CNN's Barbara Starr reports on Russia's test launch of the RS-28 Sarmat, an ICBM sometimes referred to as "Satan II." #CNN #News
Putin issues warning to West as Russia test launches ICBM

CNN's Barbara Starr reports on Russia's test launch of the RS-28 Sarmat, an ICBM sometimes referred to as "Satan II." #CNN #News
Simple, we need to do what’s right, always and in all ways, and deal with any consequences as they arise, regardless of what Putin or anyone else says or does, we must Do What’s Right.
@David the Mensch Doctor said I had to give up tomatoes. That’s OK, didn’t care much for them anyhow.
Eva la Diva they excepting volunteers right now or was you trying to send my only brother there ?
Yes,I can do that!
Yes,I confirm.
@Jon That would be up to your brother, if he’s man enough…..UnIike you, who apparently would volunteer women first.
It’s funny how putin warnes the world to not react to his aggression or he will attack.
each ICBM launches multiples warheads usually 10. Some of them are decoys. It’s impossible to stop all of them, after the warhead are launched from space their speed are too fast for 100% interception rate. Best window for interception is before the rocket reaches space, which is hard to do. The only result in a nuclear war is MAD, Mutually assured destruction.
Yes,I can do that!
its like Serial killer treating you not to call the police
So you’re “STRUGGLING” with Ukraine, and now you’re threatening those who are helping Ukraine. Help me understand that
@Leslie Propheter I don’t care where they go, as long as they don’t cross borders, what’s your point?
They are not struggling they are trying very hard to avoid civillian casualties, u dont need to be told unless you buy into the propaganda and anti-russia campaign. Ask yourself how difficult will it be if they want to flatten Kiev in 5 days with their missiles. They having more troops on ground and engaging in close combat should tell u samtin unlike the NATO style of bombing for weeks and months before sending troops
He seems to be a bully. You need to stand up to bullies and then you see they are cowards.
@Anthony Puzyn very possible – by some mistake
A bully with a many ICBM’s pointed at our country. And us with many pointed at his. Who would win? The answer being nobody. That said, when Billy Keefer tried to kiss me in 4th grade I punched him in face. He never tried again.
@Fanatic Penny Yeah, and that would escalate since we’d have no alternative other than to retaliate in kind. Hence the Cold War term: Mutually assured destruction, or simply “MAD”.
Show us the way JimJ…
And this shows how terrified and desperate he is trying to strike fear hahaha..
Yes,I can do that!
Yes,I confirm.
“Advanced weapons” that function no differently than anyone else’s. See the Reuters article about this rocket. It’s nowhere near as significant as CNN or internet trolls would have you believe. Basic ICBM
@#SaltyClips Production Which is why the sheer volume of Russian nuclear weapons renders US missile defense worthless anyway except as a defense against the limited capabilities of countries like North Korea, and even then anything less than 100% is a calamity. So it doesn’t really matter much how capable this new system is, sheer weight of numbers and the less than stellar performance of missile defense means the threat to the US is barely changed by this missile.
@SasquatchyCowboy It’s simply mind-boggling to me that the public doesn’t understand that, and is ready to jump straight into the WWIII and total nuclear annihilation. We never been this close to the end of the world.
Yes,I confirm.
Food for thought, huh? Vlad’s brain must be starving.
Nuclear blackmail…. NEVER thought we will see Russia fall to this level
@David Foster are you ready to go to the frontline or are you just gonna sit and wait to be evaporated?
@Pennywise The Dancing Clown What difference would it make?
@David Foster Hmm since you put it that way, you would not be wrong and I can understand. But I refuse to die evaporated, something has to be done!! I could say to stop it but that’s being naive and I know full well that it can’t be stopped. But we can survive.
I did
Fun fact – cruiser “moscow” sunk within the territory of “naval exclusive economic zone” of Ukraine, making it a new property of Ukraine. After it sunk – the rest of Black Sea fleet has no defense against “Neptune” missiles, so now they don’t get into Ukraine’s EEZ.
@Sambo J The guy commenting on youtube is not a Russian soldier. He may be speaking Russian but that does not warrant the hate that the other youtube commenter is spewing. Please refrain from sending me dramatic and irrelevant responses. The guy commenting on youtube is not facing a life or death situation from the Russian speaking youtuber. Do not be so dramatic here, you look ridiculous and foolish. Do not conflate what I am talking about with with being in the actual war. Just respect people who have done you no wrong… Speaking Russian is not a sin and it doesn’t make you less than Human.
@James Lopes I understand what you’re saying, you’ve misinterpreted my comment.
Yes,I confirm.
@Sambo J No you clearly don’t or you wouldn’t have responded to me with what you said. What you said, is just your opinion about something I am not even talking about.
@James Lopes I read it all. Inhuman acts lead people to believe that the aggressors have no humanity left. aka “Not Human”
Obviously people are people and all human, calling people “Not Human” is a mindset taken on by people that are usually victims.
You brought this up earlier & I was hoping for people to have a better understanding of where that phrase originates, even though it’s commonly misused.
You know you are scared when you threaten people with missiles.
Yes,I can do that!
Yes,I confirm.
@Young Jojo305 Hopefully the US will open up the military draft for anyone under the age of 25, put down the xbox, time to go to training for war!!!!!
Understanding the disaster that any nuclear response would set into motion, would Putin stop at Ukraine, or Poland, or Germany, or France, should NATO acquiesce to his demands? As dangerous as it has become, if the threat of the nuclear option is ever successful, a Pandora’s box of consequences would dominate the world’s future, since Russia is not the world’s only nuclear power.
@WestOfEarth how do u know his threats are Bluffs??
@WestOfEarth so basically Putin won’t risk use of them and lose everything he built over time
Yes,I confirm.
@Md Saddam to who?
Retreating to what he thinks the world is more afraid of. He should be aware that in a nuclear war there can not be a winner and Moscow itself can be wiped out like major cities in the western world.
No need to play with uncontrollable explosions.
Our USA entire cities would be disappear forever too!
No citizen of Russia will accept the fact that the main enemy of his state has inspired him with what kind of power can be in his country and which is not
No citizen of Russia will accept the fact that the main enemy of his state has inspired him with what kind of power can be in his country and which is not
No citizen of Russia will accept the fact that the main enemy of his state has inspired him with what kind of power can be in his country and which is not
@Kay Bonsu only his family, got a wife and 2 children
“us tropps tracked it all the way along its flight”
russia: it can not be tracked.
Before talking like this, it would be nice to understand the topic a little. Any object flying at high altitude can be tracked, but not always intercepted. In this case, this is exactly what we are talking about.
The warhead itself can’t be tracked during the re-entry phase due to ionizing gases enveloping the warhead. However, in the boost phase it most certainly can.
I love how Putin threatens the world about aggression toward his country when he is the one showing all the aggression. How warped and self righteous does he think he is. However Mr Putin we do not take our orders from you or any other bully. Which is what pisses you off. You started the war so you can end it. But enough with the threats because we are not the aggressor in any of this. YOU ARE.
He literally digs his own grave.
@Stephen Garner pay no attention to the trolls
they cannot possibly believe their own words
Yes,I confirm.
America rule
@Gregory Hall you must be a Trumpster.
America doesn’t need to flex its muscles. Putin feels like he needs to.
Yes,I can do that!
Simply because Morica is far behind Russia when it comes to Rockets.
Yes,I confirm.
Nobody’s threatened Russia – unless you count helping a smaller country to defend itself on its own soil as threatening.
It about nato Russia dosent won’t nato base or usa base on it boarders. That what it about
NATO is threat to them tho
we didnt threaten Russia, but we’re indirectly fighting another country by supplying ammo artillery n whatever else. that may cause our own conflicts between Russia
If were able to track it’s entire launch and movement, what’s to stop us from taking it down?
Tracking and intercepting are two different things ICBM’s move at incredible speeds and altitudes!
The idea has been thought of and programs were in place at one time. For example Nike Hercules missiles armed with nuclear warheads along with ground based early warning RADAR systems in the event of what would’ve been a Soviet first strike. However, it was subsequently determined it wouldn’t have been viable since they could’ve flooded the skies with decoy missiles, as well as real ICBMs, and simply overwhelmed such a defense. In addition, decoy missiles could also be employed and are still a concern even today, although they’re not being addressed to my knowledge.
each ICBM launches multiples warheads usually 10. Some of them are decoys. It’s impossible to stop all of them, after the warhead are launched from space their speed are too fast for 100% interception rate. Best window for interception is before the rocket reaches space, which is hard to do. The only result in a nuclear war is MAD, Mutually assured destruction.
@allltess That’s correct. The tracking issues occur once the warheads start to enter the upper atmosphere where frictional heating occurs. And therefore due to ionization RADAR can’t get a return. However, they’re easily tracked while still in low Earth orbit, prior to re-entry. And that data can be used to plot their likely de-orbital path. Even failing that it would not be overly difficult to determine their approximate target areas.
So we are doing “prudent, responsible things” and he just gets to do whatever he wants? When will enough be enough, one has to wonder?
Yes referring to the US’ nuclear test which was cancelled earlier this month.
Yes,I confirm.
When that many people would rather die than join your country, that’s already a huge humiliation.
Yes,I confirm.
Before making threats of using nuclear weapons, a true and responsible leader would always think about the safety of his own people in the first place. But Putin seems he doesn’t care about his own people, because he would be first to hide in a safety bunker
He is ex KGBs guy … He’s job to treat people whit lie… His says his not going to Ukraine … His says his gonna treat whit bomb who help Ukraine … been how many weeks now.. Why he wait so long .. He’s not gonna do that !
@sturg gaming Yes I do.
@Hypnotic what country ended ww2?
@sturg gaming USA, UK, and France. Russia was dead weight