicked deceptive godless communist is nuking people’s savings..
Of course that’s after he nuked people’s businesses and freedoms in the name of the week wimpy virus covid he used that as an excuse to go after people’s freedoms.
Jesus Christ is the way of salvation turn to Jesus Christ or unforce you’re going to find the truth of Jesus Christ words the blind follow the blind into a ditch
The wicked misguided immoral rebellious people in government have led many into a ditch of destruction and despair because of their deception
Ultimately these wicked people will lead those who refuse to repent into a ditch of eternal damnation.
The wicked arrogant whitewashed homes in America will learn that when you go after God’s people.. God will rise up God will defend his people and as far seem his Nation trouble as Pharaoh seen his army drowned so will these wicked people in America who’ve caused so much rebellion in the world who have used the people’s money to buy people to go against God will have hell to pay.
Today is the day of salvation turn to Jesus Christ and pray for these wicked governing authorities who are using government to rob people ruin people’s lives and enrich themselves.
That’s close but I feel it’s like a playground fight between two kids one clearly has the upper hand so he decides to pull out a knife and threates the other kids father to make him stop because the other kid is a little nuts and wants it
@Sarjo Kujabi Putin is now one of the WORST military leaders in history. An absolute joke and loser and the world laughs at him.
more like warns people not to sit at his table then toss’s the table with the warning fails
@Fish&Hunt That’s the American way I e. By any means necessary. Don’t hate when another country exercise the SAME strategies. That’s called: leveling the playing field. Not rooting for either side because PEACE ✌️ is what I support, but what’s happening is clear.
Just look at him, wearing military gear, when he will be nowhere near the front line himself.
So true. He is a coward
here is the final video you have been waiting for
Hitlensky flashbacks😂
Same as usA , soldiers fighting for zionist empire
We should have Air dropped our Presidents into the war zones they created that much i agree with
Biden wants to fight Russia send him to the frontline even better have both Biden and Trump Fight Putin in Thunderdome
Id pay money to watch that
I don’t think Putin is scaring us as much as he’s pissing us off.
@Vasily Nefedov Imperial Japan said it would continue to attack the Allies until the last Japanese was dead. Imperial Japan attacked the USA without provocation or reason.
@Nature and Physics so few hundred thousand civilians killed and un unprecedented use of nukes justified?
@Vasily Nefedov that its someone else’s turn to have fun – and much bigger ones too. Go be confused about your gender some more
@Vasily Nefedov Imperial Japan said it would kill its own entire population in attacking the Allies. You decide.
@Vasily Nefedov Putin says he will gladly kill billions for Russia. Only Putin is saying that and only Putin wants to kill billions. You decide.
I’m Czech, yesterday I spoke with a refugee from Kharkiv, she speaks Russian, but when I’ve asked her to give me her perspective, she said, “I speak Russian but I am proud Ukrainian, Putin is waging a criminal war against our people, this Putin’s “protection” of Russian speaking population is complete BS, Zelensky is our hero and only outcome of this war will be Ukrainian victory”
Kar 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇷🇺🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇺🇦🇺🇦
@Cafe Au Lait 🤔🙄
@Cafe Au Lait Listen coffee cup,. It’s not about language, (speak whatever language you want but when someone talks to you in Ukrainian in Ukraine, the country is called Ukraine, one should expect an answer in Ukrainian like French in France and Russian in Russia), it’s not about NATO or Putin would have attacked Sweden and NATO for joining NATO but he was too cowardly to do so, it’s definitely not about Denazification ( the president of Ukraine is a Jew). It’s about Putin’s failed Russian state bitching why they’re a vassal state of China and why Ukrainians live more freely than Russians do.
@Andre Macko what about a whole square of Ukrainian people hopping and chanting “Maskalyaku na gilyaku”? What about Timoshenko saying “she would not rest until there is no wet spot left from Moscow”?
@Cafe Au Lait Putin, like Hitler is waging imperial war for territory and resources, simple as that, he wants to remembered as the one, who united Russian people and perhaps restored the power of Soviet Union, he failed miserably, it’s 21st century, our borders will not change but Putin after 20 years in power thinks, Russia is still super power, but he leads Russia to an abyss, he is surrounded with YES men and noone around him dares to oppose him, like this FSB chief, who was shaking and just agreed with everything Putin said, Putin started to believe his own propaganda, I think, he actually believed, Ukrainians will greet him with flowers but instead they’ve greeted his army with protests, anti tank missiles, manpads, drones, grenades, artillery and machine guns… Putin IMO lost the contact with reality, he wants to be a historical figure like Peter the Great, but he will be known as Vlad the Invader, destructor of Russia ,🤔😂
i wouldn’t be surprised if he staged an attack from Ukraine to frame them and give him and excuse to use nukes
@Gerard Flynn Historians will be Laughing at Putin and the Russian army for Hundreds of Years . Never in History has the World seen how Corruption , Propaganda and Lies by the Russian Leaders have shown that a once thought powerfull Russia has been a Fantasy . The Supposed 2nd best army has been HUMILLIATED by the 30th rated Ukraine . Putin has done what many a Great Leader could not …. Destroyed Russia . Russians will Hang thier Head in SHAME for Decades
🤣 Putin just EXPOSED the NATO nuclear plan and they are P*SSED
He’s not Putin won’t use any nuclear weapons we’re overreacting if he wanted to use nuclear weapons he would’ve done it years ago I’m not worried at all
This is one of the most amazing independent podcasts. I highly recommend checking out the news covered in her interviews Great interviews and always right on point
@Gerard Flynn If Ukraine had nukes, there would be no war.
Aww,he’s playing soldier!
You mean Zelinsky
here is the final video you have been waiting for
@Boro Kopanja at least Biden doesn’t get into bed with madmen like Pootin. Trump was practically Pootin’s b**ch!
@blue ocean 1961 rather take mr trump then joe “lost in the headlights” Biden. This war wouldn’t of happened if trump was in office cuz he was an intimidating person to poootin. Biden has his legs between his legs while the world is falling apart and continuing to divide the nation and that’s why conservatives will win midterms. John Fetterman is proof yall democrats are even more underwater then you think. The country is in shambles cuz of the Biden administration preaching of Jim Crow laws. Trump isn’t the best president but was a whole tier ahead of this trashy divisive propaganda campaign
@JB 2000 So you’d rather take a traitor who stole boxes of sensitive documents from the WH and also started an insurrection ay the capital over Biden? it shows your a little sheep and a fake patriot.
Do you think Russia has the skill to launch a nuke without blowing it up on the launch pad?
idk but id rathor not find out lol
@crushnev nikita lol almost all ballistic missiles are hypersonic. Funny when you are using analog technology when US weapons are guided by AI.
Yes. They put a high priority on it. The country is going to hell in a handbaskett, but be assured, the nukes work.
@crushnev nikita your “president ” said it was a operation where Russians would be welcomed, that it would only last a few weeks. He put people in prison who called it what it is, a WAR, and a war where the invading former super-power is being held off. Putin and many of his cronies are now officially war criminals and will have to stay in your hell-hole country (or risk getting arrested). Americans are spoiled by low gas prices and the lowest cost of food in the world. Most people here are not changing their lifestyle, just complaining a bit. So, our pools will be a little cooler, we’ll perhaps drive our large 4-wheel drive SUVs a little less (though haven’t seen or heard of that happening). Russia can be on a good path again, just eliminate Putin.
@crushnev nikita it doesn’t matter how fast delivery is, you’ll burn as well. You don’t know that America doesn’t have these weapons as well. America never shows what it knows!!! Ask Imperial Japan. Russia learns from the United States🇺🇸. Sleep well comrade, if you can.
Russias the guy that gets in a fight then starts screaming for police when he starts losing
@Arkh and Computer lol, after a build up of 300, 000 Russian troops on 2 of its borders…
What’s it like to think on the same level as a class of 3rd graders?
@Beaver Zer0 who threaten nukes ?
@Beaver Zer0 do you guys not understand how childish you sound to us when you say that…… Like seriously, are you 12 year olds playing video games or something because thats exactly what you sound like.
Seriously , everyone knows Russia is winning and Ukraine can’t win. Mindless hacks will just regurgitate the false narrative being pushed so Biden can continue laundering billions to his masters . Look at Afghanistan. Invade spent trillions in the name of fighting terrorist just to armed them with 80 billion of dollars of our equipment and weapons . WTF no biggie love in ti the next War in the nabe of democracy lmao
By end of year , you will see all your comments were wrong and just live in regurgitating more bull crap , pretty much sums up CNN viewers. You guys don’t know the difference between propaganda and reality
Putin isn’t tall enough to reach the nuclear button anyway.
LOL best comment ever
He cans to use a chair 🪑 and a 🧹broom
@Salis Eduardo Eduardo didn’t go to school, he’s an idiot, don’t mind
@TheDrAstrov I am handsome I don’t need to go to school
@Salis Eduardo then you don’t have to speak your mind publicly. Your main organ is not the brain
Senior Russian military officers could be heroes if they unite and have a successful 21st century Operation Valkyrie. Give Putin his Valkyrie moment.
Çeaçescu moment would be better or better still a Khadafi moment in a free Checnya.
@Sandburg Martin i saw that but would have preferred a more success promising name.
True, but apparently Putin only selects Officers who were born without stones!
They dont have it in them.
They’re like north north Koreans.
They wouldn’t dare.
Putin is the hand that feeds those top military, they would have to take a big pay cut to do that.
Ego doesn’t make you a hero. History books will see him as the little man who brought Russia back a century.
@Fish&Hunt He and I are fine. You will sort it out with your own, they send your money to Ukraine, don’t you feel sorry? Everything is fine with us, your sanctions are ridiculous
@Любовь Кис “type in the search alley of angels” So, what made you think I haven’t heard of Russians using children’s’ death for propaganda? Are the children from the Malaysian plane there? Are the children from the other side of the frontline there? Why fire started when Ukraine refused to be in Russian sphere of influence? Why the hell you didn’t bring in UN to investigate the “genocide”, were there mass graves, as there are now? NOW Lavrov goes to the UN to whine, back then nothing was filed.
@totozviara Are Russians using children? Are you an idiot??? So you don’t know any Russians at all. A Russian person will never offend a child. Russians generally love everyone, and are too kind. Your hatred of Russia and Russians is understandable, your propaganda teaches you this. You are shouting about some kind of freedom, but in fact you are just slaves.
@totozviara What are you carrying which Malaysian children? I’m telling you about the missiles that the Ukrainians bombed Donbass. Do you think that Ukraine is at war with us? It’s not true, 70 percent of Ukrainians are against Zelensky. NATO is openly fighting with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians. And the UN is an organization of idiots, they think they are the whole world, But they are not.
@totozviara I have no desire to talk to you anymore, it’s useless. And finally, hatred shortens your years. Peace to you
He’s probably sitting on Little Rocket man’s lap right now
Much Better then our Dotards
Good the Nazi zelensky deserved it
@Mark Brower Addict fantasies?
@Cory Griffiths Better than Biden, vegetable man
This is what the world calls desperation.
Neither side is desperate we need to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine to fight the Russians and Russia needs to negotiate a peace deal both sides need to calm down
No this is what the world calls an American military industrial complex hell bent on perpetual war.
Sitting at a big round table all by himself. Tuff guy….🤣🤣🤣
@Stephen Walsh If there are, we are all dead. This planet will be toast.
@David Crandall that’s what I mean it can’t kick off,BOOM 🤯
Last fight
That’s Putin’s get away flying saucer. He can jump inside when they come after him.
@Chino Maybe he bought some real estate on Mars. He’s gonna need it.
I’m not sure what’s more terrifying….. the fact a small man has access to nuclear weapons or the fact he built himself a Bond Villain room……
Well at least it’s not a funny farm room
He needs a cat.
No what’s really terrifying is that we have a demented corpse as president of the United States of America.
Last fight
@Jackson Henry 😂😂😂
Routine yes but at a very bad time. Drills after threats are different.
this is a drill they hold literaly every year. as do we.
Exactly why are people overreacting
Not this time
@Cory Griffiths because its CNN
@Cory Griffiths because it wouldnt be news otherwise. gotta keep those nuclear tensions high! they make for good ratings!
“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
A great writer, and so true.God bless! 🌱
US War on terror? Ah they’re all the same.
This is one of the most amazing independent podcasts. I highly recommend checking out the news covered in her interviews Great interviews and always right on point
Last fight
Loved when he said Russia are battle ready 🤣🤣 the most embarrassing example of soldiers even in the third world 😂